3.1 Exposition

The exposition of this novel is beginning in West Virginia. Katy and her mother move from Florida to West Virginia because they want to leave all the sadness that is in Florida. Since his father died, her mother always trying to forget the sadness by her work. After her father died, her mother always want to stay away from their house. Finally they decided to move as far away as possible from house to West Virginia Daemon is an Alien and he has a twin sister who is also an alien. They are from beyond the Abell, It is the farthest galaxy from the Earth, about thirteen billion light years from here. And he is about another ten billion or so. There is no telescope or space shuttle powerful enough to travel to his home. There never will be. The name of his planet. It was called Lux. And he is called Luxen. He came here in a meteorite shower fifteen years ago, with others like him. But many came before them, probably for the last thousand years. Not all of their kind came to this planet. Some went farther out in the galaxy. Others must’ve gone to planets they couldn’t survive on, but when it was realized that Earth was sort of perfect for them, more came here. After explaining about himself, Daemon explained that the presence of him and the other Luxen was known by some locals who think that they are God only knows what And no branch of government who knew about them but not their power. DOD is a branch of that government who think that Daemon and his kind are 14 harmless freaks. While Katy was the only one who knows they are. DOD will intervene and do something that is not desirable to katy if Katy inform someone about them. Besides, there are others out who want to have the power that the Luxen have, especially the power of Daemon. They will do anything to get Daemon to and others. “I don’t know. I just do. And honestly, no one would believe you. And if you made a lot of commotion, you’d bring the DOD in, and you don’t want that. They will do anything to make sure the human population isn’t aware of us.” Obsidian, p. 183 They are Arum and their planet was destroyed by Arum. Arum is the only enemies of the Luxen who want to steal their power. They come from Luxen’s sister planet. They destroyed the Luxen’s house. The Arum is the children of the shadows, they have the determination to suffocate all the light that is in the universe. “The Arum are the children of the shadows, jealous and determined to suffocate all light in the universe, not realizing for one to exist so must the other. Many Luxen feel that every time an Arum is killed a light in the universe fades away. It’s the only thing I remember about Mom.” Obsidian, p. 193 There are Arum are in this planet with Katy and Daemon. The Government thinks that they are Luxen. Luxen do not tell the truth to the DOD because they think that the DOD will realize the power of Luxen through the Arum. They will do anything to make sure the Luxen stay secret. Therefore Katy should not let anyone know about the Luxen. Luxen will not let the DOD find out about Katy, because if they knew, katy will be disappear. 15 “But I do remember the name of our planet. It was called Lux. And we are called Luxen.That’s Latin for light. We came here in a meteorite shower fifteen years ago, with others like us.But many came before us, probably for the last thousand years. Not all of our kind came to this planet. Some went farther out in the galaxy. Others must’ve gone to planets they couldn’t survive on, but when it was realized that Earth was sort of perfect for us, more came here.” Obsidian. p. 175 Daemon watched Katy for a few moment and said that he and his kind were too young to know what the name of our galaxy was. Or even if his kind felt the need to name such things. And finally he remember the name of his planet.

3.2 Rising Action