Definitions and objectives lled documents

19.2.1 Definitions and objectives lled documents

Let us first discuss controlled document and quality records, as defined in Frame 19.1.

Frame 19.1 Controlled document and quality record – definitions Controlled document

and quality

A document that is currently vital or may become vital for the development and maintenance of software systems as well as for the management of current and future relationships with the customer. Hence, its preparation, storage, retrieval and disposal are controlled by documentation procedures. The main objectives for managing controlled documents are:

re co

■ To assure the quality of the document.

rd s

■ To assure its technical completeness and compliance with document structure procedures and instructions (use of templates, proper signing, etc.).

■ To assure the future availability of documents that may be required for software system maintenance, further development, or responses to the customer’s (tentative) future complaints.

■ To support investigation of software failure causes and to assign responsibility as part of corrective and other actions.

Quality record

A quality record is a special type of controlled document. It is a customer- targeted document that may be required to demonstrate full compliance with customer requirements and effective operation of the software quality assurance system throughout the development and maintenance processes.

Frame 19.2 presents an overview of the types of documents that may be categorized as controlled documents. An examination of the document list reveals that a good number of the controlled documents may be classified as quality records. The magnitude of the list and its composition vary between organizations and depend on the characteristics of the customers in addition to those of the software packages. Contracts for large-scale “custom-made” software projects usually require quite different lists of controlled documents than do COTS software packages.

Frame 19.2 Typical controlled documents (including quality records)

19 Document

Pre-project documents SQA infrastructure documents

■ Contract review report

SQA procedures ■

Contract negotiation meeting

Template library

ation c minutes

SQA forms library ■

Software development contract

CAB meeting minutes ■

ontro Software maintenance contract

Software quality management documents

■ Software development

subcontracting contract

■ Progress reports

Software development plan

Software metrics reports

Project life cycle documents

SQA system audit documents

■ System requirements document

■ Management review report

Software requirements document

■ Minutes of management review

Preliminary design document


■ Critical design document

Internal quality audit report ■

Database description

External SQA certification audit ■

Software test plan


■ Design review report

Customer documents

■ Follow-up records of design review ■ Software project tender action items documents

■ Software test procedure

Customer’s software change ■

Software test report


■ Software user manuals ■

Software maintenance manuals ■

Software installation plan ■

Version description document ■

Software change requests ■

Software change orders ■

Software maintenance requests ■

Maintenance services reports ■

Records of subcontractor evaluations

The document types listed in Frame 19.2 are produced during the 391 implementation of a variety of SQA processes, to mention but a few:

19.2 C

Contract and negotiation process

Development process


Software change process

Maintenance services

Software quality metrics

lled documents

Internal quality audits. Many of the processes listed above are readily recognized as SQA processes,

while many of the controlled documents listed in Frame 19.2 are products of those processes. As other chapters of the book deal with the specific process- es, they need not be discussed here.

and quality

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