Definition of Terms INTRODUCTION

to the female circumcision tradition. It does not focus on the representation of African women and womanhood. 3. “Alice Walker: A Literary Genealogist” by Paege Alessandra Moore Moore relates W alker‟s work towards the previous writer who has the same writing style with Walker, such as Zora Neale Humon. She states that both of them have the same theme in several literature works of them. Walker draws on the precedent set by Hurston; as a result, similar themes reappear in Walkers work, including: the use of American vernacular; focus on womens roles within the African American community; female sexuality within the context of womens achievement of personal growth, individuation, and the desire for control over their sexual and physical selves Moore, 1998:1. She makes a research on the connection between Hurston and Walker work of literature. The way Walker brings the female protagonist of the story, being the struggling one against the patriarchal system. Walker, also, consolidates the female on the story, thus they can make sisterhood over the problem they have shared. This research differs from Moore‟s research because this research uses only Possessing the Secret of Joy without examining Walker‟s writing style. The tribal tradition is the main thing being discussed. The researcher focuses on the close reading of the novel, rather than relate to the outer world of the work. Relating to the tribal tradition, this work uses postcolonial theory. It is to see the tradition and the revealing idea of Tashi‟s identity crisis. This theory is also preferred because there are some issues in the novel, such as hegemony, racism, miscegenation and otherness Huggan and Tiffin, 2010: 135. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 4. “The RelationshipBetween the African and American Heritages in Alice Walker‟s Novel Possessing the Secret of Joy and the Short Story Everyday Use ” by Anna Golubeva Golubeva‟s research is to describe the significance of African and American culture to wards Walker‟s work. Since Walker‟s work includes the cultural duality of African- American. She analyses the connection of African and American culture in general towards postcolonial using Walker‟s Possessing the Secret of Joy and Everyday Use . She does not analyse the tribal tradition and its effect. Chapter II studies the possible relationship between the African and the American heritages on the example of Alice Walkers novel Possessing the Secret of Joy and the short story Everyday Use Golubeva, 2009: 2. Although, this research uses the same object with her work, Possessing the Secret of Joy , this research concentrates on the tribal tradition, female circumcision. This also sees the culture, but mainly to analyse the tradition and the revealing idea of identity crisis is experienced by Tashi. The researcher uses the tribal tradition to reveal the identity crisis of Tashi. Meanwhile, Golubeva‟s work focuses on both African and American heritages. The researcher uses these four researches with same object to make a difference among them. The researcher can see the other people idea and their ways to analys e Walker‟s work. It gives idea of some preferable theories to use in this research.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this part, there are several theories be provided below to help the researcher to analyse the problem formulation in this research.

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

A character in a story has person characteristics; which means it does not have to be a person as an individual, but more on human characteristics. It can be seen through character‟s dialogue and actions in narrative work. The readers can make their own perspective towards the character of the work, since they read the dialogue and imagine the action. Based on the interpretation, it helps to analyse the characteristic of the character deeper, so that it can make the reader to see and understand the character. In fiction work, according to Literature: structure, sound, and sense by Laurence Perrine, he states that to define character needs two presentation ways. Firstly, the direct presentation, the author gives the information of character straight away to the reader. The author gives narration about “what a character is like, or have someone else in the story tell us what he is like ” Perrine, 1974: 68. Thus, the reader automatically can imagine the appearance of the character through the explanation of the author in the work. Secondly, the indirect presentation, the author gives information of the character through thought and action of the character. The reader knows the character from “what he thinks or says or does ” Perrine, 1974: 68. Furthermore, Roberts and Jacobs explain more on their Fiction about the presenting ways of character. They both state five ways to present character publicly. “First, what the characters do,” the author makes the character to do something, in order to understand more about the character Roberts and Jacobs, 1991:140. Second, the description of the characters; this is used to understand