Translation Relative Clause Anak Kalimat Keterangan Pewatas


1. Translation

Catford stated “Translation is the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language” as cited in Suryawinata and Hariyanto 2003, p.11. Based on the definition, it is already clear that translation deals with the change of form from specifically from the source language to the target language. In the case of the research, the translation will be dealing with replacing the textual material in English by equivalent textual material in Bahasa Indonesia.

2. Relative Clause

According to Murphy 2004, a relative clause is a clause that tells us which person or thing or what kind of person or things the speaker means. The native speakers usually use this clause when they want to specify the subjects or the objects that they are talking about. For example: a. The man who lives next door is very kind and friendly. b. The girl with whom you are talking to is my ex-girlfriend. From the example above, we are sure about which man and which girl that we are talking about.

3. Anak Kalimat Keterangan Pewatas

According to Sugono 1991, anak kalimat keterangan pewatas is the clause anak kalimat that follows the noun whether the noun serves as the subject, the predicate or the object. This clause is similar to the relative clause; however, it is different than the relative clause. Anak klausa keterangan pewatas 7 is always marked by the word yang and it can follow the subject, the predicate or the object. For example: a. Orang yang membawa tas itu adalah direktur baru kami. b. Kawan kami adalah mereka yang bekerja di belakang meja. c. Kami mengerjakan konstruksi gedung yang baru itu. 4. The Alchemist “The Alchemist” is a novel composed by Paulho Coelho. The novel was first published in 1988. The original version was written in Portuguese and, since then, it has been translated into 67 languages. This achievement make the novel won the Guinness World Record for most translated book by a living author. The novel itself was translated into English in 1993 by Alan R. Clarke and it was published by Harper San Francisco. The novel tells about the journey of a boy named Santiago who travels to find out a journey.

5. Sang Alkemis