Delimitation of the Problem



A. Literature Review

1. The Nature of Grammar

Linguistically grammar is the mental system that allows human beings to form and interpret the words and sentences of their language OGrady, et. al. 1997: 10-11. Meanwhile, Byrd 1998: 3 reveals that grammar is a word of multiple meanings. He suggests that grammar can refer to the structure of a language, to particular approaches to the study of linguistics and languages to usage, and to books or materials on a particular language. Thus, the nature of grammar depends to a great extent upon the purpose of the scholar and the teacher and upon the academic tradition to which she belongs. Moreover, Conlin 1961 mentions: “to some people grammar means the study of correct English. To other it means the definition and identification of parts of speech. To still others it means sentence analysis, often with diagrams.” Conlin, 1961, p. 1-3 In contrast, Purpura 2004: 22 states that as L2 educators, teachers are required to have the necessary background knowledge to customize grammatical instruction to the needs of students and be able to draw on more than experience or reflection. Teachers must consult pedagogical grammars for information that might otherwise have ignored. He explains that a pedagogical grammar represents an eclectic, but principled description of the target-language forms, created for the express purpose of helping teachers understand the linguistic resources of communication. These grammars provide information about how language is organized and offer relatively accessible ways of describing complex, linguistic phenomena for pedagogical purposes. In conclusion, grammar refers to the rules for speaking and writing related to the sentence structure, parts of speech, the formation of words, the changes in words, etc. Meanwhile, pedagogical grammar is seen as linguistic phenomena for pedagogical purposes.

2. The Significance of Grammar Learning for 8

th Grade Students Learning English in SMP MTs is targeted to prepare the students in achieving the functional level to communicate orally and in writing in order to solve everyday problems, while for SMA MA students, learning English is expected to reach the level of informational because they are prepared to continue their education to the college. Epistemic literacy levels are considered too high to be achieved by SMA MA students because English in Indonesia serves as a foreign language. “English class in SMP MTs intended that students have the following capabilities. The first one is the ability to develop competence to communicate in oral and written form to achieve the level of functional literacy. Then the students are expected to have an awareness of the nature and importance of English to improve the nations competitiveness in a global society. Lastly, English is anticipated to develop students understanding of the links between language and culture.” Permendiknas No 22, 2006 In addition, the scope of English subject in SMP MTs includes the ability of using discourse. It is the ability to understand and or produce oral texts and or write which is accomplished in the four language skills, listening, speaking,

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