An Analysis of Michael Foster’s characteristics and his personality problem in the call through psychological approach by sigmund freud.


A Thesis

Submitted to the Faculty of Adab and Humanities as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Strata 1 (S1) Degree


Lisda Pangestu Ariyono 1110026000075





Approach by Sigmund Freud. Thesis: English Letters Department, Adab and Humanities Faculty of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, 2016. The purpose of this research is to know about Michael Foster’s characteristics and his personality problem using the concept of Personality Structure by Sigmund Freud. The writer uses descriptive qualitative method to analyze the problem. The data are collected from the scenes, the dialogues, and the appearances of Michael Foster and analyzed using psychoanalysis theory.

From the analysis of this movie, the writer finds the characteristics of Foster who reveals who he is. Foster has a personality problem which is started by the absence of parents in his oral stage. This condition causes the unstable personality, but the presence of his sister can maintain Foster’s unstable personality. Later, it is aggravated by the death of her where it leaves a deep impact on Foster and has an influence in his present. The fact that his sister died many years ago puts Foster in difficult situation to show his love and express his missing. So, he looks for the girl who has the similarities with his sister to displace her. Foster’s personality structure (id, ego, and superego) cannot work balanced. Those feelings become Foster’s dominant id and take control of Foster. In fulfilling his id, Foster’s ego uses defense mechanism to reduce the anxiety and avoid the unpleasant feeling, such as repression, displacement and projection. Foster is controlled by his dominant id and his ego guides him on making a decision where his superego, that needs the perfection, cannot supervises Foster’s ego. The id is too dominant to take control of Foster.





another person nor material which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgement has been made in the text.

Jakarta, September 2016



would like to give appreciation and many thanks to Allah SWT, the Lord of the universe and the thereafter. She is nothing and cannot do anything without Him. God guide us with all of his blesses in our life. Then, peace and blessing is upon to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW and those who follow him in goodness till the day after.

This paper is presented to English Letters Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta as partial fulfillment of the requirement for strata one degree.

The writer would like to express the highest gratitude to her family; her parents and her brother who always give supports everyday and cheer her up that make her strong. Most of all, she dedicated this thesis for all of his big and beloved big family for the time they spend.

The writer is very thankful to her advisors; Ms. Pita Merdeka, M.A and Mr. Akhmad Zakky, M.Hum for the greatest patients and contribution on finishing her paper. She thanked you and thanked you again. The advices that have given to me are really useful and may Allah SWT bless them and their family.


vi Faculty

2. Drs. Saefuddin, M.Pd., the Head of English Letters Department. 3. Elve Oktafiyani M.Hum., the Secretary of English Letters Department.

4. All lecturers of English Letters Department for their encouragement to the writer.

5. To beloved parents, Mugiono and Umi Arifah, for their love, patience, and support. I do love you.

6. All my beloved classmates in Happy C Family and Literature Class for giving the support during the process of finishing this paper.

7. My best lady and man in the world for making the writer gets a nightmare at night, Lestari Rejeki and Andry Wirawan. Big hug and kiss for you. Thanks for all the support, time, and patience you gave to the writer. She really appreciates it.

Finally, the writer hope the thesis is not only useful but also invites the others to discuss about psychoanalysis more.

Jakarta, September 23rd, 2016









A. Background of the Study ... 1

B. Focus of the Study ... 4

C. Research Question ... 5

D. Research Methodology ... 5

1. The Method of Research ... 5

2. The Objective of Research ... 5

3. The Technique of Data Analysis ... 5

4. The Instrument of Research ... 6

5. Unit Analysis ... 7

6. Time and Place of the Research ... 7


A. Previous Research ... 8




A. Character and characterization Analysis of Michael Foster ... 25

B. Personality Structure of Michael Foster ... 41


A. Conclusion ... 60

B. Suggestion ... 62



1 A. Background of the Study

In this era, entertainment is a must. People need it for themselves after spending time for long activities. All are well supported by the easy ways to get the entertainment. Shopping, traveling, swimming, listening to music, and even sleeping are some ways that people do to entertain themselves. There is no exception with watching movie. It gives us an entertainment, an enjoyment, a pleasure, and a lesson.

Based on Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. P., a movie is a moving image1 or a unique and powerful art form. It consists of the narration of events in time that makes the movie become powerful and attractive. The events are more likely on something that is going; music, painting, or even literary work.2 They can be found almost on every side because they produce an artistic art. Although they are same each other, they have different ways to say something to the audience. For example, when poem communicates indirectly with its symbols, movie communicates directly; when a stage play should compromise the story’s unity, the movie can provide a continuous, unbroken flow which blurs and minimizes transition.3


Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, The Art of Watching Films (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008), p. 3.


Rudolf Arnhein, Film as Art (California: University of California Press, 1957), p. 8.



Movie itself helps us to see the world or the environment around us. It influences the way we talk, we think, and even we act. All scenes in movie shape the mindset of us. In another word, movie is a media to say something important or deliver the current issue to the audience. The issue raised in movie is not only about the elements of movie that come behind the scenes, the culture or religion, but also about the human problems as a part of group or as an individual.

The issue about human individually can be raised from the psychology. Psychology is also an important part of movie which is very influential in character’s feeling. It is usually experienced in the past and then has the impact in the present. Those memories from past become the attractiveness that led how they fight and survive in anxiety and fear. This topic makes psychoanalysis become interesting in the movie.

Movie and psychoanalysis has a special connection.4 Movie works as a connector to describe the psychology topic in human life while psychoanalysis is one of some approaches method which is used as art critics in the world of cinematography5 to find the psychological problem in the movie analysis.

A movie with psychological issue is The Call. This movie described about a man controlled by the urges or impulses of his dominant id to get pleasure and secure by slashing someone’s scalp. This movie is an American crime thriller movie published by TriStar Pictures on March 15th, 2013 and


Anggadewi Moesomo, Psikoanalisis dan Sastra (Depok: PPKBLPUI, 2003), p. 59.



directed by Brad Anderson. Furthermore, The Call is a successful movie that gains the income over $68 million.6

This movie told about an ordinary man named Michael Lewis Foster. Foster worked in a hospital as a Med Tech or Medical Technician. Foster was a young, quiet, simple, and successful person. If he had to face some problems, he kept them just for himself. He never let anyone know his other side or his problems. Later, he would solve them with his own way. Actually, Foster’s life had been completed with the presence of his wife and two sons. However, behind his excellence and perfect life, Foster had a personality problem that made his personality become unstable.

Foster’s unstable personality was started when he was young. The absence of parents in his life made Foster depend his life on his sister named Melinda Foster. But, this condition was aggravated by the death of Melinda. She died of cancer and lost her blonde hair. It influenced Foster in his present. Since that incident, Foster began obsessed with blonde hair that every girl had and started to kidnap the girl then slashed their scalp. In Foster’s perspective, that blonde hair represented Melinda. He would do anything for having the girl’s blonde hair. Even killing was the right way for him.

As Foster’s sister, Melinda was a beautiful and attractive girl who had shoulder-length blonde hair. She was around twenties and really took care of her hair’s beauty. However, she was suffering from cancer. The disease made her lose her blonde hair. In this moment, Foster never left her side and always



supported her by giving a hug or kiss. Until one day, his sister died in a state of baldness.

This incident left a very deep wound for Foster. Since then, Foster’s personality got worse and started to take control of Foster’s action. On one hand, Foster was a figure of man which was responsible for his family. On the other hand, he had a strong desire or urge for a shoulder-length blonde hair.

From the explanation about Foster’s personality problem above, Sigmund Freud’s theory about personality structure is appropriate to be used in this research. Based on Freud’s theory, human behavior can be created by the combination of id, ego, and superego. The id is where all impulses come from and works based on pleasure principle. Later, the impulses are delivered to the ego, a decision making of personality, to decide what kind of action will be taken. Then, the superego, which is operated by moralistic principle, decides whether it is right or wrong and good or bad to be done. Based on that explanation, the writer is interest to analyze the character of Michael Lewis Foster and his personality problem using Sigmund Freud’s personality structure as the appropriate theory to analyze it.

B. Focus of the Study

Based on the background of the study, this research focuses on the character and characterization of Michael Foster and the personality problem experienced by him using Sigmund Freud’s personality structure.


C. Research Question

Based on focus of the study, the problem of this research can be formulated in the manner of:

1. How are Michael Foster’s characteristics described in this film? 2. How does personality structure of Foster work in this film? D. Research Methodology

1. The Method of Research

This research uses a descriptive-qualitative method. According to Kutha, this method can be done by describing the facts and then analyzing them.7 So, the writer describes Foster’s characteristics and explains about his personality problems.

2. The Objective of Research

Based on research question above, there are two objectives of this research. They are:

1. Describing the characteristics of Michael Foster as the main character in The Call movie.

2. Understanding and comprehending about personality structure of Foster viewed from Psychoanalysis.

3. The Technique of Data Analysis

Data are the source of information that will be selected as an analysis material.8 They are divided into two parts: primary source and


Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra (Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2012), p. 53.



secondary source.9 The source of data has the relation with where the data is obtained.10 After that, the data will be analyzed. Analysis data is a process to look for and arrange the data sistematically11

In this research, the primary source is a movie in 2013 entitle The Call and the secondary sources are the books of literature, film, and psychology. Then, there are some techniques taken by the writer to analyze the data. Firstly, the writer watches the movie for the first time to know the characters and the problems. Secondly, the writer reads the script to get a deep understanding. Thirdly, the writer makes a brief note about Foster’s character and his problem. Fourthly, the writer watches the movie for twice to make sure Foster’s characteristics and his problems. Fifthly, the writer analyzes the characteristics of Michael Foster and his problems. Lastly, the writer makes conclusions of the findings.

4. The Instrument of Research

According to Siswantoro, the instrument is a device to collect the data.12 In the literary research, the instrument is the writer herself.13 So that, based on the theory, the instrument of this research is the researcher herself because the writer is watching the movie, analyzing, and describing data that relate to the research question.




Ibid., p.72.


Sugiyono (2010), op. cit. p. 89.


Siswantoro (2010), op. cit. p. 73.



5. Unit Analysis

Unit analysis is the characteristic of thing, person, or something that can be the center of attention and the target of research, and seen from its attitude, its activity, its opinion, its view, or its process.14 Based on that definition, the unit analysis in this research is a movie which was directed by Brad Anderson in 2013 entitle The Call and published by TriStar Pictures.

6. Time and Place of the Research

This research takes place in the main library of State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, the library of Adab and Humanities Faculty, National Library of Indonesia, and also the library of Indonesian University.



8 A. Previous Research

In this research, the writer is not the first researcher that used The Call movie as the corpus. The research about The Call movie has been done before by Vira Mireta in 2015 in Multimedia Nusantara University Jakarta in her thesis under title Representasi Kekerasan Simbolik terhadap Perempuan dalam Film “The Call” (Analisis Semiotik Charles Sanders Pierce). Using qualitative descriptive method, Mireta analyzes about the symbolic violence against women in the film using Charles Sanders Peirce‟s semiotic theory. The result of this research is that there is a symbolic representation of violence against the women with the torture and ill-treatment done by men which is symbolized by icons and sign indexes.

The similarity from this research is that the writer also uses The Call as the corpus. However, in this research, the writer uses the different theory with Vira Mireta. The writer uses the theory of Sigmund Freud‟s personality structure to analyze Foster‟s character through his personality problem, while Vira Mireta uses Charles Sanders Peirce‟s semiotic theory.

Another researcher which has the similar theory with the writer is Septian Hega Pratama in 2015 in State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In his thesis under title Psychological Problem of the Main Character in Mr. Brooks Movie; Psychoanalysis Approach, he


analyzes about Mr. Brooks‟ character as the main character to know the psychological problem from the concept of personality structure id, ego, and superego of the main character in the movie. Using qualitative descriptive method, he finds out that character of Mr. Brook, the main character, suffers depression which is a part of psychological problems. It appears when he thinks that he has such a perfect life, but then trouble comes and ruins it all. He is more depressed after his daughter pregnant and gets involved in a murder situation. He cannot punish her daughter, so he kills people as the replacement for his daughter. But he needs someone to blame for all of his mistakes. That is the reason that the main character suffers mental disorder and makes imaginary friend named Marshall. His psyche disorder because his three parts of structure personality; id, ego, and superego, does not work properly so that the main character tries to overcome Marshall as the manifestations of the superego and id as a part of his structure personality. Therefore, his ego makes some defense mechanism such as; projections and rationalizations. His ego makes usage of many defense mechanisms to help him cure his depression.

The similarity of this research with my research is that both using personality structure from Sigmund Freud as the theory to analyze the character. Whereas, the difference is in Pratama‟s research, the character has an imaginary friend who helps the main character to take the decisions for what he will do.

The other research that has similar theory is Nurul Hikmah Maulanie in 2011 in State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.


In her thesis under title An Analysis of Esther’s Psychopath Problem in

Orphan Film Viewed from Psychoanalysis Theory by Sigmund Freud, the character of Esther is her focus. This character is analyzed to know what is the psychopathic problem experienced by her. Her analysis uses descriptive qualitative as a method by explaining about the intrinsic and extrinsic elements of film, such as dialogue and the scene. Furthermore, she analyzes them using psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud. The result of this research is that Ester‟s character has a mental disorder called psychopath with the characteristic of liar, manipulative, impulsive, and aggressive. It is caused by the imperfect of Esther‟s psychosexual development which stops in phallic stage.

The similarity between this research and my research is using Sigmund Freud‟s personality structure as the theory to analyze the character in the movie. The difference is my research does not use psychosexual development to know the sex development of the character as the foundation of her psychopathic problem.

Based on the explanation above, the first research uses the same corpus with the writer, The Call. The other researches use personality structure by Sigmund Freud as the theory. However, they use different concerns with the writer in doing the research. In this research, the writer concerns with the relationship of Michael Foster‟s character and his personality problem which has the influences in his present time.


B. Definition of Movie

Movie is a kind of art. Movie itself is defined as a motion picture that has so many elements in there. Character, plot, theme, and movie director are some examples of movie‟s elements. Those elements then join together and give a big contribution in making a movie with the business people.16

Movie concerns on moving images that communicates to the audience visually and verbally. Movie is like other types of arts, but it does not use symbol, rhythm, or words on pages to speak. From the beginning until the end, the movie will be presenting images that have been developed in order to make up the story.17

Movie is unlimited not only in its choice of subject but also in its approach to the material. It does not talk about present. Sometimes, the past will have presented to be told. Movie can make a few seconds seem like hours or compress a century into minutes.18

There are some advantages that can be taken by watching movie. Besides for entertaining the people, movie can educate people at the same time. There are usually things that are to be conveyed by the director or screenwriter. It could contain cultural issues or global news.


Pamusuk Eneste, Novel dan Film (Jakarta: Penerbit Nusa Indah, 1991), p. 16.


Rudolf Arnhein, Film as Art (California: University of California Press, 1957), p. 8.


Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, The Art of Watching Films (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2008), p. 67.


1. Character and Characterization a) Character

To make a film, it takes some significant elements. They can be plot, character, cinematography, setting, sound effect, and so on. One of the most important elements is character, a person who plays a role as another person and has a tendency to make a problem. Characters are the basic foundation of screenplay19 because they build the arrangement of events become powerful, colorful, and attractive. If there is no character, there will not be a story. The personality of character itself must be trust: strong or weak, old or young, smart or stupid, wise or hesitant, right or wrong.20 Those personality can be seen by the way they talk, think, and interact with the others.

Character can be divided into some categories. According to Barsam and Monahan, two of them are major and minor character.21 Character who is the center figure of story and has an important influence is called major character. It guides us to know who the characters are and understand how the story happens. What they do in film make something happen and vice versa. Their characteristics are clear and unpredictable.22 It raises our tension on watching film. Besides major character, there is minor character that has less


Syd Field, Screenplay: the Foundations of screenwriting (New York: Dell Publishing, 1979), p. 26.


Robert McKee, Story, Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting

(USA: Regan Books, 1999), p. 106.


Richard Barsam and Dave Monahan, Looking at Movies: An Introduction to Film

(USA: W. W. Norton & Company, 2010), p. 147.



important role in the film. His function is just to accompany the major character. His action is predictable23 and still same from the beginning until the end of the story.

b) Characterization

Characterization is the sum of all observable qualities of a human being, everything knowable through careful; scrutiny: age and IQ; sex and sexuality; style of speech and gesture; choices of home, car, and dress,; education and occupation; personality and nervosity; values and attitudes – all aspects of humanity we would know by taking notes on someone day in and day out.24 Characters should be real, understandable, and worth caring about.25 Characters in the story and the story itself must be same. Both of them are believable.

Characterization in movie can be seen from all aspect. Unlike the novel, movie shows the characters directly and visually. When someone is told as a murderer, there will be a murder scene in the movie that shows his action.

Characterization through Appearance

The characters in a movie play a very large role. When they appear for the first time, characterization in film has a great deal to do with casting. A major aspect of film characterization is revealed visually and instantaneously.26


Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, Op. Cit., p. 67.


Robert McKee, Op. Cit., p. 100&101.


Joseph M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, Op. Cit., p. 60.



When the characters appear, the audience will make an assumption by seeing their facial features, dress, physical build, and the way they move. The assumption can change anytime as the story is on progress, but the first impression seeing them is really influential.

Characterization through Dialogue

Characters in a movie will show their truly self by what they say, the way they deliver their words, and their choice of words. Their thought, their feeling, and their emotions will be revealed by dialogue. The using of dialect and sentence structure also shows their social and economic position.27

Characterization through External Action

Action has the biggest part in revealing someone‟s character. A character usually does what he wants to do and has the motive behind his action. A relationship between the character and his action will be clear and a story will grow naturally. If the motivation for character‟s action is clearly established, the character and the plot become closer and impossible to separate.28

Characterization through Internal Action

If there are unseen or unheard actions in a movie, they should be an inner world of action. It is difficult to be understood, because no one knows what the others think. These internal actions


Ibid., p. 61.



occur in characters‟ minds and emotions. They are unspoken thoughts, fears, daydreams, memories, happiness, or even secrets. It is really important to be understood as long as the characters exist.29

Characterization through Reactions of Other Characters Sometimes the information about a character comes from the other characters. Even, there is a scene where the characteristics of the main character are found before she or he appears. They will show and tell about the problems which is caused by the main character and the characteristics of him or her.30

Characterization through Choice of Name

One important method of characterization is the use of names possessing appropriate qualities of sound, meaning, and connotation. The choice of characters‟ name cannot be done randomly. The name must have the meaning that is compatible with their action and their attitudes. A screenwriter usually thinks out his characters‟ name carefully.31

C. Psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis is first introduced by Sigmund Freud. Freud was born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, Moravia. His father, named Jacob, is a




Ibid., p. 64.



seller and his mother, named Amalie Freud, is an active woman. Freud has two brothers, Emanuel and Phillip. He spends his entire life in Wina.

Freud continues his study at the University of Vienna Medical School. During his college years, he is involved in various kinds of research. He is very creative and productive. In writing his research, he is really thorough. The main focus of his research is neurophysiology.

In 1885, Freud got a chance to study about hysteria in Paris with Josef Breuer. Hysteria is a disorder characterized by paralysis or impaired function of organs. Freud emphasized that sexual experience is a source of hysteria. In 1895, Freud published his work entitled Studies of Hysteria. In this book, Freud introduced the term “psychological analysis” that he later described as “psychoanalysis”.

Freud then developed the idea of self-defense mechanism in 1920. The concept is further enhanced by his daughter, Anna. Freud believes that personality is divided into three part functions; Id, Ego, and Superego. D. Personality Structure

In 1920, Freud introduces three important parts of personality structure. He divides human personality structure based on their functions or purposes.32 The first is id, which is unconscious; the second is Ego that has conscious, preconscious, and unconscious components; and the last one is both of preconscious and unconscious, superego. They interact with


Jess Feist & Gregory J. Feist, Theories of Personality, Sixth Edition (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2006), p. 27.


each other to make an interaction as human behavior. Although they have their own power, they also have their limit in human‟s personality.

1. Id

The deepest part of personality is id. The id is unconscious. The id contains of all urges, instincts, needs in human self, started from the birth until the death. This part of structure personality is beyond our awareness. The id does not have a contact with reality too because all of the urges, instincts, or needs come from the id must be satisfied.

The id works based on pleasure principle.33 The id just needs satisfaction. All the id wants, the id gets. There is no tolerance for time and reality. But the id influences someone‟s words, feeling, and actions.

The obvious example of this part is a newborn baby. Actually, a baby sucks her mother‟s nipple to survive. By doing her action, a baby gets the satisfaction. It is not a matter if the nipple is present, but the condition will change when the nipple is absent. A baby will look for another thing to replace the nipple without thinking it is possible or impossible. And the last thing she found is sucking her thumb. She does not even realize that sucking her thumb cannot make herself survive.



The id is a source of all energy stimulation; life or death, and desire of sex. The id never devises a plan to get what it wants. The id also cannot make a decision and distinguish whether it is right or wrong. Pleasure is the only purpose of id.

2. Ego

Ego is the only part of personality that can make a contact with reality. The ego itself does not have energy. Ego can do its function because of the energy from the Id. The ego is used to communicate with external world. “The ego becomes the decision-making or executive branch of personality”34

based on reality principle.

Of all urges, instincts, or needs come from id, ego must choose which desire that is rational and irrational. Afterwards, ego has to get the appropriate objects to satisfy its wish.35 In this action, ego must be able to control the unreasonable demands of the id. The contact with reality makes ego to do things that ego should do, but sometimes it creates a conflict between id and ego. One way to push down the rational demand from id is postponing it. Actually it is because what she wants is produced yet. By postponing it, the ego avoids the pain in the id.

3. Superego

Superego stands for moralistic and idealistic principles. This personality structure is different from the id and ego. When id wants to


Ibid., p. 29.


Ferdinand Zaviera, Teori Kepribadian Sigmund Freud (Jogjakarta: PRISMASOPHIE, 2007), p. 94.


have the satisfaction and the ego tries to make a decision, the superego must choose what should or should not do.

Like the ego, superego does not have its own energy. Superego gets the energy that comes from the id. This energy distribution occurs when the id wants something. A well-developed superego can hold the impulse from id. In carrying out its duty to make a decision or the reason behind it, the ego is always supervised by the superego. When there is a thing that is contrary to the moral standard of superego, the ego will feel guilty. The inferior feeling also appears when the ego fails to meet the standard of perfection set by superego. “The superego, however, is like the id in that it is completely ignorant of, and unconcerned with, the practicability of its requirements.”36

E. Defense Mechanism

In 1926, Freud introduced defense mechanism for the first time as a method to control the urges or needs in ourselves. This method is built by the ego to satisfy the id. The main purpose of ego forming defense mechanism is to reduce the anxiety and unpleasant emotions.37 That anxiety and unpleasant emotions actually occur in facing the impulses from the id. By using defense mechanism, the ego transforms the impulses becomes another thing which is better.


Ibid., p. 31.


Clifford T. Morgan & Richard A. King, Introduction to Psychology, fourth edition, (Japan: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1971), p. 374.


1. Repression

The most common and powerful defense mechanism is repression. According to Morgan, Repression is a kind of “forgetting” where a person forgets the things that make him uncomfortable.38 In another word, it is a way to reduce the emotional frustration by pushing down the unwanted memories or undesired feeling and thoughts to the unconscious.39 This is a fight of the id and ego. When the ego must face the urge from id and that urge is something unwanted, the ego protects itself by pushing down that urge to the unconscious. For example, someone can easily forget to pay a bill because paying it might bring him or her uncomfortably close to insolvency.40

2. Displacement

Displacement is a way to reduce the anxiety by shifting the impulses onto another people or object. This replacement may be done for people cannot express their feeling in a safe manner to a person they directed at. For example, a woman is getting angry with her boss. Because she respects her boss, she cannot do something or show her anger to the boss. What she will do is obeying her boss. Then, she may displace her anger onto her boyfriend, her pet, or her roommate.41




Jess Feist & Gregory J. Feist, op. cit., p. 35.


Clifford T. Morgan & Richard A. King, op. cit.



3. Projection

Projection is a one of defense mechanism by attributing someone‟s unwanted urge or instinct to an external object. This is due to the excessive anxiety. Actually it is a tendency to see the urge from the others that we do not want to have. Whereas that urge comes from our own self. 42 For example, if a student has a strong desire to cheat on his examination but cannot admit it to himself due to the moral code, he will distrust of others and accuse them of cheating when they are innocent.43

4. Sublimation

The only one of defense mechanism that can be accepted by society is sublimation. Sublimation makes the urges and instinct from the id becomes more acceptable either culturally or socially. The purpose of this mechanism is to maintain a stable relationship between human being and his social activity, so the social achievement and personal pleasure can be reached.44 For example is when someone cannot satisfy his sexual motive, he will satisfy the motive by finding some other outlet which seems to reduce the tension, such as painting, visiting the art, or listening to music.45


Ibid., p. 37.


Clifford T. Morgan & Richard A. King, op. cit., p. 376.


Ferdinand Zaviera, op. cit., p. 109.



5. Regression

Regression is a process of returning to the habit in the past due to an anxiety in the developmental stage. This is a way that people usually take to reduce the anxiety. As people get the anxiety, they will look for a safer and more comfortable place or situation. Their habit also will change to their old one. Besides that, they will shift their libido into the more familiar and primitive object.46

For example, a boy drinks his milk from a bottle when his sister is born. He will do this after seeing his sister sucks her mother‟s nipple. The anxiety that he experienced makes him wants to find a more secure position. So, he starts to drink milk from a bottle.

6. Rationalization

It is a form defense mechanism by changing the motive. An individual explains his behavior in such a way as to assign a socially approved motive and conceal the unacceptable motive. For example, a student who gets the bad score in her study will blame her teacher for her failure. She can tell the others that the teacher is not fair enough with her, or maybe the teacher does not have a long time to explain the materials.47

7. Introjections

When the projection is a kind of defense mechanism that divert unwanted impulse to the external objects, introjection adopts the


Jess Feist & Gregory J. Feist, op. cit., p. 36.



positive values of others into his own ego. It is intended to resolve the nagging feeling. In this case, an adolescent will imitate her favorite artist started from the lifestyle and the behavior. It makes the adolescent to appreaciate and see herself better.48




In this research, the writer focuses on Michael Foster‟s character. Michael Foster was a medical technician who worked at the hospital. He lived with his wife and his two sons in the center town. As a med tech, Foster was a quite successful man. He loved his job and his family. Behind his perfect life, he had unstable personality. It was due to the absence of parents when he was child. Later, his unstable personality was aggravated by the death of his sister, Melinda Foster. He kidnaped the girls who had the similarities with his sister, especially having shoulder-length blonde hair. Later, he slashed their scalps and collected them in a cellar that he prepared for remembering his sister. The reason behind his action was because her sister lost her blonde hair when she suffered from cancer.

From The Call movie, the character of Michael Foster has a personality problem. For that reason, in this chapter the writer answers and explains the research question by following the focus of the study that analyzes what the character and characterization of Michael Foster are and how his personality problem is showed by Sigmund Freud‟s personality structure.

This research is divided into two sub-chapters. The first is character and characterization analysis of Michael Foster. And the second is personality structure of Michael Foster. The writer focuses the analysis from Foster‟s appearances and dialogues with other characters. The scenes of the movie are also presented in this chapter.


A. Character and Characterization Analysis of Michael Foster

Character is someone who builds the arrangement of events to be powerful, colorful, and attractive. If there are no characters, there will not be a story. That personality can be seen by the way they talk, think, and interact with the others. In this movie, the character of Michael Foster has an influence to make up the story. Through his character, the story in the movie runs. In the beginning of movie, Foster is described as a mysterious man because there is no clear description about him. But then at the next scenes, he is depicted clearly. Michael Foster is a white, cool, good looking, and middle-age man. It can be seen through his physical appearance from the pictures below:

Picture 1 (00:29:24) Picture 2 (00:43:38)


From the picture 1 and 2, Foster is showed as a man who has a thin beard, pointed nose, and short brown hair. His appearance is simple like the usual person. Foster is a man who seems happy wearing casual clothes wherever he goes, such as long or short t-shirt and shirt and jeans. Sometimes, he also gets his cap and sunglasses to make his appearance good. This characteristic is also supported by picture 3 that explains more about Foster‟s appearance. When Foster goes to the public places, he never wears something flashy or having many patterns. He just puts his casual outfit that does not attract people‟s attention around him. His appearance in this picture also tells about his composure.

From the picture 4, the thing nearby him also supports the establishment of early assumption that Foster is a simple person who does not like flashy things. For example, we can see that Foster drives an old car with a dark color. It proves that as a usual person, Foster does not want to show up who he is and what he has. This habit is also espoused by the way Foster organizes his house.

Picture 5 (00:55:01) Picture 6 (01:00:05)

Foster had two houses. They were in downtown and town center. From the color of Foster‟s houses, Foster chose soft color for the interior and did not put


much decoration on it. The dialogue below between his wife and the police officer below also proves that Foster chooses the color of his house himself.

Police Officer : How about this cottage? The red one behind the house.

Foster’s wife : Ours.

Police Officer : What it means? Still owned?

Foster’s wife : Yes, we own it. Michael has been renovating it.


From that explanations of his appearance and his habit above, it can be concluded that Foster is a simple person like the others. There is nothing wrong with Foster from his outside. He likes to wear casual outfits and does not use something with flashy colors and have much patterns. These things also show his composure in his life. In addition, as it can be seen from picture 5 and 6, Foster‟s houses in the town center and downtown prove that Foster prefers soft colors than full ones and does not put any decorations on it. He chooses the color by himself, even his wife said that Foster renovates it. They indicate that Foster does not want to show who he is.

The next characteristic of Michael Foster is a successful man. As a successful person, Foster is described as a man who has a good job. From the dialogue between Foster‟s wife and the police officer below, it can be concluded what Foster does and where he works.

Police Officer : Where is your husband?

Foster’s Wife : He is working.

Police Officer : Where? Where does he work?

Foster’s Wife : It is downtown. Brent Vista Medical Center. He is a med



The quotation above is taken when the police officers went to Foster‟s house to look for some information about Foster. In that house, they met Foster‟s wife and his children. After asking his wife where Foster was, they knew that Foster was working in his office. Foster‟s wife said that her husband worked as a Med Tech in Brent Vista Medical Center. As we know, med tech or medical technology is a kind of job which helps to analyze samples of tissue, blood, or other body fluids to be given to the doctor or other medical industry. This person must have a certain number of academic trainings and clinical experiences before being able to practice.

As a med tech, Foster had good education and a number of experiences in his youth. It means that Foster has a high social status because based on Julie McMullin, social status can be seen from occupation, education, wealth, and ownership.44 Furthermore, Foster spent his youth to learn about this field and it put him in a position where he could be trusted to help doctor or other medical industry for analyzing samples of body fluids. Thus, his hard work during his life time made him become a professional med tech. So that, from the explanation above, we can know that Foster is a successful person in his work.

As a person who has a high social status, Foster‟s success also can be seen from his wealth. One of his wealth is having several houses in different regions. The pictures below show his properties.


Julie McMullin, Understanding Social Inequality; Intersections of Class, Age, Gender, Ethnicity, and Race in Canada, (Canada: Oxford University Press, 2004), p. 35.


Picture 7 (00:54:53) Picture 8 (00:59:26)

The picture 7 shows the region of Foster‟s main house. This house was located in the town center. This was a house where Foster lived with his wife and sons. In this house, Foster prepared all things needed by his wife, his sons, and himself. Besides having the house in town center, Foster had two houses located in the downtown as they are showed on the picture 8. The houses on picture 8 were his old house. Foster grew up and spent his youth there with his sister. The houses became the witness of Foster and his sister‟s separation long time ago. Although Foster had not lived there anymore, those houses still belonged to him. Sometimes, Foster went there to check the condition. The quotation of Foster‟s wife below shows that Foster is the owner of those houses.

Police Officer : Where is this house?

Foster’s wife : It’s where Michael grew up.

Police Officer : Where is it?

Foster’s wife : It’s gone. It burned years ago.

Police Officer : How about this cottage? The red one behind the house.

Foster’s wife : Ours.

Police Officer : What it means? Still owned?

Foster’s wife : Yes, we own it. Michael has been renovating it.


The quotation above is taken when the police officer came to Foster‟s house and asked her about the houses in the photo. For the first, she did not give the clear answer but later she told him that the houses in the photo were theirs and Foster was renovating it.

From that explanation, it can strengthen the analysis before that Foster is a successful person. His success is showed by his wealth that consist of having several houses in different regions; one in the town center and two in the downtown. Although he does not live in his downtown houses anymore, Foster remains the legal owner of those houses. He still keeps them and makes sure that the houses are always in good condition by renovating them because those houses have much memories with his sister, Melinda.

Another characteristic of Michael Foster in this movie is lovable. He is described as a man who is full of caring. This characteristic can be seen by the way Foster loves his sister named Melinda Foster. The pictures below show it.


Picture 11 (00:56:30) Picture 12 (01:11:04)

The pictures above show the closeness between Foster and his sister. They grew up together and spent their childhood with playing and supporting each other. They looked very happy in every picture they had. Foster liked to express his love to his sister. Hugging and kissing were his way to show his love. As the youngest child, Foster really took care of his sister. For example, he supported her to be a dancer because he knew it was her passion. For Foster, his sister meant everything and there was no one who could replace her.

Foster is not only a lovable person for his sister, but also for his little family. Being a husband and father made Foster really loved them. When he was with his family, Foster always smiled and looked happy. He never showed and told his family about his problems. Happiness was the only thing he wanted to share with them.


Picture 13 (00:59:23) Picture 14 (01:09:59)

Picture 15 (00:59:18)

Pictures 13 and 14 show Foster‟s position as a father. In the midst of his activity as a med tech, Foster provided some time to play with his children. They would go to somewhere and enjoyed their free time. For his children, Foster was the best father. Those pictures above tell the happiness in their life. It is also supported by the scene in picture 15. It is taken in Foster‟s office room. He put the photos of his wife and their sons on the desk. This scene tells us that wherever Foster goes, he wants to stay close to his family. In the picture 15, hugging his children describes how deep he loves his children.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that Foster is lovable. The way Foster shows his love to his sister and his family attests that they are important in Foster‟s life. That is why Foster treats them well by supporting each other and preparing all things they need. For example, Foster espouses his sister,


Melinda, when she wants to be a cheerleader. Even Foster works hard to bring happiness in his marriage‟s life. It proves that Foster is a lovable person. He likes to kiss and hug his sister and play with his sons in order to show his feeling of love and cares.

The other characteristic that Foster has is kind. It can be seen from the Foster‟s wife point of view. She believes in Foster if he will not do something cruel or put himself in the wrong situation.

Police officer : Would you tell me where you think he may take her?

Foster’s wife : There is no place because Michael would not do

something like that.


The quotation above reveals the trust which she gives to her husband. According

to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, kind means „not causing harm or

damage‟.45 It is like what his wife thinks about Foster. She never thought that Foster would do a crime such as kidnapping and murdering someone like the police officers told her. She did not believe the officer when he said that Foster had a problem with himself. In her perspective, Foster‟s attitude to love and take care of her and their sons was the strong evidence which showed Foster was a kind man. He gave them so much love and everything they needed. Even she got speechless when the officers asked her about the photo in Foster‟s office room as an early allegation where Foster brought his victims.


Elizabeth Walter, Cambridge Advance Learner Dictionary 3rd Edition. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008).


From the explanation of Foster‟s wife above, it can be concluded that Foster never does something bad before, something that can harm or hurt someone around him. He acts like a normal person in front of his family. This habit makes his wife believe in him. She does not trust for what the police officers tell to her about her husband. Later, she answers their question in aplomb by saying that Foster has no place to do a risky thing like that because for her, Foster is a kind man.

Behind the perfection of his appearance and attitude, Foster had another dark side which he never let anyone to know. Like a human being in general, Foster had some bad tempers. It started to appear when he lost his sister, Melinda, in his young age. After his sister died, Foster‟s characteristics changed. It left a deep impact on Foster. He was like a coin with two different sides. The first side was good, but the other one was bad. The death of his sister changed Foster uncontrollably. His life was cold and meaningless, and the feeling of missing her sister grew and got deeper and deeper. No one knew his dark side, even his wife. He just kept it by himself. This unsteady condition made his truly self become worse. It changed him to be a cruel man.


Jordan : Okay, listen, whoever this is, the police are on their way right this second. I suggest you leave the house; before you do anything you are gonna regret.

Leah : (crying)

Foster : It’s already done. Leah : (screaming) Foster : (yelling)


The scene in picture 16 and dialogue above are taken when Foster was on his way to kidnap the girl named Leah Templeton. Leah was alone on her house at that time because her parents were at the cinema. Foster broke the glass door and found her in her bedroom, trying to hide herself. But, knowing his victim called 911 for a help, Foster got angry. He grabbed that phone and listened to someone on the other line. Jordan Turner, 911 operators, who wanted to help Leah, gave a warning to Foster as it is showed in the quotation above. She said that the policemen were on their way to find him as soon as possible and it was better for him to leave the house. Feeling the threatened condition around him, Foster hit Leah‟s head until she terribly screamed as it is showed on the picture 16.

From the previous explanation, it can be argued that Foster hits his victim‟s head several times until the victim is unconscious. Basically, hitting someone is a cruel thing. This thing is exacerbated when the victims‟ gender is woman. In this case, Foster lost his patience after he knew that Leah called 911 and the police was heading to Leah‟s house to arrest him. To express his anger, Foster hit Leah‟s head several times to make her quiet and not talk too much to Jordan who was trying to help her. What Foster does explain that he does not


hesitate to be cruel to woman and will do anything to make his plan works. Even he says “It is already done” to Jordan which means he will not leave the house before he gets what he wants.

Another proof of Foster‟s sadistic action is showed in the next scenes. Foster does something cruel again to the others victims. Casey Welson and Jordan Turner are the example of Foster‟s sadistic action. He hits his victim‟s face or dips her head to the water‟s pool.

Picture 17 (00:54:06) Picture 18 (01:23:03)

The girl in picture 17 was Casey Welson. She was the second victim of Foster‟s crime. Casey tried to get a help from an active worker at the gas station by crawling out of the car. She screamed loudly from the car and her voice caught the worker‟s attention. In order to help her, this worker got the terrible revenge from Foster. Foster was angry for what Casey did. After losing his control and killing that active worker, Foster did something cruel to Casey. He grabbed Casey‟s hand and hit Casey right on her face until she fainted.

Foster shows his sadist again in the picture 18. It is taken in Foster‟s old house. Jordan who came to the Foster‟s house in the downtown found a cellar. In that room, she saw that Foster was starting to slash Casey‟s hair while she was


trying to look for the evidences. In order to help the victim, Jordan hits Foster on his head three times and hoped they could run away from him. Knowing someone disturbed his action, Foster‟s anger was getting bigger and he started to lose control. He pulled out Jordan‟s hair, took her to the water‟s pool, and dipped her head for a long time.

In another scene, Foster does the sadistic action again to a man who wants to thwart Foster‟s action. The picture below describes Foster‟s action where he does not hesitate to hit and stab the intruder.

Picture 19 (00:45:34)

A man on picture 19 named Alan Denado. Alan met Foster on the road. He was suspicious about Foster‟s attitude. Seeing the way Foster spoke and acted were strange, such as getting nervous and hiding something, Alan decided to follow Foster‟s car. When Foster threatened Casey to not to do anything in the trunk, Alan came and asked him if everything was okay. Knowing that Foster sweated a lot and could not answer him properly, Alan called 911. But, before the call was connected, Foster hit him first using the shovel hardly. Alan did not give up. He


still tried to run away. Foster then grabbed the screwdriver and stabbed him many times until he passed away.

From the explanations above, Foster‟s action can be categorized as violence because based on World Health Organization (WHO) cited by Julie McMullin, violence is „the intentional use of physical force of power, threatened, or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation‟.46 In this case, what Foster does is violence because it causes the injury and death. Furthermore, it is inhumane; especially he did it to women. His attitude is extremely rude. He does not see whether his enemy is male or female. On the other side, he is not hesitant about killing them if they are very disturbing. For Foster, what he wants is the most important thing. He does not allow the others to interfere his affairs. This pressure led him to act sadistic easily. In the end, killing people is a pleasure on Foster‟s perspective. That is what he does to people around him who wants to help his victims.

Foster last bad temper is no remorse. If remorse is a feeling of regret, then Foster has no remorse. As a person who has this characteristic, he never shows his regret. He keeps doing what he believes, even it is wrong.



Picture 20 (01:20:37)

Picture 21 (01:21:45) Picture 22 (01:21:48)

Actually, when a person feels hesitant on his action, the sense of doubt will be seen from his eyes. As we see on the pictures above, Foster was in his private room at his old house in the downtown. He brought his victim named Casey and wanted to slash her hair. He prepared the tools he needed without hesitation. His skill as a med tech made him got the tools easily. He strongly believed in what he was doing. In doing his action, Foster‟ eyes did not show the slightest doubt. He stared Casey incisively.

The exegesis above reinforces a statement before which is saying Foster has no remorse. He did not have the hesitancy when he started to slash Casey‟s hair. In Foster‟s perspective, Casey‟s hair was his sister‟s hair. It represented his sister, Melinda. So, it was fair if Foster wants to have Casey‟s hair. Foster‟s desire to have it was a way for Foster to could feel the presence of his sister back. In the


end, he never showed the repentance after slashing the scalps and collecting them in his private room. Whenever he missed his sister, he would go to his private room and sniffed that scalp. This bad characteristic is also supported by the dialogue below between Foster and Casey.

Casey : Please, just kill me. Kill me, please. Please, just kill me. Just kill

me. Why won’t you just kill me?

Foster : Hair needs a healthy blood flow. If you are dead, (pause) Casey : No, please stop, please.

Foster : Then it dies to Casey : Stop, please.

Foster : I’m sorry but I can’t. I can’t. (Slashing her scalp and crying) I can’t stop.


The dialogue above is taken after Foster prepared the tools for doing his action and started to slash her scalp. Casey asked him why he did not kill her from the beginning because it would make it easier. It is also supported by Foster‟s words which are saying he could not stop. Later, he slashed her scalp slowly, without hesitation, although Casey screamed loudly feeling the pain. Her screaming made Foster cry because he remembered Melinda and the pain that she felt in losing her hair.

That explanation strengthens the early statement that Foster has no remorse. As a human being, feeling and showing your sorry about something wrong you have done is a basic of life. But for Foster, it will never happen on him. He always thinks of his sister and it makes him lose his sanity. What he believes is the rightness of his action. That is why Foster cannot stop his action or


kill his victim from the beginning. And in the end of his crime, Foster never feels sorry for what he does.

From the all explanations above, the characteristics of Michael Foster are young, white, good looking, and middle-aged. He is also responsible, charitable, and successful. He builds his own life with his wife and two sons. For them, Foster is kind and never does a mistake. But on the other side, Foster has some bad tempers, such as cruel, sadistic, and no remorse. They indicate that Foster has personality problem which is caused by the death of his sister, Melinda Foster, many years ago. Furthermore, Foster‟s personality problem will be discussed in the next discussion.

B. Personality Structure of Michael Foster

The Call was a movie about Michael Foster who could not refuse or rebut his feeling for collecting the girls‟ scalps. In doing his action, Foster did not infrequently kill people around him. During six months from his last case, he lived normal like other people. He spent his time with his family and his job as a medical technician. There was no news that talked about kidnapping or looked for the missing person.

The choice of name of Foster itself has the meaning which relates to his personality. According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, “Foster” means condition where he or she connected with the care of a child for a limited time, without being the child‟s legal parents.47 This meaning relates to Foster personality. Foster was not the only child. He had an older sister he loved the



most. His sister took care of him since they were young and Foster relied on his sister. Both of them grew up together without the presence of parents in their life. Their relationship became stronger. It put Foster in a moment where his sister was like his soul mate. Like the meaning of his name, the time that Foster and his sister have is limited. One day, his sister died and left Foster forever because of cancer.

Actually, Foster‟s personality problem had begun when he was child. This movie described Foster as a brother and husband without any details of his parents. It meant there was something happened in Foster‟s childhood that caused trauma. That trauma then leads to a personality problem where Foster‟s id, ego, and superego are unbalanced.

As human being, our perfect behavior is arranged by three important components; id, ego, and superego. These components must work equally to get the maximum action and healthy personality. Based on Richard P., there are three casual factors that make someone has personality problem. One of several factors is family relationship in which a person loses his parents at his early age through the separation or divorce.48 This experience, gained in psychosexual development stage, has a great affect in someone‟s personality and character as he is adult. According to Freud cited in Ferdinand, a traumatic experience is the most influential and this sustained trauma will affect the next stages in psychosexual


Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Abnormal Psychology (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007), p. 316.


development.49 So that, the result of this imperfection stages is an unbalanced personality.

In this case, Foster had uncompleted psychosexual development in his oral stage50 cause of the absence of his parents in life. There were no parts in this movie which illustrated how the relationship between Foster and his parents were. Later, the role of parents was taken over by his sister, Melinda Foster. Her ability to take on that role was able to reduce the imbalance in Foster‟s personality. Furthermore, Foster depended on Melinda psychologically.

The imbalance of Foster‟s personality was aggravated by the death of Melinda. As her brother, Foster loved and took care his sister so much. They shared their joys and sorrows when they were together. Foster knew that his sister really enjoyed her life. Until her disease made her lose her blonde hair. At the end of her time, Melinda became bald. Foster was sad seeing Melinda‟s bad condition. He knew how she really loved her hair. When she started to lose her hair, Foster was getting sick of it. That event left a deepest trace on Foster‟s life and became the unforgettable moment Foster always remembered.

That incident ruined Foster‟s personality which was not balanced from the beginning. The desire for her sister and Melinda‟s role as the surrogate parents were too big in controlling himself. He needed to express his desire and his feeling for her sister, especially the bad thing that happened in his sister‟s last


Ferdinand Zaviera, Op. Cit., p. 115.


According to Freud, there are 5 stages of psychosexual development. They are oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency stage, and genital stage. Oral stage occurs during the first year of life. It is a condition when a baby experiences the world through his mouth by sucking his

mother‟s nipple. It means a baby needs the role of parents, especially his mother. If there are

imperfections in this stage, it will have an impact in the next stage.


time. Foster‟s inability to express and show them made him found another way and object for reduce the anxiety and avoid the pain. The following discussion will explain how Foster is controlled by his strong desire and how the personality structure of him has the big role of doing Foster‟s action.

From the previous analysis, Foster shows that he gets the bad experiences in his past; first is the absence of parents and second is the death of Melinda. Both of those accidents influence Foster‟s action in his present time where his id, ego, and superego become increasingly unbalanced. The desire and impulse coming from id are too big to controlled and his superego is too weak to seek for the perfection and judge the id‟s effort in getting pleasure. On the other hand, Foster‟s ego is unable to balance his personal needs and wishes with his social duties and realistic limitations. That unstable personality creates the conflict between the id and superego. For preventing this conflict and maintaining superego‟s stability with reality, Foster‟s ego uses some defense mechanisms.


Picture 25 (00:59:26)

The first two images, pictures 23 and 24, are Melinda Foster, Foster‟s sister. The pictures above show us how she looks like in her daily. Melinda was described as a beautiful girl who had shoulder-length blonde hair and was around 20 years old. During her life time, she joined a cheerleader team. As a cheerleader, her hair was her crown and her body was really slim and tall as they are seen on picture 25. From that picture, it can be seen that Melinda and Foster are so close. She takes care of her brother and Foster really loves her. He likes giving a kiss and hug to show his love and support to his sister.

The explanations above show that Melinda is a beautiful and talented girl. In her youth, she joins the cheerleader team and gets the support from Foster. The absence of parents‟ role in Foster‟s life puts Melinda as an important part of Foster‟s life. She gives much impact on Foster and influences Foster‟s personality. Melinda‟s existence in Foster‟s life is able to fill the role of parents which is needed by him. Until the day of Melinda‟s death comes.

The feeling of loss subsequently changes into a desire which grows in the Foster‟s id. This desire is greater and greater as time goes by and becomes an


unwanted impulse. The ego, that feels threatened by this impulse, tries to reduce it by pushing down the impulse to the unconscious. This process called repression.51 By doing repression, Foster‟s ego manages to get its balance again. The ego guides Foster to find the pleasure (id) and the perfection (superego) from being a medical technician for it relates to Melinda‟s illness. In this case, Foster‟s superego works well. This job helps Foster‟s ego to reduce the impulse and express the desire of Melinda through the medical devices. So that, Foster can start to live his own live without any shadows of Melinda‟s past. It can be seen from the appearance of his wife below that does not have similarity with Melinda.

Picture 26 (00:59:17) Picture 27 (01:00:01)

From those pictures, there is no similarity between Foster‟s wife and Melinda. His wife is described as a beautiful woman with short black hair and medium weight. It is contrary to the Melinda‟s appearance as mentioned earlier. So that, it can be concluded that the process of repression that the ego does is success in pushing down the impulse. The impulse is transformed into a good


Repression is a kind of defense mechanism to reduce the anxiety by pushing down the impulse to the unconscious. The impulse must be something that is uncomfortable.


effort where Foster works as a med tech. Finally, it forms Foster‟s characteristics in good side; kind, responsible, and lovable husband and father.

But apparently, this process cannot last long. The impulse which is muted by the ego does not change. It forces to enter into the consciousness and creates the greater anxiety. This anxiety is difficult to controlled by Foster. He feels himself gripped by the anxiety. To avoid this pain, Foster‟s ego transforms the impulse into other forms. This process called displacement. Displacement, based on Ferdinand Zaviera, is a way to show up an impulse through adopting a disguise that is directly opposite its original form.52 By using this defense mechanism, Foster‟s ego consciously takes control of the id in satisfying the impulse. Furthermore, his ego guides Foster to look for another object that can reduce his untouchable tension to stabilize the anxiety that exists within him.

As mentioned earlier, there were no scenes of Foster‟s parents and Foster got the imperfect of his oral stage. A person in this condition will tend to want the things associated with the mount, such as eat, drink, sniff, smoke, and many more.53 That happened to Foster when he was adult. The scenes below show that Foster loves to kiss his sister named Melinda Foster.


Ferdinand Zaviera, op. cit. p. 109.



Picture 28 (00:56:11) Picture 29 (01:11:42)

From pictures above, Foster kisses Melinda as a result of the imperfection in his oral stage, where his id cannot get the pleasure by sucking his mother‟s nipple. This satisfaction should be obtained when a person is in the oral stage. But, in Foster‟s case, this stage develops imperfectly and has an impact when Foster was adult. Foster‟s id demands the satisfaction and the ego tries to push the tension by changing the object; nipples to mouth. Later, Melinda becomes the appropriate object in getting the pleasure by kissing her mouth. Doing this action, the tension in Foster‟s id can be reduced slowly. The process of displacement that Foster‟s ego does here is changing the motive of sucking the nipples to kissing. In this part, Foster‟s ego is in a condition where it is a good connector between id and superego. Although they work with different principle, the ego maintains the stable relationship between them; id gets the satisfaction, superego feels the perfection, and ego finds the appropriate object. Finally, the changing of impulse can be accepted socially and culturally.

Actually, the defense mechanism, which is done by ego, is to reduce all impulses from id. So, the impulses changes into something that can be accepted by society. However, if the anxiety is too big and dominant, the process of defense mechanism can turn into bad things. The death of Melinda becomes the


great cause of that change. Foster‟s youth was the moment that Foster remembered the most. He could not forget his sister, what happened to her, and how tormented she was struggling from her cancer. When his sister died, Foster lost something in his life and it left a serious trace in Foster‟s personality that was already unbalanced. Those feelings become the impulse which pushes Foster‟s ego to do the repression. But, the result is the greater anxiety. So, Foster‟s ego relooks for the object in the real world to displace Melinda. Furthermore, his ego consciously guides Foster to do something in order to get the satisfaction. So that, the pressure in the ego becomes less. The process of Foster‟s ego displacement can be seen below.

Picture 30 (00:07:30) Picture 31 (00:17:58)

The two pictures above are Foster‟s victims. The girl on picture 30 was Leah Templeton and the girl on picture 31 was Casey Welson. Leah was described as a young girl who was pretty, tall, and had a blonde hair. Besides, Casey was around twenties that was talkative, funny, beautiful, and also had blonde hair. As it is seen on those pictures, both of them have the similarities with Foster‟s sister, Melinda. They are around 20 years old, beautiful and have healthy shoulder-length blonde hair.


From the description above, it can be analyzed that Foster still thinks about his sister‟s image even though she died many years ago. This condition makes Foster cannot express his feeling towards her because the object, Melinda, does not exist. Unconsciously, that dominant feeling controls Foster. Later, Foster‟s ego guides Foster to look for the girls who have the shoulder-length blonde hair and kidnap them in order to satisfy the id by slashing their scalps. Foster‟s superego, in this condition, is too weak because of the dominance id. So, the superego is unable to tell him that these actions are contrary to the moral value because slashing means doing harmful. Foster‟s ego tries to consider the demands of id and satisfies them. Finally, by kidnapping the girls, his ego could reduce the tension in Foster‟s id. This situation explicates that Foster is fully controlled by his dominant id which really wants to show the feeling of love to his sister. And Foster‟s superego is too weak to negotiate with the id about moral standard.

Actually, kidnaping and slashing the scalps are not new case that Foster does in his life. Foster had done it for many years. After he lost his sister, he started to collect the girls‟ scalp that had shoulder-length blonde hair like his sister. It can be seen from the picture below.


From the death of his sister, it can be seen that Foster had collected many scalps as it is seen on picture 32. He did and put the scalps in his sister‟s room that he prepared at his old house. In that room, Foster had a refrigerator. It was used to keep the scalps in order to put them in a good condition. Those scalps could reduce the tension in Foster‟s id for a while because Foster could not find the exact same scalp with his sister‟s. Besides, the scalp‟s condition that no longer exist made Foster still looked for another scalp to satisfy his id.

Based on the explanation above, it can be known that Foster is controlled by his id started from the death of his sister. Foster‟s id is in fully charge to choose what Foster must do and take an action. He cannot think properly or decide whether it is right or wrong. On the other side, Foster‟s ego cannot reduce the urge coming from Foster‟s id that wants to get the satisfaction by getting the displacement of his sister. It is too dominant to be controlled where his superego demands the perfection. What Foster‟s ego does unconsciously is still looking for another objects to satisfy the id.

Another form of displacement in Foster also appears in another scene. After kidnapping the girls and slashing their scalp, Foster kept them in the refrigerator. Foster described those scalps as the symbol of his sister, Melinda. The following pictures below show how it is.


Picture 33 (01:18:14) Picture 34 (01:18:34)

It can be seen from the pictures above that after getting the scalps, Foster sniffed and talked to them. The feeling of missing her sister that Foster felt over the years increases the tension in his id. It forced the ego to satisfy the id again in other ways. For reducing that tension, Foster‟s ego transformed the impulse from Foster‟s id became another thing besides kidnaping the girls and getting their scalp.

The description above shows Foster‟s ego effort to reduce the tension and satisfy the id again. The impulse is transformed in form of imagination; Melinda revived. This stage forces ego to indicate another way to manage the satisfaction in id and the perfection in superego. The process of getting the pleasure is by sniffing the scalps and talking to them as they are regarded as a representation of Melinda, where he can show and express his feeling towards her. The actions Foster taken above is fully controlled by his id. It is also the form of continuation of the imperfection of psychosexual development associated with the mouth. By sniffing the scalps and talking to them which is similar with Melinda‟s, Foster‟s id


gets the satisfaction and pleasure and the tension coming from his id can be reduced. Moreover, the demand from superego for can be fulfilled.

The conflict between Foster‟s id, ego, and superego appears in another scene. After kidnapping Casey, his second victim, Foster brought her to his old house. He put her on the surgical chair which was already prepared by him. When Foster was preparing the tools, Casey asked him why he did not kill her. The quotation below shows the situation.

Casey : Please, just kill me. Kill me, please. Please, just kill me. Just kill me. Why won’t you just kill me?

Foster : Hair needs a healthy blood flow. If you are dead, (pause) Casey : No, please stop, please.

Foster : Then it dies to Casey : Stop, please.

Foster : I’m sorry but I can’t. I can’t. (Slashing her scalp and crying) I can’t stop.


From the dialogue above, we know that what Foster‟s ego does is to get Casey‟s blonde hair and give the pleasure for the id. In addition, Melinda‟s condition, who dies without having the hair, makes Foster become obsessed with the blonde hair. Foster‟s action that looks for the blonde hair on girls and slashes their scalps become Foster‟s ego. When Foster‟s ego tries to satisfy the id, the ego also finds the obstacle from the superego. But, the ego knows what makes its effort reach the goal. On the other side, the demand of id is contrary to the one of


The feeling of missing and desire to express his love become Foster’s dominant id that pushes the ego to satisfy them. In order to reducing those urge, Foster’s ego unconsciously uses defense mechanism to restore his self-image and reduce the anxiety. The defense mechanism that Foster does is in many ways, such as repression, displacement and projection.

By using those defense mechanism, the ego guides Foster to do an action and satisfy the id by getting another object. Foster then kidnaps the girls which have shoulder-length blonde hair and slash their scalp. It is because the scalp represents Melinda. It is done by him to displace the feeling of missing her sister that he cannot expresses. Sometimes, Foster finds the troubles and kill people who disturb his action. In order to avoid the conflict between id and superego, the ego unconsciously blames it to Foster’s second victim. He attributes his emotion and feeling to her by saying all troubles are caused by her.

Foster’s id takes control against Foster’s ego in every way. Foster’s ego which is too weak and his superego that needs the perfection cannot maintain or hold that urge in Foster’s id. Therefore, all of Foster’s action is fully controlled by his dominant id. If someone is too controlled by the id, he or she will be commanded by impulses or selfish desires. If someone is controlled by the superego, he or she will be rigid, moralistic, or bossy. If someone has a weak ego, he or she cannot manage emotions and find compromises among competing demands.



B. Suggestion

In this research, the writer has analyzed The Call using personality structure by Sigmund Freud to see personality problem that is experienced by Michael Foster. Actually, there are some interesting things in this movie that can be analyzed by another theory, such as gender discrimination, anxiety disorders, and representation.



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