Priority Map for Others Priority Map for Others

  As mentioned earlier, others is placed in the quadrant opportunities and is thereby not the primary area of concern. However, it is important not to neglect this area, since the WLNs perform relatively well and it has the potential of becoming a more influential factor of satisfaction loyalty.

  The five excluded questions from the driver should not be forgotten. The empirical research even indicated that these are important areas even though they are not part of the WLN Model of Reader Loyalty. The three questions, which make up the variable, almost have the same level of influence on the variable and should receive the same amount of attention. The performance of the measurement variables in others, which are not included in the model, are evaluated as being poor (they are all below 60), as compared to the rest of the generic results.

  It is chosen not to include Q 33 and Q 37 in the operational priority map for others, since it

  would give an incorrect illustration of the truth, if these two questions were included in

  the calculation of the averages. Q 33 and Q 37 are unfortunately posed differently than the

  remaining questions, and can therefore not be included in the model or in the priority map. However, these two questions should be applied as additional questions for further analysis, since they provide knowledge about what the readers would wish their WLN included. Furthermore, Entertainment and tv-guide are some of the features, which are less often represented in WLNs compared to the other three excluded elements in the operational priority map of others.

  Operational Priority Map – others Operational Priority Map – others

  Q35-cars Q35-cars

  rm rm 55 55 Q32-job- Q32-job-

  o o

  rf rf 54 54 advertisements advertisements

  Pe Pe 53 53

  52 52 Q36-garden Q36-garden

  Relative importance of others Relative importance of others

  Figure 21

  The excluded questions are either placed in the weaknesses (Q 32 and Q 36 ) or strengths

  (Q 35 ) quadrants, as illustrated in figure 21. Q 35 has a relatively high performance and a high relative impact on others. This question concerns the car supplement. Due to the high impact on the variable, this area should be monitored closely. However, at the moment it seems like the average WLN does averagely good in this area (thus, there is always room for improvement). Nevertheless, when interpreting the results of the excluded questions in others, it should be remembered that the issues of the questions are not equally relevant for all WLNs. This can have had an impact on the answers and thereby the results. It does, however, seems to be realistic to assume that cars has a large impact on the variable, since this issue is most often present in WLNs.

  Q 32 concerns job advertisements, which are present in many WLNs, but with very diversified quality and amounts. The lowest performance of the three excluded

  measurement variables are within Q 36 concerning garden. The latter two measurement

  variables are located in the weaknesses quadrant and it can be recommended to improve performance within these two areas, in order to improve the overall performance of others.

  It would be recommended to conduct further research within these areas, when applying the model to an individual WLN. The point of departure being on the issues that the specific WLN contains or wishes to provide to their readers.

  In summary, the most important place for WLNs to start improving their performance is within image. It is essential that image is given a high priority in order to achieve and maintain loyal readers. By doing so, the WLNs can take a stronger stance in the competitive media market. When evaluating the secondary area of attention, a cost- benefit analysis should be carried out. This should be done in order to determine which efforts “pays off” (with loyalty) in relation to the money, time, and effort spend on the improvements. Hereby making the variable a strength for future reader loyalty of WLNs.

  E.g. some of the recommendations for improving the impact of others seem to be rather simple, and it is the variable with the least distance to the strengths quadrant. However, housing is important due to the advertisers’ investment in WLNs through housing adverts. It should therefore also be considered and evaluated, what the cost versus benefit of improving these variables would be.

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