Review of Related Studies

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

A character in a story has person characteristics; which means it does not have to be a person as an individual, but more on human characteristics. It can be seen through character‟s dialogue and actions in narrative work. The readers can make their own perspective towards the character of the work, since they read the dialogue and imagine the action. Based on the interpretation, it helps to analyse the characteristic of the character deeper, so that it can make the reader to see and understand the character. In fiction work, according to Literature: structure, sound, and sense by Laurence Perrine, he states that to define character needs two presentation ways. Firstly, the direct presentation, the author gives the information of character straight away to the reader. The author gives narration about “what a character is like, or have someone else in the story tell us what he is like ” Perrine, 1974: 68. Thus, the reader automatically can imagine the appearance of the character through the explanation of the author in the work. Secondly, the indirect presentation, the author gives information of the character through thought and action of the character. The reader knows the character from “what he thinks or says or does ” Perrine, 1974: 68. Furthermore, Roberts and Jacobs explain more on their Fiction about the presenting ways of character. They both state five ways to present character publicly. “First, what the characters do,” the author makes the character to do something, in order to understand more about the character Roberts and Jacobs, 1991:140. Second, the description of the characters; this is used to understand about the character social status or the character trait from the environment and the appearance Roberts and Jacobs, 1991:141. Third, the characters ‟way of saying and thinking; if their thoughts are expressed by the author. Fourth, the opinion of other characters Roberts and Jacobs, 1991: 141-142. Fifth, the author explains about the character as if he is an observer or a storyteller of the character Roberts and Jacobs, 1991: 142. The author wants to make the character is accepted factually, in order to help the reader making their own conclusion of the character. Meanwhile, characterization based on book Understanding Unseen by M. J Murphy, he defines Characterization as the way in which an author attempts to make his characters understandable and come alive for his readers; therefore, the readers are able to visualize the characters as the author expected Murphy, 1972: 161. It means that characterization is like a visualization of a character so that the readers can see the character as the author sees it.

2. Theory of Setting

According to A Handbook to Literature by Holman as cited from William Flint Thrall and Clarence Addison Hibbard 1960 setting defines as “the physical, and sometimes spiritual, background against which the action of a narrative novel, drama, short story, poem takes place ” Holman, et al , 1986:465. Relation between setting and character is setting interconnect with character, which means an author emphasizes the significance of time, place, and circumstance on human change and development Roberts and Jacobs, 1991: 245. An author needs some elements to create setting. According to William Harmon 2003: 470, there are four elements of setting: first, “the actual geographical location”means the place, scenery, and object location in the story. Second, “the occupation and daily manner of living of the characters”means the character‟s job. Third, “the time or period in which the action takes place,”means the time even the season in the story. The last, “the general environment of the characters,” example: mental, moral, religious, emotional condition, and social. Furthermore, Roberts and Jacobs explain about setting in Fiction 1991, they both mention three elements in setting Roberts and Jacobs, 1991: 243- 244: Nature and the outdoors mean the natural surroundings, living creatures, and the general condition in which the story takes place. It can give an effect to the character and his action. Object of human manufacture and constructure is the building or object that the author added in order to make a lifelike fiction. Cultural condition and assumption can influence the character and action, such as cultural belief. From those explanation about elements of fiction, people can see that the physical thing, time, occupation, cultural condition, even general environment can influence the character and his action. This theory is used to define the important of the tradition and see the background of Olinka.

3. Theory of Identity and IdentityCrisis

Identity is “people‟s concepts of who they are, of what sort of people they are, and how they relate to others” Hogss and Abrams, 1988: 2. It talks about one‟s concept of being and existence of him. In a book entitled Modernity an Introduction to Modern Societies , there are three concepts of identity Hall, et al , 1996: 597. a. Enlightenment subject This concept is based on the identity or the fully individual since he was born. It is so “individualist” concept because the center is the one‟s self only. The person‟s identity is “the essential center of the self” Hall, et al , 1996: 597. b. Sociological subject When there is an interaction between society and self, it would form an identity Hall, et al , 1996: 597. It can be related to the originality of society where he belongs to. It is also formed by “the significant other”. This „other‟ refers to “the other who resembles the self” Aschroft, et al , 2000: 155. It means someone can be aware of his existence, so that he can differentiate between the origin and the reflection of himself. In post- colonial theory, it can refer to the colonized others who are marginalized by imperial discourse, identified by their difference from the centre Aschroft, et al , 2000: 155. Since the Other is aware of its difference, the Other see the Self as the better part of them. The Other or Africa, in this context, is the former colonized country. The Africans experience colonialism and hegemony in the past time. This cannot be erased by the Africans. Since it cannot be erased, their identity is influenced by the experience of being colonized. The colonizer is the one who the Africans face, back then. Moreover, the colonized people are seen as the inferior of the West. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI