Priority map for others Priority map for others

  As mentioned in the strategic priority map for Frederikssund Avis, it is important to monitor the development of others to maintain or improve the current situation. The three excluded questions of this variable are evaluated against each other in the operational priority map for others. It should be noted that establishing an average based on only three numbers does not provide an entirely fair presentation, however, it does provide an indication of the situation.

  Operational Priority Map – others Operational Priority Map – others

  c e c e 75 75

  Q35-cars Q35-cars

  rf rf 71 71 Pe Pe 69 69 Q32-job-advertisements 67 Q32-job-advertisements 67

  Q36-garden Q36-garden

  Relative importance of others Relative importance of others

  Figure 24 – Priority Map others for Frederikssund Avis

  Q 36 concerning the garden is the question that has the least impact on the variable (of the three excluded questions), and the area in which Frederikssund Avis has the lowest

  performance score (67). At the other end of the scale is Q 35 cars with a high impact on the variable and a high performance index (76). Q 32 job advertisements could be a place

  to start when wishing to improve the driver others. It is placed in weaknesses but could

  be on its way into threats. With a slight improvement in impact, as well as Frederikssund Avis’ performance in the area, job advertisements can become a strength as opposed to

  a threat. Comments have been made in the focus groups, as well as in the questionnaires, that the job advertisements in the WLNs often concern low-paid andor low-status jobs. 291

  A higher standard in jobs offered could improve the importance as

  well as Frederikssund Avis’ performance within the area. This could be achieved through communication with and attractive offers to the advertisers from companies within the region. However, it is important to notice that this should not be the primary area in which to take action, but could rather be an additional initiative.

  A Free Newspaper

  An additional question, which could be interesting to single out and examine further is

  Q 21. The question concerns whether or not the readers would be willing to subscribe to

  Frederikssund Avis if they had to pay DKK 5-10 for each edition (while still household distributed). In relation to Frederikssund Avis, the readers are much more “positive” towards paying for the paper, than the nationwide average WLN reader. The answering mean was 46.15 (on the scale 0-100) for Frederikssund Avis versus 21.14 for the nationwide study. With a sensitive question like this it is also possible that many people

  291 Appendix F (disc) Focus Group Discussion Holbæk, 17 January 2007 Appendix G (disc) Focus Group Discussion Frederikssund, 22 January 2007 291 Appendix F (disc) Focus Group Discussion Holbæk, 17 January 2007 Appendix G (disc) Focus Group Discussion Frederikssund, 22 January 2007

  4.3. 292 In Dick Basu’s Loyalty Matrix (section 4.3.), the willingness to pay for the paper would show a high relative attitude, which combined with reading the paper frequently (repeat patronage) equals a true loyal reader. 293 The readers who are willing to pay for Frederikssund Avis are moving closer to being placed in the upper part of the Ladder of Loyalty. 294

  In summary, the primary area for Frederikssund Avis to focus on is image. Local news should hereafter be the secondary area of priority. Furthermore, the remaining drivers should be monitored in order to follow the development in impact as well as performance. This is to be able to prevent any of the drivers from posing a threat against satisfaction loyalty. Comparing the case study of Frederikssund Avis with the results from the generic model, it is obvious that Frederikssund Avis’ performance is evaluated as being much better than the average WLN. Overall, the positive tendencies are favourable for Frederikssund Avis, because it is easier for them to achieve and retain loyal readers because there is a positive foundation to build on.

  292 Survey Value Inc. http:www.surveyvalue.comcustomersat_overview.html

  27 April 2007

  293 Dick, Alan S. et al. (1994), p. 101 294 Svanholmer, Bent (1996), pp. 269-270

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