Definition of Key Terms

1. Theoritically, the study will give some precious contributions to the field of teaching English as a foreign language TEFL. Furthermore, it can be a beneficial reference for teachers, syllabus designers, and curriculum developers in designing or redesigning an English syllabus for urban planning. Moreover, it is expected to be a reference for applied linguists who may use the result of this study in conducting further related studies. 2. Practically, since Diploma IV of Road Safety Transport Management is a new study programme and is the only major in the Southeast Asia, the result of this study may become the first reference for English instructors or lecturers who teach English to Road Safety Transport Management students. The result of this study, further, can be a guidance in determining the learning material which meets the goal of the teaching.

1.6 Definition of Key Terms

Here are the key terms related to this thesis proposal. 1. Need analysis is procedures used to collect information about learners’ needs Richards, 2001:51. Macalister and Nation 2010:24, further, added that needs analysis makes sure that the course will contain relevant and useful information to learn and good needs analysis involves asking the right questions and finding the answers in the most affective way. 2. In addition, the type of syllabus carried out, as Flowerdew 2005, in Taghizadeh, 2013:3796 stated, for the most part, depends on the need analysis previously conducted in that the target situation i.e., what learners need to do is examined and that the learning needs i.e., how are learners best motivated to acquire the language and skills revealed through the target situation analysis are taken into account as well. She also clarified that some aspects of two or three different syllabuses, not a particular syllabus, are considered as the basis of the many syllabi developed by course designers. 3. Task-based syllabus, as Richards 2001:161-162 pointed out, is a syllabus in that specifically-designed tasks are used to facilitate second language learning. In other words, task-based syllabus is the one in which tasks or activities are the basic unit of syllabus design. In addition, there are two types of tasks in a task-based syllabus namely real-world tasks which refer to the uses of language in the world beyond the classroom, and pedagogical tasks — tasks that occur in the classroom. 4. Meanwhile, the primary concern of the text-based syllabus is with what learners do with language i.e., what they do with the whole text in a context and with the units of discourse called text as well Feez and Joyce, 1998:4. Text-based syllabus, also known as a genre-based approach, views communicative competence as involving the mastery of different type of texts Richards, 2006:32. 5. English for Specific Purposes ESP is an approach to language learning which is based on the learner’s need in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learner’s reason for learning. Furthermore, Hutchinson and Waters 1992:19 explained that it is also specifically based on the learner’s need for English in specific professional areas. 1.7 Theoretical Framework I employed a case study which focuses on a unit of study i.e., individual students, lecturers, and stakeholders. The subjects of this study were 62 students of Diploma IV of road safety transport management programme study from the fifth semester, four lecturers, two English lecturers and two stakeholders i.e., Dishubkominfo Kota Tegal and Dinas PU Kabupaten Brebes. I investigated their needs through questionnaire, interviews, and observation. The data, furthermore, were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative data were obtained from interview and observation. By contrast, the results of questionnaire were analyzed quantitatively using Statistical Package for the Social Science SPSS 16.0. After organizing the information of the unit of the study, the data were interpreted into target and learning needs. Those target and learning needs, furthermore, are the fundamental basics of designing such a new English syllabus. The objective of this study, however, is designing an English syllabus in the context of English for specific purposes. Furthermore, in designing a new English syllabus, I attempted to integrate two elements of syllabi i.e., task-based syllabus and text-based syllabus since the idea of integrating those two syllabi are needed to address the complex goals of a program. The goal of this program, furthermore, to develop their abilities to communicate in English in the right context of transport safety management in their field of work. 9