Research Design Data and Data Source


3.1. Research Design

The method of this thesis is qualitative research because observes and analyses directly the subject of this study. Qualitative research is concerned with developing explanations of social phenomena. Bogdan and Biklen 1982 propose five characteristics of qualitative research as quoted from Aulia 2010:29, they are; a. Qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct source of data and researcher is the key instrument. b. Qualitative research is descriptive. The data collected is in the form of words of pictures rather than number. c. Qualitative research is concern with process rather than simply with outcomes or products. d. Qualitative research tends to analyze their data inductively. e. “Meaning” is essential to the qualitative approach. The design of this research is descriptive qualitative method since the data are in the form of words. This point discusses the way to collect, analyze, and get the valid data due to the need of completing the research objectives. Therefore, even when certain statistics were calculated, it is used to form a descriptive qualitative conclusion to describe the illocutionary acts occurred on the speech. The data are analyzed descriptively based on Searle’s theory especially on the types of illocutionary acts used by Joko Widodo’s in his political speeches. Universitas Sumatera Utara The technique which is used in this research is the analysis of written contents in a document. Such documents might include official records, letters, newspaper accounts, diaries, and reports, as well as the published data used in a review of literature.

3.2. Data and Data Source

The data are taken from the website The primary source of this study is Joko Widodo’s political speeches during the governor election campaign of Jakarta in 2012. The data of this research is every sentence in those speeches that contain the illocutionary acts. The more specific page where the writer took her data is on the page: Relawan Baru “New Volunteers” on 3 June 2012, Pidato Penutupan Kampanye Jokowi Putaran II “Closing Speech Campaign Jokowi Round II”, on 16 September 2012, Kemenangan Quick Count II “Victory of Quick Count II”, on 20 September 2012. In additional, the transcription of the speeches is used to ease the analysis of the speeches. This research focuses on illocutionary acts in Joko Widodo’s speeches. From the data source, the illocutionary acts is analyzed by focusing on the categories of illocutionary act based on Searle’s theory which are classified as declarations, representatives, expressive, directives, and commissives as the data. Universitas Sumatera Utara

3.3. Data Collection