Theoretical Framework The Effect Of Price Factor And Knowledge Acquisition Mechanism On The Selection Of Property Location.


2.5 Theoretical Framework

Figure 2.1: Theoretical Framework Based on the theoretical framework proposed above, it can be seen that there are two elements that formed the framework, which are the independent and also dependent variables. The dependent variable that I used is property location selection. Each independent variable will be tested with the dependent variable to test the strength of each variable. Knowledge Acquisition Mechanism 1. Internet 2. Mass Media 3. Family and Friend 4. Property Agent 5. Site Visit or Developer Property Location Selection Price` Demographic Factors 1. Gender 2. Age 3. Education Background 4. Profession Sector 5. Income Level 19 For this research, there are several hypotheses that have been constructed to conduct testing that comply with the theoretical framework. The hypotheses are: H 1 0: There will be no difference between men and women in their property location selection. H 1 A: There will be a difference between men and women in their property location selection. H 2 0: The property location selection of individuals will be the same irrespective of the monthly income level. H 2 A: The property location selection of individuals will vary depending on monthly income level. H 3 0: The property location selection of individuals will be the same irrespective of the age. H 3 A: The property location selection of individuals will vary depending on age. H 4 0: The property location selection of individuals will be the same irrespective of the profession sector. H 4 A: The property location selection of individuals will vary depending on profession sector. H 5 0: The property location selection of individuals will be the same irrespective of the education background. H 5 A: The property location selection of individuals will vary depending on education background. H 6 0: The six independent variables will not significantly explain the variance in selection of property location. H 6 A: The six independent variables will significantly explain the variance in selection of property location. 20 The alternative hypotheses which are H 1 0 until H 6 0 will be formulated as the exact opposition to all the hypotheses that have been stated above. These alternative hypotheses indicate that there will be no relationship between the independent and dependent variables.

2.6 Summary