Reliability Analysis

9.3. Reliability Analysis

  Through the factor analysis, the manifest variables’ suitability to measure the latent variables was evaluated and an alteration of the model took place. To evaluate the model’s capability of creating consistent results, the latent variables’ internal consistency reliability should be estimated, which is done by using Cronbach’s Alpha (CA). CA is a coefficient of reliability which varies from 0 to 1. According to Malhotra, a value of

  0.6 or less indicates an unsatisfactory level of internal consistency reliability. 258

  • For the driver local news CA is 0.819. • The determinant housing has a CA of 0.817.

  • In cultural offers and sporting results Q 16 is removed and the variable has

  a CA of 0.904.

  • In image Q 23 is removed, which results in a CA of 0.789.

  256 Malhotra, Naresh K. Birks, David F. (2003), p. 574 257 Appendix 9 - Rotated Components Matrix (Generic Model) 258 Malhotra, Naresh K. Birks, David F. (2003), p. 314

  • In perceived value Q 42 is removed and CA is 0.900.

  • Satisfaction loyalty has a CA of 0.930. • Others has a CA of only 0.441.

  Unfortunately, the low CA of others does not meet the demands for reliability. It is therefore assumed that others had too many different types of questions and that respondents had difficulties answering the questions. This is most likely due to their WLN not containing information about the specific topics. However, it is chosen to conduct a factor analysis, which only includes the measurement variables of the driver others. This is done because the subjects of others are perceived as being important and significant parts of WLNs’ totality. Even though not all WLNs include all the aspect of others, this “small content” is still perceived as being important parts of the WLN as a whole news source. Hereby, it is attempted to include the variable others in the WLN Model of Reader Loyalty.

  Firstly, a factor analysis was run without looking at missing values etc., in order to get an

  indication of how it would divide the eight measurement variables (Q 32 -Q 39 ). The factor analysis divided others into two components, one component consisting of Q 33 and Q 37

  and the other component consisting of the rest of the questions. The component with two questions concerns Entertainment, however, the CA was only 0.111, which implies that the reliability is far from satisfactory.

  Secondly, a reliability analysis of the remaining questions was conducted and revealed a CA of 0.817. It is therefore evaluated to be justifiable to include the variable others in the WLN Model of Reader Loyalty. When taking a glance at the analysis it became evident

  that Q 35 and Q 36 still had much too high missing values (app. 40) to include in the

  model and it would therefore not have provided a true image. Again, not all WLNs have articles about cars and gardens, hence, it is a generic model and it thereby gives a more true presentation not to include variables that only some WLNs have.

  Finally, after the factor- and reliability analyses, 21 measurement variables were removed. This was done because they did not have communalities that were high enough, because they did not fit with the other factors in the variables, or because the question decreased the variable’s CA. The seven variables and the 29 measurement variables are now ready for the model to be estimated via the Partial Least Squares technique (see figure 13).

  Generic WLN Model of Reader Loyalty Generic WLN Model of Reader Loyalty

  Q28 Q28 Q30 Q30

  Image Image

  Q1 Q1 Q4 Q4 Q5 Q5

  Local News Local News

  Housing Housing

  Perceived Value Perceived Value

  Satisfaction Satisfaction Loyalty Loyalty

  Cultural Offers Cultural Offers Cultural Offers

  Q50 Q50

  and Sport and Sport and Sport

  Others Others

  Q38 Q38 Q39 Q39

  Figure 13

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