Background of the Study

Related to the production of texts, it is often associated with reading and writing skills in which grammar is necessary in order to help students comprehend the texts. Simmons 2006: 52 states that “Teaching grammar by having students actively work with and manipulate language, both in reading and writing, helps them recognize patterns, essential for good reading ”. Therefore, grammar skills will help students understand how a sentence is constructed using the right choice of words and how to combine sentences into a coherent paragraph or text. Based on the observation that has been done in SMP N 1 Pakem, the researcher found that the teacher still applied the Grammar Translation Method where the students must translate every single word in a text. The method can be effective in some ways yet, it promotes a bad habit which in result, may prevent them from constructing a decent sentence or paragraph. When the researcher asked the students to make a paragraph, they used dictionary to translate word by word without taking into account to the sentence structures and the grammar. In order to solve those problems, the researcher proposes a set of communicative grammar tasks that will cover the students‟ lacks in the sentence, paragraph, and text construction which are related to grammar skills. The tasks will help students to gain grammar skills in order to help their reading and writing skills. Although the tasks cannot all be communicative, the researcher attempts to design it as communicative as possible. The type of the input and tasks are designed to be communicative and contextual. The tasks are expected to facilitate students to create their own texts properly and appropriately.

B. Identification of the Problem

From the explanation of the background of the study above, there are several problems related to the students‟ grammar skills. The first problem is the students‟ ability of understanding English sentence structure. When they are constructing a sentence, they translate word by word from the dictionary without considering the structure. In addition, they cannot use the right tense in their sentence or paragraph. When the students are asked to write their experience in the past, they still use random tenses. They mix at least two kinds of tenses, e.g. they used simple present and past tense, when they should have used the simple past tense. They also cannot distinguish between noun, verb, adverb, and adjective. It messes up their sentences for example they write „She study at the library ‟ instead of „She studies at the library‟. The second problem is the input that should depi ct the students‟ lives to make a contextual learning. The use of contextual input will lead the leaning to be as meaningful as possible so that it will be easier for them to understand the learning process. Also, the input should be matched with the texts that should be taught to 8 th grade students, descriptive, recount, and narrative text. The grammar materials have to be the grammars that are related to those texts which will help students comprehend the texts. The next is, from those input, there will be a need to identify the tasks and activities which are appropriate for 8 th grade students. Further, the setting to accomplish the tasks should also be considered, whether the students want to accomplish the tasks individually, in a small group, or in a big group. Another thing to be considered is the place where they want to do the tasks and activities. The place can be in the classroom, library, or the language laboratory. All of those aspects in developing materials ought to be identified with purpose of responding to the needs of grammar of 8 th grade students.

C. Delimitation of the Problem

From the problems that have been described, the researcher decides to delimit this study into the grammar tasks which can help students to gain grammar skills in order to understand more about texts which are a part of major materials. The researcher believes that grammar skills can help students to comprehend and create texts. The researcher proposes a supplementary communicative grammar tasks for 8 th grade students of Junior High School because the researcher perceives the students in SMP N 1 Pakem as lack of grammar skills. The tasks contain various grammar activities which are in the form of communicative tasks. Those activities can help students gain grammar skills. The tasks are matched with the 8 th grade syllabus and the texts that are required to be mastered by the students. The tasks aim to go along with the major course books which are used by teachers . Since the course book concerns on the students‟ ability in oral communication, it lacks grammar activities. To balance students‟ ability in oral and written skills, the tasks can be used as additional materials for 8 th grade students of Junior High School for the whole two semesters. This research study was conducted in April – September 2015 in the second semester of the academic year of 20142015.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the background of study, identification of the problem, and limitation of the problem, the problems were formulated as follows: 1. What are target and learning needs of the 8 th grade students of Junior High School? 2. What grammar skills should be mastered by the 8 th grade students of Junior High School? 3. What communicative grammar tasks are appropriate for the 8 th grade students of Junior High School?

E. Objective of the Study

The study aims at designing a set of communicative grammar tasks for the 8 th grade students of Junior High School. By conducting Research and Development RD, the writer tries to create appropriate communicative supplementary grammar tasks for the 8 th grade students of Junior High School. Later, students are expected to gain grammar skills through the tasks in order to assist students in comprehending and creating texts.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of this study is expected to give some practical and theoretical significance for the following parties. 1. Practical Significance a. For English teachers of 8 th grade students of Junior High School, the teacher can improve students‟ grammar skills using the tasks. b. For the 8 th grade students of Junior High School, the tasks can help students gain grammar skills easily. So that, they can master grammar skills for comprehending and creating texts. c. For other researchers who conduct research studies on the relevant topic, it can be a source. 2. Theoretical Significance Theoretically, this study provides beneficial and referential contribution in conducting communicative grammar tasks in order to improve students‟ grammar skills.

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