NONEL Plant SAP Implementation

Annual Report 2009 PT DAHANA 33

4. Implementasi SAP

Untuk menjawab tantangan persaingan dan menyesuaikan dengan kemajuan teknologi terkini, PT DAHANA telah menggunakan SAP sebagai tools atau alat untuk mendukung kegiatan operasionalnya. SAP Service Application and Product in data processing adalah sebuah softwareprogram database yang mengintegrasikan fungsi keuangan, logistik dan penjualan. Implementasi SAP di PT DAHANA telah dimulai sejak pertengahan tahun 2008. Sampai saat ini penerapan dan pengembangan SAP terus dilakukan untuk modul lainnya. Kelebihan yang dapat diperoleh perusahaan dengan imlementasi SAP diantaranya: Integrasi seluruh proses bisnis, menciptakan proses bisnis yang lebih efektif, access control yang sangat baik, dan peningkatan produktiias. Implementasi SAP memberi kemudahan bagi pembuat keputusan, karena dapat melihat data secara real time dan informasi yang up to date. Hal ini tentu saja sangat membantu terutama dalam pengambilan keputusan yang strategis.

3. Pabrik NONEL

Non-Electric Detonator merupakan salah satu accesso- ries yang saat ini makin diminati oleh pertambangan-per- tambangan besar seperti batubara, emas dan sebagainya, karena dapat mengurangi dampak peledakan yang berupa getaran pada lingkungan disekitarnya. Disamping itu kin- erjaperformance peledakan menggunakan non-electric detonator dinilai lebih baik dibandingkan dengan electric detonator. Sebagian besar kebutuhan nonel dalam negeri dipenuhi melalui impor. Melihat adanya kecenderungan permintaan yang semakin meningkat, PT DAHANA berusaha untuk memenuhi kebutuhan itu dengan jalan bekerja sama dengan pihak AEL African Explosive Limited untuk mendirikan pabrik NONEL PERTAMA di Indonesia. Dengan kapasitas produksi mencapai 3 juta unit per tahun, pendirian pabrik ini diharapkan dapat memenuhi permintaan untuk pasar dalam negeri.

3. NONEL Plant

Non-Electric detonator is one of accesories getting more interest in application at big mining sectors such as coal, gold, and so on since Nonel can reduce the impact of blasting such as ground vibration to the environment. Besides, the blasting performance using non-electric detonator is considered better than the electric detonator. All domestic Nonel demand is still fulilled from overseas. Since there is an increased demand trend, PT Dahana tries to substitute the import by cooperating with the AEL African Explosive Limited to establish the First NONEL plant in Indonesia. With the production capacity of 3 million units per year, the factory is expected to meet the demand of the domestic market.

4. SAP Implementation

To answer the challenges of competition and getting in with the latest advances technology, PT Dahana has implemented SAP as a tool to support its operational activities. SAP Service Application and Product in data processing is a software database programs integrates inancial function, logistics and sales. SAP Implementation in PT Dahana has been started in mid-year of 2008. The implementation and development of SAP are continually expanded to other modules. The advantages of implementing SAP are: business processes integration, creating efective business processes, very good access control and increased productivity. SAP Implementation giving simplicity to the decision maker by having real time data and info. It is very important for strategic decision making. 34 Laporan Tahunan PT DAHANA 2009 Pabrik Amonium Nitrat Sebagai bentuk kemandirian bangsa Indonesia, saat ini PT DA- HANA Persero tengah membangun Pabrik Amonium Nitrate, bekerjasama dengan PT Suma Energi Nusantara. Pembangunan Pabrik Amonium Nitrate terbesar di Asia Tenggara tersebut berlokasi di Kawasan Kaltim Industri Estate KIE, Bon- tang, Kalimantan Timur. Dengan nilai investasi yang diperkirakan mencapai US 400 juta, pembangunan pabrik ini melibatkan juga Yara AB, sebagai pemegang lisensi teknologi Kaltenbach- Thuring teknologi pembuatan Ammonium Nitrate yang berasal dari Norwegia. Pabrik AN ini direncanakan akan memiliki kapasitas produksi sebesar 300.000 ton per tahun. Jumlah tersebut cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan AN dalam negeri yang saat ini 90-95 masih tergantung kepada impor. PT DAHANA telah menyelesaikan studi AMDAL dengan bantuan konsultan dari PSLH UGM. Pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2008 pemban- gunan proyek ini telah resmi memasuki tahap kegiatan lapangan. Pada pertengahan Oktober 2008 PT DAHANA telah selesai melakukan land clearing dan survey topography, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan soil investigation sejak januari 2009. Pada tanggal 9 September 2009 999 dilakukan kick of pabrik terse- but. Pabrik ini direncanakan akan memulai produksinya pada ta- hun 2012. Dengan adanya Pabrik Amonium Nitrate ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap luar negeri, disamping merupakan bukti kemandirian bangsa dan bukti bahwa industri nasional dapat menjadi tuan di negeri sendiri. Ammonium Nitrate Plant As a form of Indonesian independency, PT Dahana is cooperating with PT Suma Energi Nusantara in developing the project of Ammonium Nitrate Plant. The establishment of this biggest Amonium Nitrate Plant in Southeast Asia is located in Kaltim Industrial Estate KIE area, Bontang, East Kalimantan. With an investment value of U.S. 400 million, the development of this factory also involves Yara AB of Norway, as a holder of Kaltenbach-Thuring technology a well known and proven technology in making AN. The AN Plant will have a production capacity of 300,000 tons per year. This amount will suiciently fulill the AN domestic demand which currently 90 -95 of which coming from import. PT Dahana has conducted Enviromental Impact Analisys AMDAL assisted by consultant from PSLH UGM. State of the project development has oicially entered the ield activity on August 8, 2008. In mid - October 2008 PT Dahana had inished the land clearing and topography survey, followed by land preparation, soil investigation in January 2009. This Plant is scheduled to start production on 2011. The Ammonium Nitrate Plant, is expected to reduced dependency on foreign countries, and to be the National Icon on Strategic Industry as a prove of Nation Independency. Annual Report 2009 PT DAHANA 35 Annual Report 2009 PT DAHANA 35 36 Laporan Tahunan PT DAHANA 2009 Sebagai bagian dari entitas ekonomi nasional, regional, dan global, kinerja DAHANA tidak dapat lepas dari pengaruh eksternal—di luar sistem organisasi perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, DAHANA selalu melakukan antisipasi akan munculnya dampak eksternal baik yang negatif maupun yang positif terhadap kinerja perusahaan. 36 Laporan Tahunan PT DAHANA 2009 KONDISI EKSTERNAL EXTERNAL CONDITION As a part of the national, regional, and global economic entities, DAHANA performance can not be separated from external inluences, outside the company’s organizational systems. Therefore, DAHANA will always anticipate the emergence of external efects, either negative or positive, to the company’s performance. Political Law The year 2009 is the year of democracy in Indonesia, marked with a democratic party – the General Election Election in 2009. The maturity of Indonesian nation was well proven, with the absence of signiicant political upheavals, whether before, during, and after the elections. The dissatisfaction from political opponents of the winning political party, did not lead to a disruption to the political stability and security in the country, on the contrary lead to the formation of a strong coalition government, although in early 2010 began to occur diferences between the government coalition parties, particularly on Century Bank Case. The stable national security and political conditions have brought an atmosphere, which supported the emergence of self-conidence in Indonesian business players. Therefore, nationally, the situations and circumstances were suicient to support business performance. The local political problems were actually the ones afecting DAHANA in many ways. The emergences of local regulations that vary had caused a longer chain of bureaucracy, and ultimately impede the low of investment and business in the region. The numerous elections for local leaders had brought obstacles to public services and caused instability in the region. Annual Report 2009 PT DAHANA 37

1. Politik Hukum