18.18, Expressives total number: 4 or 12.12, Declarations total number: 1 or 3.03.

4.3. Overall Findings

Joko Widodo used Commissives 36.37 in most of his utterances. He expressed his hope to transform Jakarta into better. With a simple style of speech, Joko Widodo using Representatives 30.3 to convince voters to vote for him in the election of governor of Jakarta. Moreover, Joko Widodo used Directives 18.18, but it was the third highest number of occurrence. Joko Widodo preferred persuading people by stating touching facts to commanding them to do something. Moreover, Joko Widodo is expressive enough in delivering the speeches. He used Expressives 12.12 in the speeches. In every opening and closing speeches, Joko Widodo always expressive describe the state of his heart and his feeling. He just used one Declarations 3.03 because at that time he had not been officially elected as Governor of Jakarta although Quick Count results have shown that he is the winner. Universitas Sumatera Utara


5.1. Conclusion

Finally, in the last stage of this research, the findings of the research on Joko Widodo’s Political Speeches once again mentioned. The analysis and findings are explained in the following explanation. After conducting this research, it is found that speech acts used by the speakers when they say an utterances, which means saying and doing something. People can do anything through utterances such as commanding, requesting, and apologizing. Then, it can be concluded that speech act, which is focused on Illocutionary Act used by Joko Widodo have some Illocutionary Acts namely; Directives, Commissives, Expressives, Representatives, and also Declarations. Both of the research questions are successfully answered in this research. The first question about types of illocutionary acts of the utterances in the speeches have been answered by stating all types of illocutionary acts in the table of analysis and placing some examples of each type for further explanation. Then, the second research question has been answered by counting the result of research question number one and analyzing the most frequent type which occurred. With regard to classification of Illocutionary Acts in Joko Widodo’s Political Speeches, it was found out that five classifications of Illocutionary Acts with each percentage; they are Commissives 36.37, Representatives 30.3, Directives 18.18, Expressives 12.12, Declarations 3.03. The most dominant type is Commissives. Universitas Sumatera Utara