Computerized tools for managing software configuration

18.7 Computerized tools for managing software configuration

Computerized SCM tools have been on the market for many years. These computerized tools differ in their level of comprehensiveness, flexibility of application and ease of use. More comprehensive tools can supply most or almost all of the SCM information services listed in Section 18.5.

It is expected that a computerized tool will be able to comply with the required level of accuracy and completeness of information, and with the required level of availability (measured by the response time from request of information to its provision).

382 The computerized SCM tools also operate the mechanisms coordinating the work on an SCI’s changes and prevent different teams from simultane-

18 ously introducing changes in the same SCI.

C An additional benefit of the use of a computerized SCM system is the onfigur

high security level it is able to provide:

It secures the code version and documentation files versions by protect-

ation m

ing them from any changes, deletions and other damages.

It activates back-up procedures required for safe SCM file storage.

a Current enhanced tools are characterized by easier input capacities, coordi- n

a nation of SCM support teams operating in different development gement

environments, including geographically distributed teams, and provision of an expanded variety of reporting options.


(1) Define software configuration version.

A software configuration version is an approved set of the SCI versions that consti- tute a documented software system at a given point of time. The respective activities are controlled by software configuration management procedures.

(2) Explain the tasks of software configuration management.

Software configuration management tasks are classified into the following four groups: ■

Control of software change ■

Release of SCI and software configuration versions ■

Provision of SCM information services ■

Verification of compliance to SCM procedures.

(3) List the main tasks of software change control.

The main tasks of software change management can be described as:

■ Examining change requests and approving implementation those requests that qualify.

■ Controlling the changes and assuring the quality of approved changes. ■

Documenting the approved changes. ■

Applying mechanisms that prevent more than one team from simultaneously introducing changes into the same SCI.

(4) Explain the difference between baseline and intermediate software configuration versions.

Baseline versions are configuration versions that are planned ahead, during a sys- tem’s development or operating stage. As part of the process, baseline versions are also reviewed and approved. As a rule, they serve as milestones in the software

Intermediate versions are software configuration versions released, in most

cases, to respond to immediate needs. These may range from correction of defects identified in an important SCI to swift introduction of adaptations to meet a new

Selected bib

customer’s requirements. As expected, intermediate versions will not receive the attention and efforts typically invested in baseline versions.

(5) Explain the objectives of software configuration management plans.


The main objective of a software configuration management plan (SCMP) is to plan

ahead the required resources to carry out all the activities required for the software


configuration releases. An additional objective of the SCMP is to enable one to follow up the progress of activities involved in software version release. SCMPs are required during the development stage as well as the operation (maintenance) stage.

(6) Describe the nature of the tasks performed in software configuration management audits.

SCM audits are based on checking the tasks performed for samples of change requests, SCIs, and software configurations. Typical checks included in SCM audits include the percentage of cases of compliance with procedures or, alternatively, of failure to comply with procedures.

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