Focus of the Study

secondary source. 9 The source of data has the relation with where the data is obtained. 10 After that, the data will be analyzed. Analysis data is a process to look for and arrange the data sistematically 11 In this research, the primary source is a movie in 2013 entitle The Call and the secondary sources are the books of literature, film, and psychology. Then, there are some techniques taken by the writer to analyze the data. Firstly, the writer watches the movie for the first time to know the characters and the problems. Secondly, the writer reads the script to get a deep understanding. Thirdly, the writer makes a brief note about Foster’s character and his problem. Fourthly, the writer watches the movie for twice to m ake sure Foster’s characteristics and his problems. Fifthly, the writer analyzes the characteristics of Michael Foster and his problems. Lastly, the writer makes conclusions of the findings.

4. The Instrument of Research

According to Siswantoro, the instrument is a device to collect the data. 12 In the literary research, the instrument is the writer herself. 13 So that, based on the theory, the instrument of this research is the researcher herself because the writer is watching the movie, analyzing, and describing data that relate to the research question. 9 Ibid. 10 Ibid ., p.72. 11 Sugiyono 2010, op. cit. p. 89. 12 Siswantoro 2010, op. cit. p. 73. 13 Ibid.

5. Unit Analysis

Unit analysis is the characteristic of thing, person, or something that can be the center of attention and the target of research, and seen from its attitude, its activity, its opinion, its view, or its process. 14 Based on that definition, the unit analysis in this research is a movie which was directed by Brad Anderson in 2013 entitle The Call and published by TriStar Pictures.

6. Time and Place of the Research

This research takes place in the main library of State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, the library of Adab and Humanities Faculty, National Library of Indonesia, and also the library of Indonesian University. 14 Saifuddin Azwar, Metode Penelitian Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 1998, p. 35.