Skills Data Analysis Technique

45 Table 3.6 Methodology Checklist No Evaluation Aspect F-Methodology Criteria Fulfilment Description No 0 Yes 1 1 Does this textbook allow active learner involvement? 2 Are the techniques used for presentingpracticing new language items suitable for learners? 3 Does this textbook develop learners’ communicative abilities? 4 Does the material include any advicehelp to students on study skills and learning strategies? 5 Are students expected to take a degree of responsibility for their own learning?

7. Teachers’ Books

This aspects consist of five criteria evaluating the existence of the accompanying materials that aimed to help the teacher in using this textbook. Table 3.7 Teachers’ Books Checklist No Evaluation Aspect G-Teachers’ Book Criteria Fulfilment Description No 0 Yes 1 1 Is there adequate guidance for teachers who will be using the textbook and its supporting materials? 2 Are the teachers’ books comprehensive and supportive? 3 Do they adequately cover teaching techniques, language items such as grammar rules and culture-specific information? 4 Do the writers set out and justify the basic premises and principles underlying the material? 5 Are keys to exercises given? 46

8. Practical Considerations

In this aspect, four criteria are used to evaluate the practical consideration in using this textbook. Those practical considerations include the price of the textbook, the attractiveness of the textbook’s appearance, the easiness to get the textbook and the effectiveness to use the whole package of the textbook. Table 3.8 Practical Considerations Checklist No Evaluation Aspect H-Practical Considerations Criteria Fulfilment Description No 0 Yes 1 1 Does this represent good value or money? 2 Are they attractive in appearance? 3 Are they easily to obtain? 4 Do any parts of the package require particular equipment, such as a language laboratory, listening centre, or video player? In the third column of the checklist, it was analysed whether each criterion was fullfilled or not. Score 1 was given for the fulfilled criterion, meanwhile score 0 was given for unfulfilled criterion. The tick on the checklist indicated that the criterion was fulfilled or was not fulfilled. Then, there would be a calculation to decide whether the textbook fullfilled the criteria of good textbook or not. The formula used in the calculation was = the total points of criteria fulfilled in the textbook for each aspect N = the total points of criteria in each aspect Percentage = X 100 47 The calculation was done for each aspects and overall textbook. After the calculation was done, the result of it would be categorized based on Table 3.9 as follows. Table 3.9 Categorization of the Criteria Fulfilment Percentage Category 80-100 Good 60-79 Fair 50-59 Sufficient Below 50 Poor The quality of a textbook would be categorized as good if the overall percentage of fulfilled criteria was between 80-100. The quality was fair if the percentage was between 60-79. The quality would be considered as sufficient if the percentage was between 50-59, meanwhile it is considered poor quality if the percentage was below 50. Since this was collaborative research, the results of this research were validated by the other collaborators. The other collaborators had responsibility to read and validate the results of this research.

E. Research Procedure

In conducting this research, the researcher did some procedural research steps. They are preparing the study, analysing the content of the textbook and writing down the report. The steps were elaborated as follows

1. Preparing the study

The researcher did some informal interviews toward some English teachers in state-owned and private senior high schools in Yogyakarta. These interviews were done to give the researcher a framework of the using of English