Research Method Research Setting Data Sourced



In this chapter, the researcher discusses the rationale of information to conduct the study. The discussion will be devided into seven subtopics which are research method, research setting, research participants, instruments and data gathering technique, data analysis technique, and the research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research was qualitative research. According to Gall and Borg 2007, qualitative research is a research which presents facts in a narration with words rather than focuses in sample of a population p. 31. A description is also given by Ary et al. 2010 stating that the goal of qualitative approach is to decribe a connection between parts of a whole and depth of understanding of a phenomenon rather than a numeric data analysis p. 29. Merriam et al 2002 state the result will be in a form of words or pictures to carry all data that have been gathered by the researcher. In addition, a descriptive-qualitative research is used when data collected through interviews, observations, or documents analysis are analyzed to identify the pattern of the data p. 5. 35 In term of the way the researcher got the data or samples of to-infinitive phrases, the researcher used document analysis as the methodology. According to Leedy Ormrood 2005, document analysis is a detailed and systematic examination of the contents of a particular body of material for the purpose of identifying purpose, theme or biased. Moreover, there are many types of document analysis that is typically performed of forms of human communication, including books, newspaper, films, television, art, music, video tapes of human interaction, and transcripts conversation p. 42. However, in term of the data analysis, the research used syntactic analysis see chapter 2 as the methodology to analyze the functions of to-infinitive phrases in the data or samples.

B. Research Setting

The research was conducted in Yogyakarta through syntactic analysis. The period of conducting this research was started from July 2016 until September 2016.

C. Data Sourced

The researcher used simple random sampling in taking the data sources. Wilson 2005 states simple random sampling is a type of probability sampling where each sampling location is equally likely to be selected, and the selection of PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 36 one location does not influence which is selected next. In other words, random is the basic characteristic of this sampling method. In statistical terms, the sampling locations are independent and identically distributed. The use of simple random sampling in this research was because the researcher needs to be objective in data gathering. The researcher further employed six newspaper articles for the Jakarta Post. The Jakarta Post was a famous daily printed and online newspaper in Indonesia which using English language for delivering the information. The researcher used newspaper articles in this researcher because newspaper was one of media where a person could productively use their language competences, in both grammatical aspect and communicative approach, especially in the writing skill. The articles taken was from the 25 th – 30 th of July’s editions in 2016. The researcher took one random article from each day. Moreover, the researcher believed that six articles were enough to provide the data needed. By conducting the analysis, the researcher had established and gained a vivid description and some examples of the functions of to-infinitive in the formal text.

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique