The Implications of the Errors for Teaching

44 It can be confirmed that misformation at superficial level and article at linguistic level are identified as the highest number of occurrence. It is also proved from the number of article occurrence in misformation which has found 60 errors. Otherwise, omission is on the second place whose major causes have been verb inflection and tense. Addition stands on the third place whose major error has been from preposition. The last position is misordering whose errors have come in various categories. Besides describing errors, at source level intralingual errors is the highest number of occurrence. Then, interlingual comes after. As the conclusion, the total errors i.e. 457 errors are an enormous amount for 7 short stories. Indeed, a remedy was needed for the subjects. Next, the researcher has drawn the second conclusion based on the second research problem. Concerning the answer of second research problem, the researcher decided to evaluate only irritable categories of linguistic level between top 10 categories. There were 3 irritable categories which the researcher had decided on; they were article, verb inflection which contained past-tense verb errors, and preposition which contained to errors. Those three irritable categories were chosen for the purpose of discovering the students ’ difficulties in dealing English as a foreign language towards their language performances. Article and verb inflection which contained past-tense verbs were chosen because of its high-frequent occurrence. Each of the categories has its own implication. It can be concluded that article errors were the results of ignorance i.e. the subjects were difficult to define the correct usage of article. Besides the verb inflection especially past-tense verb errors was the result of negligence i.e. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 45 they were capable of self-correcting and knew how to use it. Another irritable category was preposition which contained to errors because it was implied that the students failed to use a bilingual dictionary. In this regard, as the second conclusion it is found that the students had difficulties with applying article and past tense, and using a bilingual dictionary. Therefore, there was a note of urgency that a remedy was needed to those categories in order to deal with its difficulties. Furthermore, they should receive more exposure to exercise their new language in the natural communication. The students ’ motivation for learning English language should also be considered as well.

B. Recommendations

In this section, the researcher gives some suggestions to some parties, especially for the second grade students of SMAN 1 Banguntapan as the research subjects, the English teacher, and future researchers. 1. Second grade students of SMAN 1 Banguntapan By discovering their errors, the students should explore more the basic rules of English grammar, especially irregular forms which must be memorized. The students are expected to actively practice more their language skills. 2. The English teacher By discovering the students’ weaknesses and difficulties, the teacher should ponder on the implications as urgency. As a language teacher, heshe should not ignore the students’ difficulties dealing with their new language, English. The teacher should give activities which involve the students to expose 46 their language skills and facilitate them to notice a gap in order to raise their awareness of grammatically errors. Moreover, the teacher should find the strategy on how this error correction would be exposed in the classroom activity. Regarding some language features which are taught implicitly in the classroom, it would be better if it is also taught explicitly. By doing so, the students would have a clear understanding and notice a gap of that. Moreover, the teacher is also expected to give an adequate instruction on how using a bilingual dictionary, so the students would understand what part of speech or diction is needed in their language performances. The last, the teacher is expected to explore learning and teaching strategy for the students so they would enjoy to engage the learning process. 3. Future researchers Through this research, t he students’ weaknesses were identified by their writings. Otherwise, there are many other weaknesses in their other language performances. Thus, other researchers are expected to investigate the students’ weaknesses in other performances. It will be beneficial to find the students’ difficulty dealing with English as a foreign language. Therefore, their other difficulties can be revealed and managed. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 47 REFERENCES Silabus SMA XI . 2006. Contohmodel silabus sekolah menengah atas dan madrasah aliyah. Jakarta: Timur Putra Mandiri. Azar, B. S. 2002. Understanding and using English grammar 3 rd ed.. New York: Pearson Education. Bachman, L. Palmer, A. 2010. Language assessment in practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Brown, H. D. 2004. Language assessment: Principles and classroom practices. New York: Longman. Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan . 2006. Panduan penyusunan KTSP jenjang pendidikan dasar dan menengah. Jakarta: BSNP. Corder, S. 1981. Error analysis and interlanguage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Crystal, D. 2008. A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics 6 th ed..Malden: Blackwell Publishing. Dulay, H., Burt, M. Krashen, S. 1982. Language two. New York: Oxford University Press. Ellis, R. 2003. Second language acquisition. Bristol: Wyvern Typesetting Ltd. Ellis, R. Barkhuizen, G. 2005. Analysing learner language. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, N. E. Helen, H. H. 2015. How to design and evaluate research in education. New York: McGraw-Hill Education. Hendrickson, J. 1981. Error analysis and error correction in language teaching. Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre. Knapp, P. Watkins, M. 2005. Genre, text, grammar: Technologies for teaching and assessing writing. Sydney: University of New South Wales Press Ltd. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI