17 When Daemon save Katy from stopping the truck can be tracked and bear attack, the trace on Katy, make the Arum to find Katy and almost killed Katy. Before, the Arum don’t come their house a lot, because they don’t think any Luxen are there. Because the beta quartz in the Rocks throws off Luxen’s energy signature. While that’s one of the reasons why there are a lot of Luxen there. Even so, Arum is heading where Katy is. They saw Katy’s trace and then Katy is a huge risk with the trace. If Arum find Katy, they will kill her. “Humans are like glow-in-the-dark T-shirts to us. When we use our abilities around you, you can’t help but absorb our light. Eventually, the glow will fade, but the more we do, the more energy we use, the brighter the trace. Arum don’t come here a lot, because they don’t think any Luxen are here. The beta quartz in the Rocks throws off our energy signature, hides us. That’s one of the reasons why there are a lot of us here. But there must have been one coming through. He saw your trace and knew there had to be one of us nearby. It was my fault.” Obsidian, p. 206

3.3 Climax

After the incident in the dance party night, when Simon was trying to tempt Katy, Daemon came to the save her. He managed to make Simon fear and regret. After that Daemon take katy home. Half way home, suddenly Daemon out the words that make Katy surprised and he immediately slamming on the brake. When Katy try to see what caused such Daemon. And it turns out he realized that there was a man who was standing in front of their car. He knew the man. They are Arum. As if it was planned, Daemon reached down and yanked up his pants leg. He held something 18 long, dark and shiny. It is a kind of dagger sharp. It is Obsidian. Obdisidian is the only thing that can kill Arum. Daemon gave it to katy to protect herself from Arum. “This is obsidian—volcanic glass. The edge is wicked sharp and will cut through anytA ‘p-0ahing ,” he explained quickly. “It’s the only thing on this planet, besides us, that can kill the Arum. This is their kryptonite.” Obsidian, p. 275 After a few times using his strength, finally Daemon managed to kill one of the three Arum. After seeing his brother killed by Daemon, both Arum was not received. Then they joined their power to destroy Daemon. Sending Daemon spinning up into the air. Daemon’s light form faded and bringing him down to his knees on the side of the road. Daemon did not have to kill them anymore. She seemed exhausted by the light of issuance. Finally Katy jumped forward and brought it down with every ounce of strength she had with Obsidian dagger in her hand. She managed to kill one another between the two Arum. And then the remaining Arum left them. Barruck is Arum remaining. He was really angry and will definitely find Daemon and Katy to revenge against his family. The bad things that Barruck will be back to get revenge on his family and he was afraid that the DOD will know where Katy are. Daemon and his kind worry about the return of Barruck. Katy is lit up because of she was with Daemon when Arum attacked. Daemons emit a burst of light so that the sign was attached to the body of Katy. It makes Barruck easily find Katy and kill her. Daemon and his kinds try to find how to make Barruck appear before them. 19 “She’s lit up like a freaking disco ball,” Ash said accusingly. “I could probably see her from Virginia.” … “She was with me last night when the Arum attacked,” Daemon responded calmly. “You know that. Things got a little…explosive. There was no way I could cover what happened.” Obsidian, p. 293 Barruck is Arum remaining. He was really angry and will definitely find Daemon and Katy to revenge against his family. He is not only want to kill Daemon and want to have his power, but also he want to kill Katy who have been killed Arum with Obsidian. He try to find Katy and Demon in a good time. Katy have a plan to lure Barruck to get away from Daemon and his kind. Because if Barruck managed to find Katy, he will use her to destroy Luxen. She carry out her plan to go to the Fields near the school for lure Barruck there and then the Luxen come and take him down together. And it happen ed when Katy lure Barruck to get away from Daemon and his kind. He found Katy in the Fields near the school for lure by herself. But Barruck did not hesitate directly kill Katy. He try to revenge against of his family. And after that, he attacked back her and try to destroy her. No mercy. A few later, Daemon and his kind came to save Katy from Barruck attacke in the Fields. They try to destroy the remaining of Arum back who want to kill Katy. Finally, Barruck is dead. “If you make my trace stronger, I can definitely lead him away from here. And he won’t come here and Daemon” … “And I’ll be a liability. Baruck will know that. You have to stay here. If Baruck finds us together, he’ll use me to destroy you. The best plan is for me to lure the Arum away and let the guys meet me in the field and take him down together.” Obsidian, p. 326 20

3.4 Falling Action