B. Setting

The research took place at SMP N 1 Pakem which located in Jalan Kaliurang km.14, Pakem, Sleman, Yogyakarta.

C. Subjects

The subjects of this research were 61 students of 8 th grade and the English teacher of SMP N 1 Pakem.

D. Data Collection

1. Research Instruments In this study, the researcher applied three questionnaires. The first and the second questionnaire had the same purposes which were to assess target needs and learning needs as organized below. Table 2: The Organization of the Needs Analysis No Aspect Item Number Question Goal Reference

1. Students

personal identity to find out personal information about the students Target Needs 2. Necessities 1,2,3 to find out the students‟ needs in terms of target situation Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 55 Brown 2007: 308, 328, 367, 399

3. Lacks

7,8,9,10,11 to find out the gap between students‟ current proficiency and the target proficiency Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 55

4. Wants

4,5,6 to find out the students needs based on their point of view Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 56 Learning Needs 5. Goals to find out the reason of learning grammar Nunan 2004: 41

6. Input

12,13,14,15, 16,17 to find out the input, the topic, and the length of the text which is ideal for them Nunan 2004: 47

7. Procedures

18 to find out the activities that the students like most Nunan 2004: 52

8. Setting

19,20,21 to find out the setting of doing tasks that the students like most Nunan 2004: 70 9. Teacher‟s Role 22 to find the information about the role that the teacher should perform Nunan 2004: 64 10. Learners‟ Role 23 to find the information about the role of the students Nunan 2004: 64 Meanwhile, the third questionnaire had purpose to evaluate the developed tasks using expert judgment. The organization of the questionnaire is presented as follows. Table 3: The Organization of Expert Judgment No. The Purposes of the Questions Reference 1. To find out the appropriateness of the content in the materials BSNP 2. To find out the appropriateness of the language in the materials BSNP 3. To find out the appropriateness of the presentation in the materials BSNP 4. To find out the appropriateness of the graphic in the materials BSNP 2. Data Collection Technique The data were collected from the three questionnaires. The first questionnaire was given to the students and the second one was to the teacher. Both questionnaires contained the same questions which cover grammar needs of the 8 th grade students. The questions consisted of the students‟ needs of grammar, their lacks of grammar, their wants about learning grammar, input for learning grammar, the setting of learning grammar, the procedure, learner role, and teacher role. The type of the questions was in form of close-ended questions. Meanwhile, the third questionnaire was used for expert judgment. This questionnaire was used in order to examine the developed materials. The questionnaire was given to an expert of materials designer in this case was a lecturer.

E. Data Analysis Technique

All questionnaires that were used to gather data in this study produced quantitative data. The quantitative data from the needs analysis questionnaires were analyzed by calculating the percentage of each answer on the questionnaires by following the formula proposed by Sugiyono 2009: 144 below. Where: P : Percentage f : Frequency n : Total number of respondents 100 : Fixed number There were two types of questions in the needs analysis questionnaires. They were choosing from answers list and sequencing the answers. The three highest percentages answers of choosing from answers list would be used in this study. Meanwhile, answers that were placed as option number 1, 2, and 3 from the sequencing questions would also be used by the researcher. P = � � 100

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