Research Design An Analysis Of Multiple Personality On Leading Character As Portrayed In Daniel Keyes’s The Minds Of Billy Milligan


3.1 Research Design

In analyzing the thesis, I use descriptive qualitative method. Bogdan and Taylor 1975: 5 explains that qualitative method is a research procedure that descriptive data such as written word or verbal expression from the people and their behavior that have been observed. Through this method, I use qualitative method by analyzing the and sentences which are related to the topic of this study about multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder found in leading character of novel The Minds of Billy Milligan. There are three kinds of research methods, library research, field research, and laboratory research. By analyzing The Minds of Billy Milligan I use library research by using some books which are related to the topic of this thesis. Library research is research you do from books. First step, the writer read the novel ‘The Minds of Billy Milligan ’ as the source of data of multiple personality in leading character and, then used some psychology textbooks to understand the principles of psychology which is applied by the author of that novel. Data will be collected and selected before it is analyzed by the writer of this thesis to infer the conclusion of the research. 22 Collecting Reducing Analyzing theory and literature Conclusion Suggestion Documents ReadingSelecting Processing Data • Data Collecting, collect and underline the important things from the novel and related books and references. • Data Selecting, select all the information that has been collected and only the significant data are used in the process of doing this thesis. • Data Analyzing, all the selected data are being analyzed to achieve what has been planned in the objective of this thesis. Interpreting • Data displays using text. • Examining comparing, discussing data and information. • Identifying the problem. • Using some theories of Multiple Personality Disorder. Analyzing • Factors affecting multiple personality disorder. • Assessing and revising. • Qualitative descriptive method Conclusion Suggestion • Summarizing all problems • Providing feedback 23

3.2 Data Collecting