Student Learning Competence Theoretical Description

11 Weigle 2002 also notes that the type of writing is to entertain the readers and show imagination and deep feeling p. 8

b. Assessment in Writing

General assessment is a process of gathering data or information. Test is one of the instruments in gathering data. Also, a score or a verbal description is the outcome of the assessment Bachman Palmer, 2010, p. 20. The main objective of assessment is to make a conclusion about learner language from assessment scores analysed Purpura, 2004. In order to assess learner language clearly, writing as a performance assessment is needed Weigle, 2002, p. 46. The focus of this assessment is divided into two senses, strong and weak one. The strong sense is focused on how the message of language is delivered. Besides that, the weak sense is considered on the language features which are the use of vocabulary, organization, and so on. Those language features are also responsible for the success in the writing test. In other words, the test is also to discover the learner language proficiency. As the result, the administrators, who give and score the test, are focused more on the linguistic aspects Weigle, 2002. It is visible that grammar is one of considerations to assess writing. One of the writing tasks is the timed impromptu writing test. It is a result of writing as a product. Weigle 2002 points out that the significance of giving timed writing test in class is to evaluate what the students are able accomplish on their own. It gives a good benefit for teacher to know the learner language, what heshe has achieved and not mastered p. 178. However there should be more 12 consideration for error correction which is shown up p. 184. Moreover, in writing test the handwriting ability, correct spelling, writing sentences, paragraph construction, and logical idea are assessed Brown, 2004.

3. Second Language Acquisition

Assessing English as a foreign language is needed by teacher to analyse learner language and to know how learners acquire another language. For that reason assessing English as a foreign language refers to second language acquisition SLA; it involves an examination of those learning aspects and of those contextual and personal factors that define the speed variation and ultimate level of attainment Ellis Barkhuizen, 2005. SLA itself has the goals; one of them is the description and explanation of L2 Second Language learners‟ competence. Since learners are learning a second language, they probably do not notice the actual learning processes they have engaged in. In short, there is a need to find out learners‟ competence by collecting samples of learner language and analysing them carefully Ellis, 2003. It means SLA get involved in requiring learner language as the primary data. Learner language can be in form of oral or written language as kinds of performances to be investigated Ellis Barkhuizen, 2005. From these samples, evidence of what learners have learned or known about the language is exposed. It generally has been exposed on the formal features of language which is the grammar of the L2 mostly Ellis, 2003. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 13 Data which are collected from learners involve describing learner‟s interlanguages. One of types of the data is samples of learner language, which is expected as primary data in doing SLA research Ellis Barkhuizen, 2005, p. 21. In order to accomplish SLA goals, the researcher maintains the competence by analysing learner‟s performance. Speaking and writing are considered as natural language activities. Furthermore, there are also three ways of collecting samples of learner language. Clinical elicited sample is one of them Ellis Barkhuizen, 2005, p. 22. It involves a carefully task which is message conv eyance as learners‟ concern but language features as their utility are not neglected. In clinical elicited samples conducted, there are few types which differ from the researcher‟s goal. They are general samples and focused samples. Ellis and Barkhuizen 2005 note that focused samples provide the data which relates to specific language feature p. 34. Moreover, it is nearly similar to experimentally elicited focused samples. Otherwise, clinical elicited samples take up an essential part of SLA because it demonstrates low learners to construct message by using L2. Since samples can be taken in the form of writing, there are some advantages of collecting written samples. It is relatively permanent and easier to collect Ellis Barkhuizen, 2005, p. 28. Furthermore, Mackey and Gass 2012 state that clinical focused samples can be laid out in the form of open-ended elicited data, such as written compositions p. 8. When producing written samples, there are two conditions concerned. First, it is timed or untimed. Second,