3.4 Falling Action

After the first incident of Arum attack in the Fields, Katy is lit up like a freaking disco ball. The Luxen are worry about the return of Barruck. Because the trace on Katy makes Arum can find her back easily use her to get to Daemon. And Arum can contact DOD to inform them that Katy knows about identity of Luxen. DOD will interverne and do something is undesirable to Katy. Or she will be disappear. Daemon and his kind try to how to deal with the last Arum. Because Barruck is gonna see her no matter where Luxen put her. The Luxen are in danger. They try to get the trace off her, then that will buy them time to find Barruck. So, The boys of Luxen, they are looking for Baruck. They are going to continue searching and keep an eye on things. Arum will not stop until he has Daemon. So Daemon should be protect her from Arum attack. He will not let Arum destroy her because she would be a weakness to him. “I killed two of his brothers and gave you the means of killing the third.” He was totally at ease discussing the fact that there was a deranged alien out to kill him. He had balls. I liked that about him. “Arum is vengeful creatures, Kitten. He won’t stop until he has me. And he will use you to find me, especially since you came back. They’ve been on Earth long enough to recognize what that can mean. That you would be a weakness to me. Obsidian, p. 307 The boys of Luxen spotted Baruck. He is heading this way Luxen are in danger of the trace on Katy and she is a weakness of Daemon. Because of that, Katy have a plan to lure Barruck to get away from Daemon and his kinds and let the guys meet her in the field and take him down together. If Barruck managed to find Katy, 21 he will use her to destroy Luxen. Katy carry out her plan to go to the fields near the school for lure Barruck there and then the Luxen come and take him down together. After the incident that Katy was lure Barruck in the field, Daemon and his kind searching the whole country to make sure that there are no Arum. And they have not seen a single one. After that, Daemon gave Katy something reached into the front pocket of his jacket. And it ws a piece of Obsidian about three inches long, polished and shaped into a pendant. The glass was shiny black. It seemed to hum against her skin, cool to the touch. The silver chain it hung from was delicate, spiraling over the top of the pendent. The other edge was sharpened into a fine point. “Yes, Mommy. I’ve been with another group, searching the whole damn state to make sure there aren’t any Arum that we’re not aware of,” Daemon said, his deep voice soothing a weird ache within me at the same time I wanted to thump him upside the head. Obsidian, p. 350 “Believe it or not,” Daemon said, “even something as small as that can actually pierce Arum skin and kill them. When it gets really hot you’ll know an Arum is nearby even if you don’t see one.” Obsidian, p. 352

3.5 Resolution