are Investment loans saw no change in collectibility Rp 10,962 billion 10.9 of total loans were to Commercial borrowers were loans with no previous restructuring history were loans previously restructured were Rupiah loans were Investment loans of upgrad

62 Q4 2005 Loan Detail: Category 2 Loans Loan Profile: Q4 Category 2 Loans Rp 10,962 bn Bank Only „

47.7 are to Corporate customers


74.0 are current or 1 day overdue

„ Primary sectors in Category 2 are: ¾ Agriculture ¾ Chemical Manufacturing ¾ Trading, Hotels Restaurants ¾ Construction „

58.3 are Rupiah loans


54.8 are Investment loans


36.2 are Restructured loans


4.0 were purchased from IBRA


77.3 saw no change in collectibility Rp 10,962 billion 10.9 of total loans

in Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans were in Category 2 in Q4. Of these Special Mention loans in Q4: Cor p Com m Small Cur ren t 1 Day 30 31-60 61+ Agri Mfg-Oth Mfg-Chem Trading-HR Constr Trans Mfg-Text Trading-Oth Oth5 IDR USD In v e s t. WC Export Synd. Program O rgani c Restr IBRA UG to PL PL NC 1 to 2 New Bal. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GAS Days Aging Sector Currency Purpose Backgrnd Move. Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only 63 „

63.4 were to Commercial borrowers


78.5 were loans with no previous restructuring history


21.5 were loans previously restructured

„ Largest upgrades by sector: ¾ F B Manufacturing ¾ Non-Metal Manufacturing ¾ Raw Material Manufacturing „

80.6 were Rupiah loans


56.9 were Investment loans


61.2 of upgrades to PL were NPLs moving to Category 2


38.8 of upgrades to PL were NPLs moving to Category 1

Corp Comm Small O rgani c Restr OS Mfg-FB Mfg-NonM Oth Mfg-Oth Mfg-RawM Agri Oth5 ID R US D In ve st. WC Synd. Export

1 2

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 GAS Backgrnd Sector Currency Purpose Collect. Q4 2005 Loan Detail: Upgrades to PL Excluding Micro Consumer Loans Only Corporate, Commercial Small Business loans upgraded to PL in Q4 totaled Rp 148 billion 0.1 of total loans. Of these loans: Loan Profile: Q4 Upgrades to PL Rp 148 bn - Bank Only 64 Q4 2005 Loan Detail: Performing Loans Loan Profile: Q4 Performing Loans Rp 60,772 bn Bank Only „

46.1 are to Corporate customers 41.9 are to Commercial customers


81.9 have no restructuring history


16.5 are Restructured loans


0.2 were purchased from IBRA

„ Primary sectors in Category 2 are: ¾ FB Manufacturing ¾ Agriculture ¾ Construction ¾ Chemical manufacturing „

73.7 are Rupiah loans


55.1 are Working Capital loans