The Instrument of Research



A. Previous Research

In this research, the writer is not the first researcher that used The Call movie as the corpus. The research about The Call movie has been done before by Vira Mireta in 2015 in Multimedia Nusantara University Jakarta in her thesis under title Representasi Kekerasan Simbolik terhadap Perempuan dalam Film “The Call” Analisis Semiotik Charles Sanders Pierce . Using qualitative descriptive method, Mireta analyzes about the symbolic violence against women in the film using Charles Sanders Peirce‟s semiotic theory. The result of this research is that there is a symbolic representation of violence against the women with the torture and ill-treatment done by men which is symbolized by icons and sign indexes. The similarity from this research is that the writer also uses The Call as the corpus. However, in this research, the writer uses the different theory with Vira Mireta. The writer uses the theory of Sigmund Freud‟s personality structure to analyze Foster‟s character through his personality problem, while Vira Mireta uses Charles Sanders Peirce‟s semiotic theory. Another researcher which has the similar theory with the writer is Septian Hega Pratama in 2015 in State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In his thesis under title Psychological Problem of the Main Character in Mr. Brooks Movie; Psychoanalysis Approach , he analyzes about Mr. Brook s‟ character as the main character to know the psychological problem from the concept of personality structure id, ego, and superego of the main character in the movie. Using qualitative descriptive method, he finds out that character of Mr. Brook, the main character, suffers depression which is a part of psychological problems. It appears when he thinks that he has such a perfect life, but then trouble comes and ruins it all. He is more depressed after his daughter pregnant and gets involved in a murder situation. He cannot punish her daughter, so he kills people as the replacement for his daughter. But he needs someone to blame for all of his mistakes. That is the reason that the main character suffers mental disorder and makes imaginary friend named Marshall. His psyche disorder because his three parts of structure personality; id, ego, and superego, does not work properly so that the main character tries to overcome Marshall as the manifestations of the superego and id as a part of his structure personality. Therefore, his ego makes some defense mechanism such as; projections and rationalizations. His ego makes usage of many defense mechanisms to help him cu re his depression. The similarity of this research with my research is that both using personality structure from Sigmund Freud as the theory to analyze the character. Whereas, the difference is in Pratama‟s research, the character has an imaginary friend who helps the main character to take the decisions for what he will do. The other research that has similar theory is Nurul Hikmah Maulanie in 2011 in State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.