Implications of the Results

9.7. Implications of the Results

  The final appearance of the WLN Model of Reader Loyalty (figure 15) has been influenced by empirical research and the choices made during the above described estimation process. It cannot be neglected that the model could have had a slightly different appearance if other choices had been made along the way. However, the final model is assumed to be a valid and representative model for the WLN industry, since the decisions have been based upon quantitative and qualitative research, as well as qualitative evaluations.

  The frame of reference had its point of departure in the ECSI model, which divides satisfaction and loyalty into two variables. However, the merging of satisfaction and loyalty, compared to the basic ECSI, have contributed to the conceptual model with a more simple and foreseeable structure. The point of departure in developing the model was that many people are loyal readers, and that it was the reasons and the drivers of this loyalty it was sought to investigate. However, bringing satisfaction into the equation was a necessity, since it was assumed that loyal readers are also somewhat satisfied. Nevertheless, providing a separate measure of satisfaction was not the issue in this case, since satisfaction is not what was being measured. However, it was important to include it in the equation since satisfaction and loyalty are closely connected, unless operating in

  a monopoly. According to Dr. Ned Roberto et al. loyalty is a more complex matter than a monopoly. According to Dr. Ned Roberto et al. loyalty is a more complex matter than


  a separation of satisfaction and loyalty. Furthermore, more nuanced questions about satisfaction and how the drivers had direct influence on satisfaction and loyalty separately would have been necessary, but would have created a much more complex model.

  The driver free and household distributed has been excluded from the model, not because it is not important for the readers, but it was found that the questions unfortunately were unsatisfactory to provide a usable result. Furthermore, it seems to be difficult for the readers to imagine that they would not receive the WLN at their doorstep, since it is a convenience they are used to. It can be difficult to imagine how one would behave and react, if this was to change in the future. It is a subject that would be interesting to examine further as would a study about how deep-felt the loyalty actually is as well as how large a part the “convenience” of the WLN actually contributes to the loyalty of the readers.

  The pinnacle of the CBBE model is called brand relationship. 272 If brand relationship is actually achieved among the readers, they would be willing to pay for the WLN and pick it up themselves (or pay to have it distributed). When true loyalty occurs, whether it is called a brand relationship or being an ambassador (as in the Ladder of Loyalty), the readers are not price sensitive and they recommend the paper to others, without being encouraged to do so. It could be very interesting to find out, how large a part of the readers are actually ambassadors and how many of the readers are loyal (read the paper frequently) due to the convenience of the WLN. Jones and Sasser have found that, except in very rare cases, total or complete customer satisfaction is essential to secure customer loyalty. The difference between a merely satisfied customer and a completely satisfied customer is enormous, where the level of loyalty for the completely satisfied customer is much higher than that of the merely satisfied customer. 273 It could be interesting to investigate the two groups (loyal due to convenience vs. ambassadors) further to establish how more people could be moved up the Ladder of Loyalty, from “just” being a loyal reader or regular customer to actually becoming an ambassador, and thereby becoming a more valuable asset for the WLN.

  271 Roberto, Dr. Ned Roberto, Ardy (2006), pp. B2-4 272 Keller, Kevin L. (2003), p. 99 273 Jones, Thomas O. Sasser Jr., W. Earl (1995), p. 89

  The variable image consists of only two questions in the generic model, which is due to the process of developing the model and the way the questions were posed. It is an advantage that a variable can be described using only two questions. It cannot be denied that some of the questions, which are excluded, could have provided a broader picture of the variable. However, it seems like image is an issue, which is important for the readers, but also somewhat blurred and difficult to understand, which has resulted in e.g. high missing values. It can also be the case that the questions have been posed in a context, where the other variables have concerned more specific and tangible issues, but where image is in a more superior category and therefore difficult to define. This could be the reason why the readers have had some difficulties answering the questions concerning image. Nevertheless, the questions which were properly answered showed a clear tendency that image is important to the readers and that the WLNs have not had enough focus on this area. It makes good sense, since (as mentioned in the image section in chapter 5) image is not the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of WLNs. As some of the respondents mentioned in the focus groups, WLNs are often perceived as an old-fashioned media, but it is of great importance that it makes readers capable of participating in the general “talk of the town”. This view is heavily supported by Head of Development at POLA; Lone Søndergaard, who mentions that the unique selling proposition of WLNs is their position as being the local turning point, and generating talk about local matters across a variety of people with that one thing in common that they all have a connection to the local area. 274

  In the WLN Model of Reader Loyalty, it is evident that housing does not have a significant impact on perceived value. It contributes to the overall satisfaction loyalty, but is not evaluated as providing readers with valuable information about the local area. This outlook can be influenced by the fact that many people had difficulties answering the questions about this subject, and it has therefore been difficult to measure, since it only interests a limited amount of the readers. It is found that some WLNs do not bring articles on housing-issues, but only have the housing supplement with adverts, which mostly interest the limited part of the readers who are in the market for buying or selling

  a home. It seems like curiosity about prices and “who are moving” is not as important as first anticipated. Therefore, those who are not in the market for buying or selling a home, have had difficulties expressing a clear opinion about the matter.

  With a starting point in the conceptual model, the presumed relationships in the generic model have now been estimated and the implications have been evaluated. The following chapter concerns the Frederikssund Avis case study.

  274 Appendix 12 - E-mail correspondence with Lone Søndergaard, 10 May 2007

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