The Causes of the Errors

44 Num. The Matters Questioned Responses the awareness of using appropriate Grammar . 6. The suggestions for the ELESP students about how to cope with error production problem. • Practicing more • Consulting with other people and receiving their feedback 7. The suggestions for the ELESP lecturers about how to cope with error production problem. • Giving feedback • Motivating students appropriately • Being a model for the students • Facilitating the students’ learning

2. Discussion

a. The Causes of the Errors

From the interviews the researcher learned that the respondents felt the importance of speaking accurately because the use of inappropriate verb phrases may lead to misunderstanding and other people’s bad impression. In addition, it is significant that a teacher’s English is not only semantically correct, but also grammatically correct since they are a model for their students. The researcher found out that there were some factors which led the students to produce the verb phrase errors. In their opinion, the four causes of grammatical errors contibuted to the error production. They also gave some other causes apart from those four. Here are the causes. 1 Incomplete Application of Rules Being able to be convey meaning without using all the rules necessary for an utterance was what caused the students to make the verb phrase errors. Most of the errors resulted from this reason. The students recognized that they wanted to use English effectively for communication although they realized that they should have Table 4.1 continued PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 used better grammar. When they were lost for words to say, they would say whatever came into their mind as long as the audience could understand what they intended to convey. 2 Nervousness Nervousness was what also underlied many of the errors that the students made. When they were expected to be a good model of someone using good grammar and observed by their lecturers and classmates, they felt a lot of pressure. Such a situation was made worse when they were lost for words and did not have sufficient knowledge about the grammatical rules necessary for the utterances they were going to produce. In brief, nervousness really affected their linguistic performance. 3 Lack of Practices and Experiences in Using English When there is less exposure to English and someone seldom uses English in his daily conversations and when he has to use it, he will tend to make more errors than someone more often exposed to English and accustomed to using it. These were some other reasons why the respondents made verb phrase errors. There was not sufficient exposure to English and they did not always make themselves used to speaking English regularly. Therefore, when they had to speak English in their teaching practices, more errors occurred. 4 The Influence of Indonesian Language and Falsely-Hypothesized Concept The respondents grew and lived in a non-English-speaking country where Indonesian was their national language. No doubt the structure of this language had PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 46 a deep impact in their English language learning, as what usually happens to English learners in such countries. The respondents acknowledged that they often made a word-by-word translation using the structure of Indonesian language, especially when there was not enough exposure to English and they did not have sufficient knowledge about the appropriate rules. 5 Overgeneralization When someone has had the knowledge of English rules in his mind and he meets a new situation, he is inclined to apply the rules although the rules are inappropriate for the situation. The respondents admitted that this was another cause of the verb phrase errors that they produced, especially when they had to speak fluently. 6 Ignorance of Rule Restrictions The results of the interviews also indicated that the lack of knowledge that some rules cannot be applied in some contexts was the other reason for the respondents to produce the verb phrase errors. They failed to notice that some rules have restrictions. As a result, they used some rules in the cases where those rules were not applicable. 7 Lack of the Awareness of Using Appropriate Grammar The last cause that led the respondents to make the verb phrase errors was the lack of the awareness of using appropriate grammar. Some students may have spoken too fast without good awareness of using appropriate rules. This made them only speak grammatically-correct English. They did not speak accurately, only fluently. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47

b. The

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