IEEE (1991) “IEEE Std 610.12-1990 – IEEE Standard Glossary of Software

h 2. IEEE (1991) “IEEE Std 610.12-1990 – IEEE Standard Glossary of Software

a Engineering Terminology”, Corrected Edition, February 1991, in IEEE Software t is

Engineering Standards Collection, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics


Engineers, New York. 3. ISO (1997) ISO 9000-3:1997(E), Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards – Part 3: Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:1994 to the

are quality?

Development, Supply, Installation and Maintenance of Computer Software, 2nd edn. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva. 4. ISO/IEC (2001) “ISO 9000-3:2001 Software and System Engineering – Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 to Software, Final draft”, International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva, unpublished draft, December 2001. 5. Juran, J. M. (1988) Juran’s Quality Control Handbook, 4th edn, J. M. Juran, Editor in Chief; I. M. Gryne, Associate Editor. McGraw-Hill, New York. 6. Paulk, M. C., Curtis, B., Chrissis, M. B. and Weber, C. V. (1993) Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version 1.1, CMU/SEI-93-TR-24, ESC-TR-93- 177, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. 7. Pressman, R. S. (2000) Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach, European adaptation by D. Ince, 5th edn, McGraw-Hill International, London. 8. Tingey, M. O. (1997) Comparing ISO 9000, Malcolm Baldridge, and the SEI CMM for Software. A Reference and Selection Guide, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.

Review questions

2.1 A software system comprises four main components. (1) List the four components of a software system.

(2) How does the quality of each component contribute to the quality of the developed software? (3) How does the quality of each component contribute to the quality of the soft- ware maintenance?

2.2 (1) Define software error, software fault and software failure. Explain the differ- ences between these undesirable software statuses. (2) Suggest a situation where a new type of software failure (“bug”) appears in a software package that has been serving 300 clients for the first time six years since the software package was first sold to the public.

2.3 (1) List and briefly describe the various causes of software errors. (2) Classify the causes of error according to the groups responsible for the error:

the client’s staff, the systems analysts, the programmers, the testing staff – or is it a shared responsibility belonging to more than one group?

2.4 What are the differences between the IEEE definition of SQA and the expanded definition used in this book?

2.5 Mr Johnson is a customer of the Adams and Lincoln stores belonging to the

Eiffel chain (see Section 2.3). His purchase records and returned goods records are as follows:


Adams Store Lincoln Store

for di


Returned goods


Returned goods


Jan 2000 100

20 60 5 u


Feb 2000 120 10 40 –

30 10 ion

Mar 2000

Apr 2000 80 5 50 10 May 2000

(1) Find for which of the months – Jan. 2001, Feb. 2001 or Mar. 2001 – does

Mr Johnson qualify for the 5% discount? What is the sum discounted? Calculate according to the correct procedure.

(2) According to the erroneous procedures, find for which of the months – Jan.

2001, Feb. 2001 or Mar. 2001 – does Mr Johnson qualify for the 5% discount in the Adams store and in the Lincoln store? What is the sum discounted?

2.6 According to the IEEE definition of SQA, quality control (QC) is not equated with quality assurance (QA).

(1) In what respects does QC vary from QA? (2) Why can QC be considered part of QA?

2.7 Examine the definitions of SQA and the objectives of SQA activities. (1) Is there a correspondence between the two definitions?

(2) If yes, show how the objectives of SQA activities aim at the implementation of the SQA concepts.

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