Hotel Domain Title + Last Name

“Mr. Nimziki”. Nimziki’s full name is Albert Nimziki. The address is used to judge the addressee that he is fired. President Whitmore uses this kind form of address in coherent intonation. Hearing President Whitmore’s explanation, Nimziki becomes speechless. Based on the domain of the conversation, it can be seen that the dialog runs in formal conversation as it is required.

2.2.2. Hotel Domain

In hotel domain, the use of Title plus last name form of address only occurs in one data with code number ID32TLNHt. The occurrence of Title plus Last name term of address in this domain also has the similar social meaning to that of the employment, i.e. to show status or power and solidarity or social distance dimension of communication. The conversation is between Marllyn Whitmore and her Secret Serviceman. The conversation is used to show respect. The analysis of the data is as follows: ID32TLNHt The dialog happens in the Hotel where the first lady stays. Mrs. Whitmore packs her bag, as the horrifying image of the destruction of the helicopter replays on the T.V. The secret serviceman is coming into her room to deliver information he gets from President that they have to go then. It is a sudden command comes from President. The command is done by President after hearing David’s explanation about the power of the spaceship. The secret serviceman performs President’s command directly. He asks the President’s wife to go earlier. SECRET SERVICEMAN : Mrs. Whitmore ? The President has ordered the evacuation. We have to leave, now. MARLLYN : Standing on this rooftop heliport directly across from the UFO believers, the First Lady watches them, concerned. SECRET SERVICEMAN : yelling over helicopter Mrs. Whitmore Reluctantly, the First Lady turns and runs for the helicopter. The dialog involves The Secret Serviceman and Marllyn Whitmore as the participants. The conversation between them is in formal situation. The Secret Serviceman uses title plus last name forms of address. Marllyn Whitmore is the first lady in America. She is president Whitmore’s wife. Secret Serviceman brings about what President has commanded to him. The President commands him to leave the hotel as soon as possible because the spaceship is already to attack. Since she is the First Lady of America, Secret Serviceman greets Marllyn Whitmore by using title plus last name in polite voice and manner. The address is done to show respect. In the dialog above, the secret serviceman positions himself as a serviceman who will treat the first lady of America very politely by addressing title plus last name. From the domain point of view, it reflects certain meaning of that kind of social interaction. In short, the essence of the use of Title plus Last Name is the same as the social meaning of the use of Title in the same domain with context of an ordinary social interaction of the hotel domain. It also reflects the same intention of the addresser in using it. Table 4.4: The use of Tile plus Last Name form of Address in the film “ Independence Day” DOMAIN DIALOG Employment 30, 35, 44, 59 4 Hotel 32 1 Total 5 2.3. Title + Full Name