Psychology and Literature An Analysis Of Multiple Personality On Leading Character As Portrayed In Daniel Keyes’s The Minds Of Billy Milligan


2.1 Psychology and Literature

Psychology and literature are two different things, but through literature we can learn about psychology. Literary work has become a more serious discussion leads to psychology. Psychology entered literary works because the writer uses his emotions in writing literary works. Wellek and Warren 1977: 139 in their book “Theory of Literature” explains that psychology can enter to literature by studying the psychology of the writer, psychology of the character, and also psychology of the reader. Psychology can enter literature because the author uses his feeling and emotion in creating work as happens in novel. Literature is a place for expressing our thoughts, and shed in a letter. Literature also has an attractive language style, so the reader does not feel bored to keep reading. Human usually become the object of a literary work, because of many things that can be discussed in human life, one of which is a person’s psychology. Terry Eagleton in Literary Theory An Introduction 2008: 4 says, “literature is a ‘special’ kind of language, in contrast to the ‘ordinary’ language we commonly use. But to spot a deviation implies being able to identify the norm from which it swerves.” Thus, literature is a language that uses special way to delivering something, and it has meaning, and the meaning of its own. 9 Richard Taylor in Understanding The Elements Of Literature 1981: 1 said that literature is a place of writing which the writer can expresses their imagination, emotion, feeling through life experience. Human are the basic objects in literary work. The events that happen in one’s life is the target, of literary work. “Literature, like other arts, is essentially an imaginative act, that is, an act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life-experience. In the case of literature, words are the medium of expression and it makes little difference whether those words are recorded in the living memory of a people or by some mechanical means such as writing, sound recording, etc.” Taylor 1981: 1 John Peck and Martin Coyle in Literary Terms and Criticism 1984: 1, 102 said that literature has genre. Genre means a type or class of literature. Today, it is known as poetry, drama and the novel, different from earlier times the major genre recognized as epic, tragedy, lyric, comedy and satire. Novels are all about human condition or people in society. Writers have always been interested in term of human life, the development of the novel reflects a view of life towards a new interest in the complexities of everyday experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary people and the problems in societies in which they find themselves. A novel usually begins with a description of a place or a character. A characters introduced at the beginning of a novel will usually come into collision with society. Along the story, the characters will be faced with conflict, confrontation, and problematic situation, which usually come from their own family or society John Peck and Martin Coyle, 1984: 110. In character, of course it has emotion, feeling, and behavior which support the idea of the story. Novel presents the psychology and psychology itself presents as a 10 knowledge that discusses about human mind in human personality as a character because character is build by using psychological principles. Orgel Moskowitz in his book entitled General Psychology 1969: 4 said that psychology is the study of mental process, based on human behavior, predict, and control human mind. The process itself included structure and function, stimulus and sensation, learning, perception, and motivation. “Psychology is an empirical science based on objective observation and experimental investigation. Its focus is on behavior; its purpose is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms of human activity and adaptation so that man might improve himself.” The functions of learning psychology are to understand human mind, and behavior. So, we can easily anticipate an undesirable state, such as its term of mental disorders. Mental disorders can be happen to anyone, such as, stress, depression, and more. Richard Gill in his book entitled Mastering English Literature: Third Edition 1985: 90 said that character is a reflection of personality on society. Of course there is a connection between psychology and literature. As we know that psychology is a study of human mind, the literature itself learning about human aspect in society. So both of psychology and literature have relevance. How the character is like, the character speaks, dresses, or maybe the physical appearance of the character, those are in terms of psychological aspects. If psychology, learn directly from a person, literature learn attitude, or behavior from a person through literary works. Guerin, L. Wilfred et. al. in his book entitled A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature: Second Edition 1979: 122 states that human mind in human personality as a character can be approach by using psychoanalytic theory by 11 Sigmund Freud which explains about difference of personality. Personality refers to those characteristics of the person that account for consistent pattern of feeling, thinking, and behavior. According to Freud’s theory, personality has three concepts, id, ego, and superego. Id has always resided in an individual, in other words it exists from birth. The Id contains everything that is inherited, that is present at birth, is laid down in the constitution, the very deep human desire without caring reality. The Ego comprises organized structure of one’s personality. In other words, the great majority of the Ego’s operative duties are at conscious level, defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. The role of the Ego is to sift through what is real and what isn’t via organization of our thoughts to make sense of them and how they relate to the world we live in. The Super-Ego, in its role of moral authoritarian, is the opposite of the Id. Regulates our sense of right and wrong. It helps assimilate into the social structure around us via making us act in socially acceptable ways. So, psychology of literature is a literature study that reviewing psychology of behavior, attitude, mental, and mind of human through literature. It can be psychology of the writer, reader, or the character on a literary work.

2.2 Character