Theory of Relative Clause with Relativizer That Theory of Anak Kalimat Keterangan Pewatas



In this chapter, the researcher will review all of the theories that will help him in conducting the research. The theories being reviewed are those that directly relevant to the research. The chapter consists of two parts namely theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description consists of theory of relative clause with relativizer that, theory of anak kalimat keterangan pewatas, theory of translation methods and theory of translation.

A. Theoretical Description

The researcher will review the following theories namely form and meaning, equivalence, problems of non-equivalence, relative clause and anak kalimat keterangan pewatas. The researcher will discuss each of the theories in the following section.

1. Theory of Relative Clause with Relativizer That

Relative clause is one type of clauses in English that does not have the proper equivalence in many languages including in Bahasa Indonesia. Murphy 2004 states that a relative clause is a clause that tells us which person or thing or what kind of person or thing the speaker means, for example: The man who lives next door… In this example, who live next door tells us which man. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 9 Furthermore, Murphy 2004 classifies this clause into five categories namely relative clause with relativizer who, relative clause with relativizer that, relative clause with relativizer whose, relative clause with relativizer whom and relative clause with relativizer where. Since the researcher focuses on the second type of relative clause, then the researcher would like to limit the discussion of the relative clause theory into relative clause with relativizer that. Relative clause with relativizer that will be used when the speakers talk about things as the objects Murphy, 2004: 184. Usually, the relativizer that may also become the subject of the verbs. For example: 1 Where are the eggs that were in the fridge? 2 I don’t like stories that have unhapphy endings. 3 Gerry works for a company that makes typewriters. 4 Everything that happened was my fault. 5 Have you found the keys that you lost?

2. Theory of Anak Kalimat Keterangan Pewatas

In the previous section, it has been stated relative clause with relativizer that translation does not have a proper equivalent in many languages including Bahasa Indonesia. According to Sugono 2009 we can find a clause entitled as anak kalimat keterangan pewatas in Bahasa Indonesia. The function of this clause is to explain the noun either the noun serves as a subject, a predicate or an object. Then, the markers of this clause are the word yang. The examples of this clause are as follows: 1 Perusahaan yang ingin mengajukan kredit harus mempunyai agunan. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 2 Orang yang membawa tas itu direktur kami. 3 Dia direktur yang baru dilantik bulan lalu. 4 Direktur baru itu ingin memperluas perusahaan yang nyaris gulung tikar. 5 Dia kehilangan pekerjaan yang menjadi sumber kehidupan keluarganya. 6 Dia akan pindah ke rumah yang terletak di ujung jalan itu.

3. Theory of Translation Methods