Assessment of Beliefs about Language Learning

17 However, Wen and Johnson 1997 as stated in Vibulpol 2004: 34 drew more attention to a contrast idea about the negative effects of vocabulary learning. In their study in Chinese EFL learners, they found positive outcomes of vocabulary learning strategies. The positive outcomes came from their practicing vocabulary learning strategies such as memorizing words when reading, consulting dictionary, and using specific techniques to memorize words. Learners who carried out the strategies had higer scores than those who did not. Therefore, it is such a chalenging evidence to do further investigatigation on how the two beliefs give negative or posotive impacts on language learners success. 4 Beliefs about Learning and Communication Strategies In this fourth category of BALLI, Huang 1997 and Yan 1999 found that found some beliefs that are connected with the use of several learning and communication strategies. Yet, beliefs about correct pronunciation and beliefs about self confidence in English influence on learners’ learning. Learners tended to experience anxiety if they concerned about their being correct in their language learning performance but do not have an ability to meet their expectations Horwitz, 1989. Negative effects on language learning process may also occur if learners have beliefs about self confidence in speaking. As stated by Horwitz and Cope 1986, anxious EFL learners were not confident enough to speak the target language. Similar to the previous findings, Oh 1996, Kunt 1997, and Truitt 1995 also found similar relationship in EFL learners. They found that learners who stated that they are lack of confident in speaking English tended to have PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 18 foreign language anxiety. They would not be able to develop their language skill well as they may not want to participate in any class activities. In addition, Vibulpol 1992: 46 elaborated that beliefs about language learning and communication strategies may affect learners’ success in the language learning by “misleading the learners’ expectations, inhibiting their attempts, raising their anxiety, limiting their perceptions about new approaches to language learning, and reducing their use of target language.” 5 Beliefs about Motivation Motivation has been identified by Gardner 1993 as a ‘complex of factors’ including the wish to accomplish a goal, effort used to that direction and support associated with the act of learning. Some studies on learner motivation tried to find out if language learners with high learning motivation have better achievement in language learning than those who have low learning motivation. Olah 2006 found that particular motivation affected learners’ language proficiency. Gardner and Lambert 1959 wrote about motivation as being instrumental and integrative nature. Integrative motivation is seen as a wish to communicate and become similar to native speakers. On the contrary, instrumental motivation is seen as the wish to learn the language formeeting the requirements for school or university graduation or getting a job promotion. From a study done by study by Al-Tamimi and Shuib 2009, for instance,it was concluded that from 81 university students in Yemen, instrumental was significant to their English