An Analysis Of Multiple Personality On Leading Character As Portrayed In Daniel Keyes’s The Minds Of Billy Milligan













Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum. Submitted to Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara Medan in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English



Approved by the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara (USU) Medan as thesis for The Sarjana Sastra Examination.

Head, Secretary,


Accepted by the Board of Examiners in partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from the Department of English, Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara,Medan.

The examination is held in Department of English Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara on Wednesday February 11, 2015

Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatra Utara

Dr.H.Syahron Lubis, MA NIP.19511013 197603 1 001

Board of Examiners

Dr. H. Muhizar Muchtar, MS. ……….. Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D. ……….. Dr. Martha Pardede, M.S. ……….. Drs. Parlindungan Purba, M.Hum. ………..




Signed :







Signed :




First of all, I would like to thank and praise to the Almighty God, Allah SWT

who gives strength, health, and patience for me as finishing this thesis, entitled An

Analysis of Multiple Personality on Leading Character as Portrayed in Daniel Keyes’s The Minds of Billy Milligan. Thanks for blessing me in order to get a S1 Degree in English from Faculty of Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara.

I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the Dean of Faculty of

Cultural Studies, University of Sumatera Utara, Dr. H. Syahron Lubis, M.A. Dr. H.

Muhizar Muchtar,M.S, as the Head of English Department, and Rahmadsyah

Rangkuti, M.A., Ph.D, as the Secretary of English Department, for supporting my

academic study. I would also like to give thanks to all lectures in English Department

for giving me valuable knowledge, advices, times, and facilities during my academic

years. I would also like to express my special thanks to my supervisor Dr. Martha

Pardede, M.S. and Dra. Swesana Mardia Lubis, M.Hum as co-supervisor for helping

me finishing this thesis.

My deepest gratitude is dedicated to my beloved family, to my parents, Ir. H.

Bachri Syamsul Nasution my beloved father, Dra. Hj. Christina Winarsih my

beloved mother who are always give me supports and love. I would also like to say


my dearest sister Annisa Rosa Nasution for the support and help me resolved the

problem of this thesis, honestly I can’t do it without you. Least but not last, thanks to

my lovely Brothers, Togar Rio Nasution and Bima Adiguna Nasution, you guys are


I also thank to all my friends in English literature especially class of 2010,

Yuni Erika, Annisa Musa, Nadia Marcelina, Uswatun Nisa, Balqis Astarini,

Khairunisa Aziz, Chaesa Ria, and Mak Kiki for the amazing school times, can’t

never forget how crazy we were, I love you all! To my best classmates, best friends,

Mentari, Ozafizah Landau, Depika Shaela, I don’t know how much I have to say

thanks to them, you guys are diamond. To my special friends, Febby Priscilla &

Romi Sandy, thank you so much. Also, to my beloved senior high best friends, Maya

Wulandari, Agung Nugraha, Yudo Utomo, Ahmad Suraya, Yati Sarfina, and Rana

Safira who are the best for me, and can’t never be replaced.

May God Almighty bless them all, Amin.

Medan, February 2015



In discussing a literary work, there are many elements that can be made as the object of problems, one of them is psychology. The Minds of Billy Milligan is a literary work that discusses the psychological element, is multiple personality. A novel by Daniel Keyes revealed the disorder in leading character, Billy Milligan. Billy suffers from multiple personality where there are several completely different person in one body. This condition is also known as dissociative identity disorder. This condition occurs due to childhood trauma. To understand more about multiple personalities experienced by Billy, it would be require a discussion of the character, which is one important element in understanding literature. This thesis analyzes the characteristics of which is found in multiple personality through psychological theories, and what impact of abuse is that happen to the victim. The conclusion of this thesis is to find out and to know about multiple personality that may happens to the people around us.

Keywords: Psychology, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Abuse.



Dalam membahas sebuah karya sastra, terdapat banyak unsur yang dapat dijadikan objek permasalahan, salah satunya adalah psikologi. The Minds of Billy Milligan merupakan sebuah karya sastra yang membahas tentang unsur psikologi, yaitu kepribadian majemuk. Novel karya Daniel Keyes ini membuka tabir kekacauan yang terjadi pada tokoh utama yaitu, Billy Milligan. Billy mengalami kepribadian ganda dimana terdapat beberapa pribadi yang sepenuhnya berbeda dalam satu tubuh. Kondisi ini juga dikenal sebagai penyimpangan disosiasi identitas. Kondisi ini terjadi disebabkan adanya trauma semasa kecil. Untuk lebih memahami tentang kepribadian ganda yang dialami oleh Billy, maka diperlukan pembahasan tentang karakter yang merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam memahami karya sastra. Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang karakteristik apa saja yang terdapat pada kepribadian majemuk melalui teori-teori psikologi, dan apa akibat dan/dari kekerasan yang terjadi pada si penderita. Kesimpulan dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengenal kepribadian majemuk pada seseorang, yang mungkin ada disekitar kita.

Kata Kunci: Psikologi, Kepribadian Ganda, Penyimpangan Disosiasi Identitas, Kekerasan









1.1 Background of the Study ………..1

1.2 Problems of the Study ………...5

1.3 Objective of the Study ………...6

1.4 Scope of the Study ……….6

1.5 Significance of the Study ………...7


2.1 Psychology and Literature ………8

2.2 Character ………...11

2.3 Child Abuse ………...14

2.4 Multiple Personality Disorder or DID ………16

2.4.1 The Characteristic of DID ……… 19


3.1 Research Design ……….21

3.2 Data Collecting ………...23



4.1 Multiple Personality Pictured in the Novel The Minds of Billy Milligan ………...25

4.1.1 Characteristics of Multiple Personality Disorders ………...25

4.1.2 Leading Character Has Two or More Distinct Personalities ……….25

4.1.3 Leading Character’s Personalities: Own Name, Gender, History, Behavior, and Social Relationship ……...30

4.1.4 Leading Character Experience a Form of Amnesia or Gaps of Time ………...36

4.2 The Cause of Multiple Personality Portrayed in the Novel The Minds of Billy Milligan ………...38

4.2.1 The Causes of Multiple Personality ………...39 Emotional Abuse ………..39 Verbal Abuse and Physical Abuse ………..41 Sexual Abuse ………44


5.1 Conclusion ………..48





In discussing a literary work, there are many elements that can be made as the object of problems, one of them is psychology. The Minds of Billy Milligan is a literary work that discusses the psychological element, is multiple personality. A novel by Daniel Keyes revealed the disorder in leading character, Billy Milligan. Billy suffers from multiple personality where there are several completely different person in one body. This condition is also known as dissociative identity disorder. This condition occurs due to childhood trauma. To understand more about multiple personalities experienced by Billy, it would be require a discussion of the character, which is one important element in understanding literature. This thesis analyzes the characteristics of which is found in multiple personality through psychological theories, and what impact of abuse is that happen to the victim. The conclusion of this thesis is to find out and to know about multiple personality that may happens to the people around us.

Keywords: Psychology, Multiple Personality Disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Abuse.



Dalam membahas sebuah karya sastra, terdapat banyak unsur yang dapat dijadikan objek permasalahan, salah satunya adalah psikologi. The Minds of Billy Milligan merupakan sebuah karya sastra yang membahas tentang unsur psikologi, yaitu kepribadian majemuk. Novel karya Daniel Keyes ini membuka tabir kekacauan yang terjadi pada tokoh utama yaitu, Billy Milligan. Billy mengalami kepribadian ganda dimana terdapat beberapa pribadi yang sepenuhnya berbeda dalam satu tubuh. Kondisi ini juga dikenal sebagai penyimpangan disosiasi identitas. Kondisi ini terjadi disebabkan adanya trauma semasa kecil. Untuk lebih memahami tentang kepribadian ganda yang dialami oleh Billy, maka diperlukan pembahasan tentang karakter yang merupakan salah satu unsur penting dalam memahami karya sastra. Skripsi ini menganalisis tentang karakteristik apa saja yang terdapat pada kepribadian majemuk melalui teori-teori psikologi, dan apa akibat dan/dari kekerasan yang terjadi pada si penderita. Kesimpulan dari tesis ini adalah untuk mengenal kepribadian majemuk pada seseorang, yang mungkin ada disekitar kita.

Kata Kunci: Psikologi, Kepribadian Ganda, Penyimpangan Disosiasi Identitas, Kekerasan



1.1 Background of The Study

Violence against children has become a hot topic in the news and social media

these past few years. Violence can be done by anyone, but ironically that violence

done by our own parents as our closest family members. As an example, many

children in the United States suffer from maltreatment, it is estimated that every year

between 1 and 3 million children are physically or psychologically abused and that

the majority of these children are abused by family members. Children are subjected

to verbal abuse; they are starved, beaten, burned out, chained, isolated, left to lie

filthy and in their own excrement, or sexually molested, and not a small number are

murdered. In 2005, in the United States, more than 1.300 children died as a result of

child abuse almost four children every day.

The same case happened in Indonesia, like Seto Mulyadi, the National

Commission on Child Protection, said that child abuse cases in Indonesia had

increased by around 40 to 50 percent per year over the last few years. Last year, the

number of reported cases reached 2,300. This year, however, there were 2,000 cases

reported in the first six months of the year. Another example of this case was last

year, 12-year-old Riri was sent from her village in Central Java to live with her uncle

and aunt in Jakarta, the capital. Over a period of four months, she was repeatedly

raped by her uncle, who threatened to kill her and possess her with evil spirits if she


head of the shelter, for two weeks Riri was forced to charge US$21 per sexual

encounter in East Jakarta, where she is now recovering. After fleeing from her

uncle’s house, she happened to rest mid-escape near the home of a local community

leader, who brought her to the government-run shelter.

Based on the issues above, then there are some negative effects on violence

against children. The correlation of childhood trauma and later health concerns has

been the subject of a number of studies. Research has found that childhood

experiences of abuse contribute to the likelihood of depression, anxiety disorders,

addictions, personality disorders, eating disorders, sexual disorders and suicidal

behavior. A study by Palmer, Brown, Rae-Grant, & Loughin (2001) with 384

survivors of childhood abuse found that survivors of child abuse tended to be

depressed, have low-self esteem, and to have problems with family functioning. A

recent study found that almost 76% of adults reporting child physical abuse and

neglect have at least one psychiatric disorder in their lifetime and nearly 50% have

three or more psychiatric disorder. Adults with abuse histories also present with

physical problems more frequently than those who have not experienced abuse.

Psychology is a scientific discipline that fully struggling with the problems of

man and humanity. Psychology is also the science that tries to explain, predict, and

control the behavior of human mental. The particular combination of emotional,

attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of an individual is called personality.

Personality disorders are a class of mental disorders characterized by enduring

maladaptive patterns of behavior, cognition and inner experience, exhibited across

many contexts and deviating markedly from those accepted by the individual’s


Gleaves, Hernandez, & Warner, in Professional Psychology: Research & Practice (1999) said Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly Multiple Personality Disorder remains a highly controversial disorder. The disease theory of Multiple

Personality Disorder is that unhappiness in adulthood from trauma in childhood and

Spanos in his book Psychological Bulletin (1994) also said the trauma is so severe that the individual creates multiple identities to cope with it. The severe trauma is

thought to be a result of physical or sexual abuse in childhood. The diagnostic

criteria for this disorder as cited in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental

Disorders (American Psychiatric Association, 1994), states that an individual

displaying at least two personality states in which these personality states take

control of the persons behavior can be diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder

(DID). The individual diagnosed with this disorder tends to be depressed, passive,

and often displays feelings of guilt. An individual’s personality is apparently split

into two or more distinct sub-personalities, each of which may become dominant at

different times. People with multiple personality disorder suffer from internal chaos,

roller-coaster emotions and terrible memories. They also present confusing and

contradictory images to their family and friends. But in spite of all this, multiple

personality disorder is a treatable disorder.

Talking about disorder, it is often become the high rates of sexual and physical

abuse. After Pope, Olivia, Hudson, Bodkin, and Gruber (1999) surveyed a group of

301 board certified American psychiatrists their results indicated that only 1/3 of

those surveyed felt that Multiple Personality Disorder should be included in the DSM

– IV (1994) without hesitation, while the remaining felt that it should only be a


I chose this topic as my thesis because abuses on children happened in the

novel that I want to discuss. Multiple personality disorder becomes the theme of The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes which is based on true story.

William Stanley Milligan or much known as Billy Milligan was born and

raised in a family that struggled submarginal survive the economic pressures and

cultural liberalism. He was 26 years, didn’t finish high school. He was the main

personality of the other 24 personalities. He has became complex personality because

his stepfather treated him rudely. What his stepfather had done, it was never known

by Billy’s biological mother, Dorothy. Violence which his stepfather did, has made

him became afraid of men, especially his stepfather, Chalmer Milligan. William

Stanley Milligan 4 years old when he, for the first time, "creating a" figure of

Christene, 3-year-old girl who became friends playing Kathy, brother Billy,

William’s nickname. Starting from loneliness due to did not have a friend to play at

home: Jim, his brother did not like playing with him, while Kathy was still too small,

so he then created Christene earlier figures. Furthermore, as the painful events in his

life, the other characters begin to be present. Until Billy adulthood. The novel also

tell about conflicts that resulted from his other personalities Adalana, who raped

three girls from Ohio State University (OSU) which made Milligan fell injail.

Novel and other literary works are no longer discussing about social life,

romance, or just entertainment only. Now, novels discuss more serious topic, such as

psychology. Therefore, the reader does not need to buy psychology books. Through

the novel, the reader can learn and understand the cases of psychology in the easiest


Done Dinkmeyer in Child Development (1965) said that psychologists, educators, and sociologists all agree that the family is the most significant single

influence on the development of the child. The family is the major environmental

influence and remains throughout life the most persuasive of all influences. It is in

the family that the child either learns to trust people or to be fearful and uncertain of

others. The family has a most significant role to play in the development of

personality. Most of early social learning is experienced within the family.

Grace Craig in Human Development Fourth Edition (1986) said that instead of encouraging and reinforcing the unique, intimate bond between parent and child, the

child abuser destroys the expectations of love, trust, and dependence so essential to

the young child. What constitutes child abuse may depend on the social milieu and

community standards of a particular family. Although much of the damage suffered

by children is due to carelessness or look supervision, the results can be just as tragic

as those of intentional abuse.

There is some opinion by The Washington Post Book World shows that novel has the meaning and the purpose of the novel, from book itself: “Daniel Keyes has

been carrying out this novel brilliantly, by making this novel not only clear and

accurate, but also exudes a special warmth and empathy for the victims mental state

and failure.”

1.2 Problem of The Study

In order to simplify and to know the subject matter of the story, I make


1. How is multiple personality pictured in the novel The Minds of Billy Milligan?

2. What are the causes of multiple personality portrayed in the novel The Minds of Billy Milligan?

1.3 Objective of the Study

The objective of the study tends to answer the questions or the problems of the

study and it would be useless if a study does not have its aim to be achieved. The aim

or the purpose of this thesis is:

1. To find out how is multiple personality pictured in the novel The Minds of Billy Milligan.

2. To explain the causes of multiple personality as portrayed in the novel The Minds of Billy Milligan.

1.4 Scope of The Study

To avoid overlapping explanation, I make a clear scope and delimitation, so

that the analysis will be focusable. There are many aspects which can be analyzed in

this novel. But I deliberated discuss into more detail about child abuse in leading

character which could have a negative impact on child’s psychological or


1.5 Significance of The Study

The study gives some advantages to the reader about the novel The Minds of Billy Milligan. This thesis can be an afterthought and can be an inspiration to us, especially parents who have children, so as not commit acts of violence beyond

human conscience. This thesis tells parents that their children are not haphazardly

entrusted on others. Teach parents not to use any violence to their children. Because

it was in fact a lot of violence against children occurs at the hands of their own

parents. Also as the science of good parenting, or maybe can be used in teaching for

teachers so they will more understand about their students as well. This thesis will be

useful for the readers or people who need this thesis as a reference.



2.1 Psychology and Literature

Psychology and literature are two different things, but through literature we can

learn about psychology. Literary work has become a more serious discussion leads to

psychology. Psychology entered literary works because the writer uses his emotions

in writing literary works.

Wellek and Warren (1977: 139) in their book “Theory of Literature” explains that psychology can enter to literature by studying the psychology of the writer,

psychology of the character, and also psychology of the reader. Psychology can enter

literature because the author uses his feeling and emotion in creating work as

happens in novel.

Literature is a place for expressing our thoughts, and shed in a letter. Literature

also has an attractive language style, so the reader does not feel bored to keep

reading. Human usually become the object of a literary work, because of many things

that can be discussed in human life, one of which is a person’s psychology.

Terry Eagleton in Literary Theory An Introduction (2008: 4) says, “literature is a ‘special’ kind of language, in contrast to the ‘ordinary’ language we commonly use.

But to spot a deviation implies being able to identify the norm from which it

swerves.” Thus, literature is a language that uses special way to delivering


Richard Taylor in Understanding The Elements Of Literature (1981: 1) said that literature is a place of writing which the writer can expresses their imagination,

emotion, feeling through life experience. Human are the basic objects in literary

work. The events that happen in one’s life is the target, of literary work.

“Literature, like other arts, is essentially an imaginative act, that is, an act of the writer’s imagination in selecting, ordering, and interpreting life-experience. In the case of literature, words are the medium of expression and it makes little difference whether those words are recorded in the living memory of a people or by some mechanical means such as writing, sound recording, etc.” (Taylor (1981: 1)

John Peck and Martin Coyle in Literary Terms and Criticism (1984: 1, 102) said that literature has genre. Genre means a type or class of literature. Today, it is

known as poetry, drama and the novel, different from earlier times the major genre

recognized as epic, tragedy, lyric, comedy and satire. Novels are all about human

condition or people in society. Writers have always been interested in term of human

life, the development of the novel reflects a view of life towards a new interest in the

complexities of everyday experience. Most novels are concerned with ordinary

people and the problems in societies in which they find themselves.

A novel usually begins with a description of a place or a character. A

characters introduced at the beginning of a novel will usually come into collision

with society. Along the story, the characters will be faced with conflict,

confrontation, and problematic situation, which usually come from their own family

or society (John Peck and Martin Coyle, 1984: 110).

In character, of course it has emotion, feeling, and behavior which support the


knowledge that discusses about human mind in human personality as a character

because character is build by using psychological principles.

Orgel Moskowitz in his book entitled General Psychology (1969: 4) said that psychology is the study of mental process, based on human behavior, predict, and

control human mind. The process itself included structure and function, stimulus and

sensation, learning, perception, and motivation.

“Psychology is an empirical science based on objective observation and experimental investigation. Its focus is on behavior; its purpose is to provide an understanding of the mechanisms of human activity and adaptation so that man might improve himself.”

The functions of learning psychology are to understand human mind, and

behavior. So, we can easily anticipate an undesirable state, such as its term of mental

disorders. Mental disorders can be happen to anyone, such as, stress, depression, and


Richard Gill in his book entitled Mastering English Literature: Third Edition (1985: 90) said that character is a reflection of personality on society. Of course there

is a connection between psychology and literature. As we know that psychology is a

study of human mind, the literature itself learning about human aspect in society. So

both of psychology and literature have relevance. How the character is like, the

character speaks, dresses, or maybe the physical appearance of the character, those

are in terms of psychological aspects. If psychology, learn directly from a person,

literature learn attitude, or behavior from a person through literary works.

Guerin, L. Wilfred et. al. in his book entitled A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature: Second Edition (1979: 122) states that human mind in human personality as a character can be approach by using psychoanalytic theory by


Sigmund Freud which explains about difference of personality. Personality refers to

those characteristics of the person that account for consistent pattern of feeling,

thinking, and behavior.

According to Freud’s theory, personality has three concepts, id, ego, and

superego. Id has always resided in an individual, in other words it exists from birth.

The Id contains everything that is inherited, that is present at birth, is laid down in

the constitution, the very deep human desire without caring reality. The Ego

comprises organized structure of one’s personality. In other words, the great majority

of the Ego’s operative duties are at conscious level, defensive, perceptual,

intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions. The role of the Ego is to sift through

what is real and what isn’t via organization of our thoughts to make sense of them

and how they relate to the world we live in. The Super-Ego, in its role of moral

authoritarian, is the opposite of the Id. Regulates our sense of right and wrong. It

helps assimilate into the social structure around us via making us act in socially

acceptable ways.

So, psychology of literature is a literature study that reviewing psychology of

behavior, attitude, mental, and mind of human through literature. It can be

psychology of the writer, reader, or the character on a literary work.

2.2 Character

Character is the most important part in writing literary works. Without


any person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work. There are many types of

characters that exist in literature, each with its own development and function.

Gill in his book entitled Mastering English Literature: Third Edition (1985: 94) character have some terms, there are round character which usually full,

complex, and rich, well it is the opposite with flat character which usually much

simple. There are other characters such as open and, closed characters. An open

character can grow and develop, whereas a closed one is fixed and unchanging.

E.M Foster (1990: 73-80) in his book entitled Aspects of Novel said there are two kinds of characters. There are round character and flat character. Round

character is complex, unpredictable, and usually full of surprise while flat character

is predictable, easy to understand, from the beginning of the story until the end, there

is nothing change.

Roberts and Jacobs (1993: 136) in his book entitled Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing said that character should be true to real life. Their action, statements, and thoughts must all be what human beings are likely to do, say, and

think under the conditions presented in the story. But, there may be persons in life

who perform tasks or exhibit characteristics that are difficult or seemingly imposible,

such as always getting A+’s on every test, always being cheerful and helpful, or

always understanding the needs of others. Some of these characters are usually

appear in fiction novel.

Novel is not always fiction. Many novels based on the true story as well. The


is real. The novel is based on the true story of the author, or the true stories of other


John Peck and Martin Coyle in Literary Terms and Criticism (1984: 109) explained that the realistic novelist offers a subtle analysis of his character, but the

fiction novelist takes a simpler view that man’s lusts and desires disrupt life, it might

be a less subtle view, but it is disturbing one, as it emphasizes the irrational impulses

that motivate people.

Characters also distinguish into three subdivisions such as main character,

minor character, and also leading character. Main character is the character whose

appearance is the most frequently appear in the story and dominant of the story.

Minor character can be defined as the supporting character of the main character and

the appearance of minor character is usually infrequently while leading character is

the centered individual who is very dominant. Leading character is focused

personally and it is different with main character which can involve more than one


Billy Milligan is a leading character because he is the center of the whole story.

His appearances construct every event of the novel ‘The Minds of Billy Milligan’. He has round character. It is reflected by his action, behavior, and also thought causing

by his other personalities. Although Billy, as the host of the body, doesn’t know what


2.3 Child Abuse

There are many kinds of abuse. They are physical abuse, mental abuse, verbal

abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, etc. Child abuse and neglect occurs in a range of

situations, for a range of reasons. For example are, the disharmony in the household,

the low income of the family, or other supporting factors that can be trigger violence.

Phillip L Rice (1987) Stress and Health, Principles and Practice for Coping and Wellness says “Abused children tend to suffer a damaged self-imaged, poorer emotional adjustment if not mental disturbance, more disturbed family relationship,

lower impulse control, and interior coping skills. Parents who maltreat their children

have gad a development history that predisposes them to do so. This does not mean

that all abusive parents were themselves abused as children. Parental rejection also

may be a key factor.” This book gives more explanation about what makes parents

abuse their children and any adverse factors that can occur of abuse. Moreover, this

book tells more about mental health in human, adults, teens, and children. Also

informs us, that abuse against children which caused by their own parents, evidently

have similar memories or events that ever happened since they were a child.

Parents are the most influential in the development of children. In a family,

usually parents who are teach, educate, and keep their children. The relationship

between parent and children is so intimate, where children learn, act, behave, and

spoken, all of it comes from their parents. Childhood is a special period of

development, because it has a psychological need, education, as well as the physical


Dinkmeyer in his book entitled Child Development the Emerging Self (1965) says, “The family is the major environmental influence and remains throughout life

the most persuasive of all influences. It is in the family that the child either learns to

trust people or to be fearful and uncertain of others. The family has a most significant

role to play in the development of personality. Most of early social learning is

experienced within the family.” It gives explanation about the role of the family in

life, and children development. This book explains more in detail about what is the

responsibility of parents in raising children. Teach interact with others, to trust

others, to anxiety others, and those are should be taught by parents. Parents should

not be cited or doing a bad thing, because children are very easy to imitate. Moreover

for parents who are abuse children, then it can affect physical health, and also child’s


Grace Craig in Human Development (1986) says, “What constitutes child abuse may depend on the social milieu and community standards of a particular

family. Although much of the damage suffered by children is due to carelessness or

look supervision, the results can be just as tragic as those of intentional abuse.” This

book gives explanation about parents who are intimately bond with children. How

parents should give preferential treatment to their children, and not abuse children.

Because abusing children can be destroy the hope of love, trust, and mentality of

them. The drawback affection, attention from parents, also may be an important

factor in child development.

Children have often been the target of abusing. The characteristics of children

who have often been the target of abuse, they usually are afraid of getting close to


abusing children, it causes a very deep trauma, and imprint in his mind. Mental

become incoherent, and can provoke the splitting of personality.

2.4 Multiple Personality disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

In literature, a lot of things that can be used as a literary work, one of which is

psychology. Many aspects of psychology that can be used in the manufacture of a

novel, multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder as one of the

example which often appears on novel.

Ann M. Kring and Sheri L. Johnson in Abnormal Psychology; Eleventh Edition (2010: 161) said that a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder (DID) requires that

a person have at least two separate personalities, or alters different modes of being,

thinking, feeling, and acting that exist independently of each other and that come

forth at different times. Each determines the person’s nature and activities when it is

in command.

Lauren B. Alloy and John H. Riskind in their book Abnormal Psychology; Current Perspectives Ninth Edition (2005: 184) said that dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly known as multiple personality disorder, this pattern, the

personality breaks up into 2 or more distinct identities or personalities states, each

well integrated and well developed, which then take turns controlling the person’s


Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne in Abnormal Psychology; Clinical Perspectives on Psychology Disorders (2009: 193) said that in dissociative identity disorder, the assumption is that a person develops more than one self or


personality. These personalities are referred to as alters, in contrast to the core

personality, the host. This condition was formerly called multiple personality

disorder (MPD), a term that continues to be used by some lay authors and even a few

health professionals. In dissociative identity disorder, each alter is understood to be a

consistent and enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the

environment and the self.

Multiple personality disorder (MPD) or dissociative identity disorder (DID) is

appear with many events, and the events that normally happen is very bad, and

imprint on the memory of the person. For example, things that we cannot forget in

our mind, and it could become trauma are abuses. There are many kinds of abuses,

such as physical abuse, mental abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and verbal

abuse. The effect of these abuses, may cause a very deep trauma that can make

someone, cannot control his/her own mind. They inadvertently leave their own mind,

and they don’t realize that they have another personality. Usually this trauma begins

when they are in childhood phase, and continue until adulthood.

Ann M. Kring and Sheri L. Johnson in Abnormal Psychology; Eleventh Edition (2010: 162) said that DID usually begins in childhood, but it is rarely diagnosed until

adulthood. It is more severe and extensive than the other dissociative disorders, and

recovery may be less complete. Other diagnoses in particular, post traumatic

disorder, major depressive disorder, substance abuse, phobias, borderline personality

disorder, sexual dysfunction, and somatization disorder. DID commonly

accompanied by other symptoms such as headaches, hallucinations, suicide attemps,

and self-abuse behavior, as well as by other dissociative symptoms such as amnesia


Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne in Abnormal Psychology; Clinical Perspectives on Psychology Disorders (2009: 195) said that traditionally, dissociative identity disorder has been attributed to the experience of abuse during

childhood. According to this view, traumatized children fail to develop an integrated

and continuous sense of self. In one of the largest studies of psychiatric outpatients,

interviews revealed high prevalence rates for both physical and sexual abuse in

childhood among those with dissociative symptoms (Foote et al.,2006).

Richard P. Kluft in Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality (1987: 24) explains about the cause of multiple personality disorder:

We would like to believe most sexual abuse of children is done by strangers (most often drifters and “perverts’), or occasionally by individuals who insinuate themselves into settings in which children are vulnerable and easily accessible (that is, schools, daycare centers, clubs, camps, and so forth). Most sexual abuse, however, occurs within the family or the neighborhood. Both male and female infants and youngster may be sexually abused by both parents and other relatives of both sexes. Female children have been subject both to rape and to other forms of abuse as sexual objects by their fathers, brothers, male neighbors, or the paramours of their mothers, sisters, or the caretakers. Male children can be abused by comparable female figures.

DID or multiple personality disorder reflects a failure to integrate various

aspects of identity, memory and consciousness in a single multidimensional self.

Usually, a primary identity carries the individual's given name and is passive,

dependent, guilty and depressed. When in control, each personality state, or alter,

may be experienced as if it has a distinct history, self-image and identity. The alters'

characteristics—including name, reported age and gender, vocabulary, general


Certain circumstances or stressors can cause a particular alter to emerge. The various

identities may deny knowledge of one another, be critical of one another or appear to

be in open conflict.

2.4.1 The Characteristic of Dissociative Identity Disorder or Multiple Personality Disorder

Multiple personality disorder would have some criteria that indicate to the

person who has the symptoms of multiple personality disorder. Here are described

some of the characteristics of multiple personality disorder.

Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne in Abnormal Psychology; Clinical Perspectives on Psychology Disorders (2009: 193-194) said that the characteristics of DID, has at least two distinct identities or personality states, each

with its own pattern of perceiving, thinking, and relating, as well as its own style of

behavior, personal history, and self-image. People with dissociative identity disorder

also experience a form of amnesia, in which they have gaps in their memory about

some aspects of their personal history. Some individuals have gaps that span years,

or even a decade or more. Sometimes only when other people tell them about events

do they become aware of something they have done or said.

Barlow and Durand in Abnormal Psychology; An Integrative Approach, Seventh Edition (2012: 201) said that the diagnostic criteria for DID are:

A. Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality


B. Recurrent gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal

information, and/ or traumatic events that are inconsistent with ordinary


C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in

social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

D. The disturbance is not a normal part of a broadly accepted cultural or

religious practice. In children, the symptoms are not attributable to

imaginary play mates or other fantasy play.

E. The symptoms are not attributable to the physiological effects of a

substance, or another medical condition.

Richard P. Kluft in Childhood Antecedents of Multiple Personality (1987: 40) explains that there are three diagnostic criteria for multiple personality disorder in

DSM-III: 1) the existence within an individual of two (or more) distinct personalities,

each of which is in control of the body at different times; 2) the personality that is

dominant determines ongoing behavior; and 3) each personality is complex and has

its own unique history, behavior patterns, and social relationships.

Moreover, multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder come

from depression, and a very deep trauma that cause several mental disorder which

the effect of this disorder is the outbreak of multiple personalities. Usually the typical

of the sufferer from this disease usually experience some sort of symptoms, such as,




3.1 Research Design

In analyzing the thesis, I use descriptive qualitative method. Bogdan and

Taylor (1975: 5) explains that qualitative method is a research procedure that

descriptive data such as written word or verbal expression from the people and their

behavior that have been observed. Through this method, I use qualitative method by

analyzing the and sentences which are related to the topic of this study about

multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder found in leading

character of novel The Minds of Billy Milligan.

There are three kinds of research methods, library research, field research, and

laboratory research. By analyzing The Minds of Billy Milligan I use library research by using some books which are related to the topic of this thesis. Library research is

research you do from books. First step, the writer read the novel ‘The Minds of Billy Milligan’ as the source of data of multiple personality in leading character and, then used some psychology textbooks to understand the principles of psychology which is

applied by the author of that novel. Data will be collected and selected before it is




Analyzing theory and literature

Conclusion & Suggestion



Processing Data

• Data Collecting, collect and underline the

important things from the novel and related books and references.

• Data Selecting, select all the information that has been collected and only the significant data are used in the process of doing this thesis.

• Data Analyzing, all the selected data are being analyzed to achieve what has been planned in the objective of this thesis.

Interpreting • Data displays using text.

• Examining comparing, discussing data and information. • Identifying the problem.

• Using some theories of Multiple Personality Disorder. Analyzing

• Factors affecting multiple personality disorder. • Assessing and revising.

• Qualitative descriptive method

Conclusion & Suggestion • Summarizing all problems


3.2 Data Collecting

Library research is applied to support the topic which is being discussed in this

thesis by using some related books as references. The writer also got some

information from the internet and used that as the supporting reference of this thesis.

The primary source of data is acquired from the novel which being analyzed in

this thesis entitled The Minds of Billy Milligan by Daniel Keyes. The secondary source of data is obtained from other books as the references which are most

concerned about multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder as the

cause of abused child and theory of personality.

The writer of this thesis applied some steps in collecting data. Firstly, the

writer read the novel The Minds of Billy Milligan and tried to recognize what the story about. The writer read both the English and Indonesian version of the novel.

Secondly, the writer underlined the important things from the leading character.

Thirdly, the data from some books which are focused on multiple personality and

abused child are collected. Finally, the writer selected some best quotations which

are appropriate to support the idea of multiple personality through the leading


3.3 Data Analysis

In analyzing the writer uses descriptive approach. There are some steps of

descriptive analytical method. First, data is identified from dialogues or statements

which lead to the certain characteristics of multiple personality. Then, the writer will


Milligan’. Second, those quotations will be analyzed to give interpretation about multiple personality through the leading character of the novel. The interpretation

will be supported by quotations from some other books about multiple personality,

encyclopedias, and some documents from the internet. Finally, conclusion will be




4.1 Multiple Personality Pictured in the Novel The Minds of Billy Milligan 4.1.1 Characteristics of Multiple Personality Disorders

Multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder has some

characteristics which shown on leading character, and the characteristics are; 1) The

person has at least two or more distinct personalities, 2) Each personality has its own

name, gender, history, behavior and social relationship, and 3) The person experience

a form of amnesia or gaps of time.

4.1.2 Leading Character Has Two or More Distinct Personalities

David H. Barlow and V. Mark Durand in Abnormal Psychology; An Integrative Approach, Seventh Edition (2012: 200) said people with dissociative identity disorder (DID) adopts as many as 100 new identities, and the average

number is closer to 15.

Billy as the leading character shows the characteristic of multiple personality

disorder, which is he has two or more distinct personalities. The story begins when

22 year-old Billy is arrested and charged with rape and robbery case in October,

1977. The defenders who are handle the case, feel the difference of the attitude and


attitude that commonly happens in other people. However, Billy’s behavior

changeable with a very accentuate difference.

Garry saw Milligan’s smile, the excitement in his eyes he had no seen before. He was relaxed, easygoing, trading jokes in an almost light-hearted way. A very different person from that bundle of nerves he’d met the first day. It might be a lot easier to defend him than he’d thought.

(Keyes, 1981: 20)

From the quotation above, shows that Billy has two distinct personalities. He

shown different attitude and behavior away from the first time the defenders saw

him. A similar case is also recognized by Dorothy Turner, a psychologist from

Southwest Community Mental Health Center who interviews Billy in January, 1978.

Turner sees something different on Billy. When Billy, whom has height of 180 cm,

thick mustache, and long beard, come along with Sergeant Willis into the interview

room, but Billy’s eyes show like a frightened child. Turner asks something about

social security number, but Billy answers that he doesn’t know anything about it. He

says that it is not his social number, but it is Billy’s social number. There, he shows

that he has two distinct personalities, he doesn’t admit something which is not his,

but someone else, where actually he lives in one body with the host personality.

“Well, aren’t you Billy?” “No,” he said. “Not me.”

She frowned. “Wait a minute. If you’re not Billy, who are you?” “I’m David.”

“Well, where’s Billy?” “Billy’s asleep.” “Asleep where?”

He pointed to his chest. “In here. He’s asleep.” (Keyes, 1981: 24-25)

Billy looks like instead of himself. Speak fluently like a professional figure and


existence of "the people" that lived in Billy Milligan. David knows, he should not

say that he is not Billy. David must keep a secret that actually there are other

personalities live in Billy.

On the other times also shown significantly the differences in Billy is, at the

time he was in the cell. Billy as Christine was drawing, but a guard mocked him,

because of his drawing was like made by kindergarten children. For no reason, the

guard threw a glass of water to Christine’s drawing. The guard was surprised by the

change in behavior that is far different from Billy that he just mocked earlier.

But the guard who had thrown the water drew away from the bars when he saw the expression on Milligan’s face. The rage was unmistakable. He seemed to be looking around for something to throw. Suddenly, the prisoner grabbed the toilet bowl, ripped it out of the wall and threw it against the bars, shattering the porcelain. The guard stumbled back and ran to hit the alarm button.

“Jesus, Milligan!” Hill said.

“He threw vater on Christine’s drawing. Is not right to destroy the vork of children.”

(Keyes: 1981: 56)

The change is very spontaneous, with anger and mentioning other name which

is not his self is the characteristic of multiple personality. They have their own way

to survive, despite living in the same body.

Other personalities have begun to manifest themselves. Now there are other

names that appear besides David, that’s Arthur. He is most often set up the situation,

and knows a lot of things. Arthur also who gives the name ‘the spot' for those who

are on the outside world, or the holder of consciousness. In turn, or take over 'the


“What’s ‘the spot’, David?”

“That’s what Arthur calls it. He explained to us how it works when one of the people has to come out. It’s a big white spotlight. Everybody stands around it, watching or sleeping in their beds. And whoever steps on the spot is out in the world. Arthur says, ‘Whoever is on the spot holds the consciousness.’” (Keyes, 1981: 26)

Barlow and Durand in Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach, Seventh Edition (2012: 201) explains that the transformation from one personality to another is called a switch. Usually, the switch is instantaneous. Physical

transformations may occur during switches. Posture, facial expressions, patterns of

facial wrinkling, and even physical disabilities may emerge.

Billy’s other personality Arthur, tells Ragen that there is another woman,

besides Christine who lives in Billy. Ragen and Christine are also the other

personalities of Billy. Arthur introduces Adalana, and also tells Ragen that she who

stole the time at the time Ragen robbed last October. The conversation goes in with

rapid-fire switching, sometimes aloud, sometimes in the mind as speech without

sound. Here’s the quotation below, shows the conversation:

“Adalana, I want you to meet Ragen. Since Ragen is our protector, he has a right to know what happened. You will have to explain yourself and justify you actions to him.”

A soft, delicate voice echoed in his mind, as if from the darkness beyond. It was like a hallucination or a dream voice.

“Ragen, I’m sorry for the trouble—“

“Sorry!” Ragen snarled, pacing. “You filty slut. Vy for you go around raping vomans? Do you realize vat you put us all trhough?”

(Keyes, 1981: 76-77)

The characteristic of has at least two distinct personalities, is they often speak

for themselves. Whether an openly situation or by heart to heart. Kluft (1987:175)


asserted behavioral dominance. The conversation can be seen clearly from the

quotation above that the personalities talked each other, even arguing. Talking to our

self is unusual thing in a normal person. Usually, things like these considered as a

crazy person. However, this symptom has been a characteristic of multiple


At the hospital Arthur is in charge. He allows Billy the core personality take

the spot more frequently, especially for his treatment. He lets Billy speak to Dr.

George about him, and other personalities. Billy finally found out about the others.

Arthur explains to him, who he is, and why all this time Billy doesn’t know his


Kluft (1987: 40) explains that an alter personality will be aware of the original

or “host” personality. However, the “host” personality usually claims to be unaware

of the existence of other personalities. In addition, information acquired while the

other personalities had executive control of the body may not be accessible to the

“host” personality.

Billy Milligan has at least two distinct or more personalities as the

characteristic of multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder which

Billy, as the host personality who at first did not know the existences of other

personality figures, must accept the consequences of the crime that he actually never

did. Multiple personality disorder tends to be more on changing behavior, and

attitudes, than normal person. Multiple personality disorder has at least two or more


4.1.3 Leading Character’s Personalities: Own Name, Gender, History, Behavior and Social Relationship

As has been explained previously in chapter two that, one of the characteristic

of multiple personality disorder is each personality has its own name, gender, history,

behavior and social relationship which shows on Billy as the leading character.

Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne in Abnormal Psychology; Clinical Perspectives on Psychology Disorders (2009: 193-194) said that the characteristics of multiple personality disorder, on each personality has its own

pattern of perceiving, thinking, and relating, as well as its own style of behavior,

personal history, and self-image.

Billy the host personality, was born in Miami, United States. He dropouts from

high school, has blue eyes and brown hair. His height is 180cm, and 86kg weight.

Billy has one older brother and one younger sister. Since he was a child, his character

was such a boy who filled with the spirit of exploring, finding out a lot of things, and

has a high enthusiasm of something.

Jimbo never forgot that although he was a year and four months older than his brother, it was Billy who, at the age of seven, instigated running away from home that summer. They would pack some food, Billy told him, and take a knife and some clothes, and they would go off and have adventures. They would come back rich and famous.

(Keyes, 1981: 152)

His courage has seen when he was a boy. However, when he becomes adult his

character shown depressed, because of he unable to remember the events that

happened to him, and it’s all because of the other personality who alternately “use”

Billy’s body, where Billy himself did not know that he has another personality.


His gaze seemed to turn inward. His lips twitched as if he were talking in his sleep.

Suddenly his eyes opened wide.

“Oh my God!” he cried. “I thought I was dead!”

He jerked around in his seat. Seeing people looking at him, he jumped out of the chair onto the floor on all fours and scuttled crablike to opposite wall, as far from them as he could get, squeezing between the writing arm rests of two chairs, cowering and sobbing.

“What’d I do now?” (Keyes, 1981: 54)

From the expression, attitudes, behaviors, and the words that come out from

Billy, shows that he is depressed, timid, and very careful. He had left ‘the spot’ for a

long time. Kluft (1987: 32) said that decompensated multiple personality disorder

patients may lose access to their skills or training, become unable to use talents and

intelligence, and experience frightening episodes of time loss; that is, amnesia. The

patients’ loss of health, opportunities, and access to their natural ability to learn and

profit from education, seriously compromise their abilities to live, love, and work.

Arthur as Billy’s another personality is a figure of helper personality. He is the first figure who by reason aware of any other personality figures. He also who

creates the rules of what and who is controlling the situation when one of them is on

‘the spot’. Arthur is a smart, intelligent, rational, emotionless man, and he reads a lot.

He comes from London, England, he has British accent and wears glasses.

Arthur knew very well there were others around, because as he checked the dates on the calendar, he knew something was wrong. According to everything he read and observed, other people didn’t sleep as long as he seemed to be sleeping.

(Keyes, 1981: 170)

Arthur realized that because of his knowledge, he had become responsible for a large, diverse family. They were all involved with the same body, and something had to be done to create order out of what was proving to be a chaotic situation. Since he was the only one capable of handling the task unemotionally, he


would put his mind to it and come up with something that would be fair, workable and – above all – logical.

(Keyes, 1981: 171-172)

Nolen in her book Abnormal Psychology: Forth edition (2007) said that there are some types of dissociative symptoms, and the third type is the protector, or helper

personality. The function of this personality is to offer advise to other personalities or

to perform functions the host personality is unable to perform, such as engaging in

sexual relations or hiding from abusive parents. Helpers sometimes control the

switching from on personality to another or act as passive observes who can report

on the thoughts and intentions of all the personalities.

There are so many differences between Arthur and Billy. The differences can

be seen from their ability, skill, and behavior between them. Not only that, even the

way of speaking, accent, and their background of life is also different.

During Milligan lives in prison, but of course it’s not the real Billy, Ragen

figure who dominated situation, the consciousness in dangerous places. His

disposition is the strongest of all the people who lives in Billy. That’s why he

controls the situation at the time in prison. This is overly different with Arthur’s

characteristic. Where Arthur is who has perceptivity and such a clever person to see

the situation.

“Let me put it this way. In different circumstances, spot is ruled by me or Arthur, depending on situation. In prison I control spot – decide who goes on, who stays off—because is dangerous place. As protector, I have full power and command. In situation where is no danger and where intelligence and logic are more important, then Arthur dominates spot.”

(Keyes, 1981: 41)

Ragen is a figure of protector, it is he who keep all the family members from harm or danger. He is the strongest man who lives in Billy. He is Yugoslavian, he


speaks English with a noticeable Slavic accent, and reads, writes and speaks

Serbo-Croatian. Weighs 95kg, has enormous arms, black hair and long, drooping mustache.

He sketches in black and white because he is color-blind.

Ragen knew his last name was Vadascovinich, that his homeland was Yugoslavia and that his reason for existence was to survive and to use any means to protect the others – especially the children. He was aware of his great strength and his ability to sense danger as a spider feels the tingling presence of an intruder on his web. He was able to absorb all the others’ fear and transform it into action. He vowed to train himself, perfect his body, study the material arts. But that was not enough in this hostile world.

(Keyes, 1981: 173-174)

Kluft (1987: 71) said that the personalities described by clinicians working

with multiple personality disorder patients usually include a number of frequently

encountered types of alternate personalities, which perform specific functions or

roles in the individual’s life. These alternates commonly include: child personalities,

who may serve to hold or buffer traumatic experiences; persecutor personalities, who

inflict pain and punishment on the individual (often through suicide attempts or

self-mutilation); helper personalities, who provide advice or perform functions that the

host or central personality is unable to accomplish; and recorder or memory

personalities, who maintain continuous awareness in spite of the amnesias

experienced by other personalities. In addition, there may be personalities who

perceive themselves as being of the opposite sex, or having opinions and life-styles

that are in dramatic opposition to that of the host or main personality.

Ragen is so much away from Billy characteristic, the core or ‘host’ personality.

Billy is a figure who afraid of men. It is because of his past trauma with his


Kluft (1987: 51) said that whenever the host personality is unable to express its

anger, the alternate personality takes over and may express this affect in an extreme

or inappropriate manner.

Billy as The Teacher, remember the chaotic time suffered by Billy. The teacher

is Billy personality that has merged or fused. He is very intelligent, sensitive, and has

a sense of humor, he himself Billy completely if the twenty-three other personalities

merge into one. The teacher remembers every single events that happen on the

twenty-three other figures, and he knows all the figures very well.

Mark, who had a short attention span for anything but manual labor, would have wandered away. Tommy would have rebelled. David would have suffered. “Jason,” the pressure valve, would have screamed. “Bobby” would have gotten lost in a fantasy. “Samuel,” who was Jewish, like Johnny Morrison, would have prayed. Any one of them or the others might have done something wrong and gotten Billy into a worse mess. Only Christine, who never got older than three, could stand there patiently and say nothing.

(Keyes, 1981: 160)

Allen and Tommy are the two most similar figures. Tommy is often mistaken

for Allen. Nonetheless Allen is a person skilled in speaking, he’s also good at getting

along with others. Whereas Tommy, he is anti-social, do not like to associate with

others, especially with those who do not know him. Allen is the most frequently

appear in front of people, because of his shrewdness in communication. Here’s the

quotation which shows Allen’s expertise in communicating:

Wilbur once again introduced herself and the people in room who hadn’t met Allen before, and Yavitch marveled at how changed Milligan seemed, how relaxed and outgoing. He smiled and spoke earnestly and fluently, very different from the shy, boyish Danny. Allen answered her questions about his interests. He played the piano and the drums, he said, and painted—


mostly portraits. He was eighteen and loved baseball, though Tommy hated the game.

(Keyes, 1981: 51)

From the quotations above, we can conclude that, in every “person” who lives

in Milligan, have their own character, and their own view. Moreover they have limits

or authority in the form of rules that they must obey to. In each personality has its

own behavior patterns, history, and social relationships. From the explanation of that on each personality has a name, a fundamental

nature, history, self-image and different identity. Having different gender, age,

knowledge, vocabulary, mood, which contrast with the core personality or the host.

Christine describes as a child alter, Nolen (2007) said that a child alter may be created during a traumatic experience to become the victim of the trauma, while the

“host” personality escapes into the protection of psychological oblivion. Christine is

a bright little English girl, she can read and print, but has dyslexia. Likes to draw and

color pictures of flowers and butterflies. Blond shoulder-length hair, and has blue

eyes. She has an older brother name Christopher. Christine is the first personality

who appears in Billy.

Christine didn’t know who Billy was or why she was being called that, but she was happy she could play with Kathy. She took a red crayon and went to the wall beside the crib to draw Kathy a picture of a doll.

(Keyes, 1981: 148)

From all of the quotations above, it can be concluded that, Billy, Arthur,

Ragen, and Christine are fourth different figure which through behavior, attitudes,


personality which are not described, but all personality has its own life background

also vary.

4.1.4 Leading Character Experience a Form of Amnesia or Gaps of Time

One of the characteristic of multiple personality disorder is experience amnesia

or gaps of time. Richard P. Halgin and Susan Krauss Whitbourne (2009: 193-194)

said that people with multiple personality disorder experience a form of amnesia, in

which they have gaps in their memory about some aspects of their personal history.

Some individuals have gaps that span years, or even a decade or more. Sometimes

only when other people tell them about events do they become aware of something

they have done or said.

Memory in everyone’s mind is different. But, as a normal human being, we can

still remember the events that already happened one or two days earlier even is a

month. However, Billy is not able to remember the event, at the beginning how he

could be in jail. This is an unnatural thing, because bad event is usually hard to be

forgotten. However, Billy does not know about it. Billy Milligan has the

characteristic of multiple personality, which are time gaps or amnesia.

“Tell me Billy, why did you smash you head into the wall the other day?”

“I thought I was dead,” he said, “and then I woke up and found myself in jail.”

“What was the last thing you remember before that?”

“Going up to the school roof. I didn’t want to see any more doctors. Dr. Brown at the Lancaster Mental Health Center couldn’t cure me. I thought I jumped off. Why ain’t I dead? Who are all of you? Why you lookin’ at me like that?”

(Keyes, 1981: 54) Billy looked up, startled.


What was he doing in class? How had he gotten here? He remembered getting up in the morning, but not getting dressed or coming to school. He had no idea what had happened between waking up at home and now.

(Keyes: 1981: 163)

From the quotations above, we can conclude that Billy has amnesia, unable to

remember things he had done. This is one of the characteristics and description of a

multiple personality disorder or dissociative identity disorder. Amnesia is a form of

memory loss, you can't remember what happened to you in the past.

Barlow and Durand (2012: 197) said that people who are unable to remember

anything, including who they are, are said to suffer from amnesia. Generalized

amnesia may be lifelong or may extend from a period in the more recent past, such as

6 months or a year previously. A failure to recall specific events, usually traumatic,

that occur during a specific period.

Billy is not the only one who experience amnesia or gaps of time. Another

personality experience the same way. Billy as David also, sometimes has gaps of

time. Here’s the quotation below:

“I’ll tell ya. I don’t know everything. Only Arthur does. Like you said, I’m scared, because a lot of times I don’t know what’s going on.”

(Keyes, 1981: 25)

David, he can’t remember not even know what events that has happening,

unless he is at "the spot". This is a multiple personality disorder characteristics,

experience gaps of time. David, a boy aged 8 years who has dark reddish brown hair,

blue eyes, and a smallish. He is the taste of pain, it was he who felt all the pain "the

people" that are lives in Billy Milligan. Even all the personalities that live in Billy,


Danny found himself outside, wondering what he was doing walking on the freezing street in a torn shirt and without his shoes or gloves. He turned around and went back into the house, shocked to see Jim in the doorway staring at him as if he were crazy.

(Keyes, 1981: 261)

When Allen woke up the next morning, he had no idea what had happened. He saw the money in the drawer and it worried him, but he couldn’t reach Tommy or Ragen or Arthur or anyone else for an explanation.

(Keyes, 1981: 229)

“What do you mean by ‘loses time’?” Judy asked.

“It happens to all of us. You’re someplace doing something. Then suddenly you’re someplace else, and you can tell that time has passed, but you don’t know what happened.”

Judy shook her head. “That must be awful.” “You never get used to it,” Allen said. (Keyes, 1981: 33)

Milligan as the leading character has all the characteristics of multiple

personality disorder. Such as amnesia, has at least two or more distinct personalities,

and on each personality has its unique history, behavior, age, and gender. Kluft

(1987: 48) explain a precipitating factor is one that can be identified as being

antecedent to the initiation of a set of intrapsychic processes and structures that lead

to the formation of a new personality. The diagnosis of multiple personality disorder

is usually made long after the personalities become separate.

4.2 The Causes of Multiple Personality Portrayed in the Novel The Minds of Billy Milligan

The leading character has a multiple personality disorder, first we need to

know about the background of his life. There is a correlation between cause and


xvii the same age as Billy, and another daughter who was a nurse. Dorothy and Chalmer married in Circleville, Ohio on October 27, 1963.

At his later trial, Chalmer was blamed for Billy had multiple personalities from a much earlier age, however; his first three (no-name boy, Christene, and Shawn) appearing by the time he was five years old. Arrest

In 1975, Milligan was imprisoned at Ohio, for rape and armed robbery. He was released on parole in early 1977. He was also forced to register as a raping three women on the of his victims, from existing police mug shots of sex offenders, and from fingerprints lifted from another victim's car. One of the victims said that he was quite nice and that he acted like a 3 year old girl.

Since he had used a gun and guns were found in a search of his residence, he had violated his parole as well. He was counts of aggravated robbery and four counts of rape”. He then stayed in the Ohio State Penitentiary.

In the course of preparing his defense, he underwent a acute Southwest Community Mental Health Center in examination, Turner concluded that Milligan suffered from multiple personality disorder. Milligan's public defenders, Gary Schweickart and Judy Stevenson, pleaded an Incarceration

Milligan was sent to a series of state-run these hospitals, Milligan reported having ten different personalities. These ten were the only ones known to psychologists. Later on an additional 14 personalities, labeled "The Undesirables", were discovered. Among the first ten were: Arthur, a prim and proper Vadascovinich, a robberies in a kind of craved affection and who had allegedly committed the rapes.

Milligan received treatment from psychiatrist additional fourteen personalities.


xviii Release

Milligan was released in 1988 after a decade in mental hospitals, and discharged from the Ohio mental health system and the Ohio courts on August 1, 1991. In 1996 he lived in was going to make a short film (which apparently has never been made). His location thereafter remained for a long time unknown, his former acquaintances having lost contact with him.


Milligan died of cancer at a nursing home in 12, 2014. He was 59.


The Minds of

Billy Milligan (1981, available in fourteen languages). His follow-up book, The

Milligan Wars, was published in

2009, but not yet in the against the State of Ohio for the allegedly inadequate treatment he received in Ohio facilities, then to the desire to tie its release to an in-development film.


Several attempts had been made by Hollywood to adapt Keyes' book. In the early 1990s version he was to direct then-titled A Crowded Room (with 'A'). This adaptation never came into fruition because Cameron was sued by adaptation rightsholder $1.5 million"; seeing the project stalled, Milligan also sued Cameron in

slightly retitled The Crowded Room (with 'The'), with directors of Milligan included its DiCaprio would star as Milligan, with Jason Smilovic set to pen the script.


xix The Ten

These ten are the alters whom personalities "Ragen" and "Arthur" decided were not "undesirable." They freely shared consciousness, and doctors quickly learned of their existences.

1. Billy Milligan (William Stanley Milligan) is the core personality.

2. Arthur is an extremely sophisticated and educated science and medicine, with a focus on is, in charge of the shared body – during times that required intellectual thinking. Arthur is one of only two personalities who could classify a person in the group as an undesirable.

3. Ragen Vadascovinich is the "keeper of hate". His name comes from the words "rage again". Ragen describes himself as Yugoslavian, has a dangerous times and can designate group members as "undesirable". He admitted committing robbery in order to support "the family", but had no knowledge of the rapes.

4. Allen is a con man and a manipulator. He is the most common person to talk to the outside world. He plays the drums and paints portraits. Also the only right-handed self. He is the only personality that smokes cigarettes.

5. Tommy is the escape artist; he is often confused with Allen. He plays the tenor sax and is an electronics expert. He is also a painter, specializing in landscapes.

6. Danny is afraid of people, especially men. He only paints still lifes, saying that this was because Chalmer made him dig his own grave and buried him in it.

7. David, age eight, is the "keeper of pain". He comes to the spot to take the pain of the others.

8. Christene, age three, was the one who would stand in the corner in school when "Billy" would get in trouble. She has read and write. Ragen has a special bond with her.

9. Christopher, Christene's brother, plays the harmonica.

10. Adalana, a

Milligan's attorney claimed that Adalana had admitted to committing the rapes without the knowledge of Milligan or the other alters.

The Undesirables

These people were labeled "undesirable" after breaking the rules laid down by Ragen and Arthur. These alters were no longer allowed "on the spot" (that is, to hold consciousness) and only revealed themselves after Milligan was sent to the hospital.

11.Phil is a thug and took part in planning some small time crimes. Has a Brooklyn accent. Marked due to him being a criminal.

12.Kevin is a criminal planner; he helped devise a plan to rob a drug store. Labeled also because he is a criminal.


xx 13.Walter is Australian. He calls himself a big-game hunter and has an excellent sense of direction. Was often used as a spotter. He was labeled because he shot and killed a crow.

14.April only has thoughts about destroying Billy's stepfather. Declared an Undesirable when she convinced Ragen to kill Chalmer. Luckily though Arthur was able to talk him out of it at the last second.

15.Samuel is the Jewish person. He is the only one who believes in God. Was marked because he sold some of the other people's personal paintings.

16.Mark is the workhorse. He is often referred to as the zombie because he does nothing unless he is told, and will stare at walls when bored.

17.Steve is the impostor, he uses imitations for comedy. Steve never accepted that he was an MP. He was made to be undesirable because his comedy caused the family problems.

18.Lee is the prankster and his practical jokes normally get the family into trouble. He does not care about consequences for his actions. He was made an undesirable because one of his jokes put them into solitary confinement. 19.Jason is the pressure valve. He was used at the beginning to release tension

for the family, but he caused them to get into too much trouble and was marked as an undesirable.

20.Bobby always dreams of leading some adventure or fixing some global crisis, but he has no ambitions and was labeled due to that fact.

21.Shawn, who is four and deaf, makes buzzing sounds so he can feel the vibration in his head. He was labeled an undesirable because there was no benefit from being deaf later on in life. (Even though he is an undesirable he was never cast into the shadows beyond the spot; he was just never allowed to take the spot.)

22.Martin is a snob, from New York. He wants things just handed over to him without earning them.

23.Timothy worked in a florist shop until he encountered a gay man who flirted with him. He went into his own world after that.

The Teacher

(Not an Undesirable)

24.The Teacher, was by far the greatest milestone to helping Billy achieve fusion. He is the sum of all 24 people put together, and has almost total recall of all the other people's actions and thoughts.




Daniel Keyes is a resident of Southern Florida. Born in New York, he joined the U.S. Maritime Service at seventeen and went to sea as ship's purser. After Keyes left the sea, he resumed his studies at Brooklyn College (now CUNY) where he received his B.A. Degree in psychology.

He was subsequently employed as an associate fiction editor, then left editing to enter the fashion photography business. Keyes later earned a license to teach English in the New York City schools and was granted tenure. While teaching days and writing weekends, Keyes returned to Brooklyn College at night for post- graduate study in English and American literature. After receiving his M.A. degree, he left New York to teach creative writing at Wayne State University. He joined the faculty of Ohio University in 1966, was appointed Professor of English and Creative Writing, and in 2000 was honored with Professor emeritus status. Brooklyn College awarded Keyes its 1988, "Distinguished Alumnus Medal of Honor."

Keyes' award-winning first novel print in hard covers and in paperback (Harcourt, 1966; Bantam, 1968). It has been widely translated and is studied in schools and colleges around the world. In April 1995, Harcourt Brace re-published it in the Harcourt Brace Modern Classic series. At the same time it was released by Parrot Audio Books, narrated by Keyes on cassette tapes.

Cliff Robertson won an "Oscar" for his performance in the movie version, "CHARLY."

The novel was also adapted as a stage play, and after productions in France, Poland and in Japan, it was adapted with Japanese background for a Japanese production, and televised by NHK. Developed as a dramatic musical, "Charlie and Algernon" was performed at the Queen's Theater in London's West End (starring Michael Crawford), at the Terrace and Eisenhower theaters in Washington, D.C. and at the Helen Hayes on Broadway.

Keyes has published four more novels: with the human tragedy connected with a radiation accident, and

disorder, Until Death..., a novel dealing with a double homicide in Florida and the issue of competency for execution, which was published in Japan on February 18,


xxii 1998 under the Japanese title Until Death Do Us Part: The Sleeping Princess, and

his latest novel,

In addition, Keyes has published three nonfiction books:

about the first person in history to be acquitted of major crimes because he suffers from multiple personality. It was selected by American Circle, Bertlesmann Book Club, a Main Selection of the Preferred Choice Bookplan, and an Alternate of the Book-of-the-Month Club. It won Germany's Kurd Lasswitz Award for "Best Book by a Foreign Author" and was nominated for the "Edgar Award" by the Mystery Writers of America.

where both books were highly acclaimed million-copy best sellers), will be issued in the US by Bantam Books, in both hardcover and paperback editions, during the theatrical release of the movie version of The Minds of Billy Milligan which has been bought by Warners for a movie entitled "The Crowded Room."


behind a woman's knowledge and false confession to three of the ten "22-Caliber Murders."

In his memoir,

retraces his steps through the life experiences and events that led to his creation of Flowers for Algernon. February of 2000 saw not only the publication of Algernon, Charlie and I, but also the airing of a new, made for TV movie adaptation of Flowers for Algernon on CBS-TV starring Matthew Modine and Kelli Williams.

Keyes has done four book tours (including one in Tokyo) and has appeared on "The Today Show," "Regis and Kathy," "20/20," "Sonya," and "Larry King Live" (twice), and has lectured at more than sixty universities across the country. For a schedule of his appearances check the represented by Mel Berger at the William Morris Agency in New York.