Chart 4.3 Student’s Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental and Control Class

B. Data Analysis

Table 4.7 Comparison Score of Pre-test and Post-test in Experimental and Control Class Students X Y x y x2 y2 1 30 13 3.413 -4.655 11.653 21.670 2 36 13 9.413 -4.655 88.619 21.670 3 27 20 0.413 2.344 0.171 5.498 4 23 13 -3.586 -4.655 12.860 21.670 5 14 10 -12.586 -7.655 158.412 58.601 6 13 7 -13.586 - 10.655 184.585 113.532 7 17 17 -9.586 -0.655 91.895 0.429 8 20 20 -6.586 2.344 43.378 5.498 9 23 20 -3.586 2.344 12.860 5.498 10 23 13 -3.586 -4.655 12.860 21.670 2 4 6 8 10 12 23-32 33-42 43-52 53-62 63-72 73-82 Pre X Post X Pre Y Post Y 11 23 14 -3.586 -3.655 12.860 13.360 12 20 23 -6.586 5.344 43.378 28.567 13 20 14 -6.586 -3.655 43.378 13.360 14 27 20 0.413 2.344 0.171 5.498 15 33 33 6.413 15.344 41.136 235.463 16 43 26 16.413 8.344 269.412 69.636 17 24 33 -2.586 15.344 6.688 235.463 18 36 16 9.413 -1.655 88.619 2.739 19 30 20 3.413 2.344 11.653 5.498 20 30 16 3.413 -1.655 11.653 2.739 21 20 17 -6.586 -0.655 43.378 0.429 22 23 23 -3.586 5.344 12.860 28.567 23 30 17 3.413 0.655 11.653 0.429 24 27 16 0.413 -1.655 0.171 2.739 25 30 26 3.413 8.344 11.653 69.636 26 39 13 12.413 -4.655 154.102 21.670 27 37 13 10.413 -4.655 108.447 21.670 28 30 13 3.413 -4.655 11.653 21.670 29 23 13 -3.586 -4.655 12.860 21.670 N=29 1513.034 1076.552 Note : Mx = mean of variable x My = mean of variable y X = the students gained scores of the experimental class Y = the students gained scores of the control class x = X-Mx y = Y-My d = student’s gained score SD = standard of deviation SE = standard of error N = student’s number In analyzing the data from the pre-test and post-test result, the writer used statistic calculation of the t-test formula with the degree of significance 5 and 1. The calculations are as follow: a. Determining Mean of variable X = ∑ =26.5 b. Determining Mean of variable Y = ∑ = = 17.6 c. Determining standard of Deviation Score of Variable X = √ ∑ = √ = √ = 7.22 d. Determining Standard of Deviation of Variable Y = √ ∑ = √ = √ = 6.09 e. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable X = √ = √ = √ = = 1.36 f. Determining Standard Error of Mean of Variable Y = √ = = √ = = 1.15 g. Determining Standard Error of Difference of Mean of Variable X and Mean of Variable Y = √ = √ = √ = √ = 1.77 h. Determining = = = =5.04 i. Determining Degrees of Freedom df = + – 2 = 29 + 29 – 2 = 58 – 2 = 56 Because the value of 56 is not mentioned in the table, the writer uses the closest value to 56 which is 60 as degree of freedom. She gained the t- table as follow: Degree of significant 5 from 60 is 2.00, and degree of significant 1 from 60 is 2.39 see appendices t table at significant 5 is 2.00 t table at significant 1 is 2.39 j. The comparison between t o and t table From the calculation above, the score of experimental class is higher than the control class. The writer also got the result of the comparison between t o and t table ; 2.395.042.00 = t table t o t table

C. Test of Hypotheses