Deciding the research problem Find related literatures for the research Collecting the examples of to-infinitive phrase

40 the functions of the phrase were shown. Further, the result of this analysis, in term of its occurrence, was represented in Table 3.2.

F. Research Procedures

In conducting this study, the researcher employed five steps as follows:

1. Deciding the research problem

As every researcher does, deciding a problem or topic was necessary to conduct and confine the focus of the study. In this study, the researcher chose one research problem that is the most interesting. The topic was “what functions of to- infinitive occurs in the Jakarta Post articles? ”. The researcher believed that the Jakarta Post articles could be good data since newspaper is one of mass printed information media where a person can productively use their language competences, in both grammatical aspect and communicative approach, especially in the writing skill. Since the focus of the data is related to structure of phrases, the researcher needed some theories from related literature: infinitive, to-infinitive phrase and to-infinitive phrase in terms of its function, and syntactic analysis.

2. Find related literatures for the research

After deciding the topic, the researcher determined and comprehended the theories behind the topic discussion. The theories employed were related to to- infinitive phrase which had described in the review of related to literature in PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 chapter II. Those theories enabled the researcher to collect the accurate examples of to-infinitive phrases and help to analyze examples then categorized them into its functions. After all, those theories could be used as the backgrounds to answer the research problem.

3. Collecting the examples of to-infinitive phrase

When the theories had been determined and comprehended, the researcher looked for the examples of to-infinitive phrases from six articles. The articles were taken from online version of the Jakarta Post. It eased the researcher in collecting the accurate data. The researcher copied those articles into Microsoft Word then looked for phrases which contain to from those articles by using the find navigation. Since to is not only used in to-infinitive phrase but also in preposition phrase, the researcher had to separate them first. After separating them, the researcher used only the examples of to-infinitive phrases. To get the accurate examples of to-infinitive phrases, the researcher used the theories of infinitive and to-infinitive phrase that had been gathered in chapter 2 pp. 8 – 13. Thus, the examples were grouped to Table 3.1.

4. Analyzing the function of to-infinitive phrase