TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE Directory UMM :Perpustakaan Pak Onno:english:education:


A sophisticated and robust inter- and intra-campus technological infrastructure is an essential prerequisite to the UCDL. Without such an infrastructure, the UCDL cannot exist. At this early stage of UCDL planning, discussion of technology architecture and infrastructure is a discussion of context and design principles intended to remove barriers to policy choices regarding content, access, andor functionality. Appendix E describes what must be accomplished but leaves to a future system design team the task of specifying the technical means to achieve these goals. It is important to emphasize that the system must be designed with the understanding that content will outlive generations of access, storage, and retrieval technology and data formats and must migrate repeatedly without loss or distortion. It is important, however, to recognize that for the intermediate term continued infrastructure development will require incremental investment centrally and by the campuses, and that the services envisioned as part of the UCDL, including remote access, will require more bandwidth than UC currently has planned. The Office of the President and the nine campuses should continue and expand their investment in IT networking infrastructure and facultystudentstaff access and know-how for state-of-the-art hardware and software. The University should explore the development of network access capabilities beyond the physical boundaries of the University, with particular attention to moving beyond modem access in the classroom and off campus. Working with the system-wide Communications Planning Group, opportunities should be sought to conduct pilot projects in cooperation with communications companies, from local cable firms to global enterprises. Critical improvements are necessary in two functional areas: 1 print-on-demand infrastructure for electronic materials which are printable; 2 mechanisms for variable charging; and 3 an effective and rational authentication structure. Printing facilities offering cost, convenience, and quality options should be widely available.