students and English teacher of SMP N 1 Pakem. The result of the needs analysis would be used to construct the course grid.

2. Writing Course Grids

After collecting data from the needs analysis result, the data were used to conduct the course grid. The course grid was also based on the conclusion of Basic Competencies from KTSP and the Curriculum of 2013. According to Nunan‟s 2004 theory about communicative tasks, there were 6 components that should be fulfilled including target students, goals, indicators, materials, tasks teaching and learning activities, teacher role, learners role, and setting. There was also an assessment in the course grid to show the students‟ improvement after learning the materials.

3. Designing the Materials Writing the First Draft

The course grids were realized into the first draft of the developed materials. There were 3 units that were developed. The first unit was entitled “Famous Things” which discussed on the grammar for descriptive text. This unit was consisted of 21 tasks. The second unit entitled “Fascinating Moments” was consisted of 20 tasks in which it explained grammar related to recount text. The last unit was entitled “Once Upon A Time” and consisted of 20 tasks. This unit was enlightened grammar related to narrative text. The last task of each unit was designed as an evaluation to measure students‟ improvement after learning the materials. Each unit followed the communicative task stages including awareness- raising stage, conceptualization, proceduralization, and performance.

4. Expert Judgment

The first draft of the materials that had been developed by the researcher was then examined by the expert. In this part, there was a questionnaire which was adapted from the criteria of materials development proposed by BNSP Badan Standar Nasional Penilaian. The result of the expert judgment would be used to revise the first draft of the materials. In addition, the results would show whether the materials were appropriate for the students or not.

5. Revising Writing the Final Draft

After evaluating the first draft of the developed materials, the results of the evaluation were used to revise the materials. In the end, it would produce the final draft of the materials that would be considered as appropriate materials for students and could be used as supplementary materials for 8 th grade students.

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