25 study was investigating their beliefs, strategies and achievements as English language learners. The study findings revealed various beliefs about English language learning as well assimilarities and differences in the students’ use of strategies which were all relevant to their learning achievement. It was presented that beliefs are likely to be a primary factor in strategy use and language learning achievement. Thefindings showed a direct causal relationship between gender, first language L1 and second language L2 proficiency and vocabulary use, learning strategies and second language proficiency, andlearning achievement. Conducted in Iran, Rad n.d held his study which focused probing what would be English language major learners’ beliefs about learning English as foreign language. The researcher examined the correlationbetween students’ beliefs, attitudes and norms and students learning. Applying BALLI’s components, the results of this study showed to what extend independent variables age, gender and field of study affects dependentsvariables students beliefs about English leaning and how learning language strategies that has beenapplied by teachers influence students learning. In other words, the findings of this study provided adequate information about current student of Kerman Azad University Iran. The results showed that the students general beliefs about learning English as a foreign languageaccording to English language aptitude was slightly neutral, regarding Difficulty of English language andlearning and communication strategy was slightly strong and for motivation and nature of Englishlanguage aspect was strongly agree. Büyükyazi 2010 reported a study which investigated the beliefs about language learning of 156 English as a foreign language EFL students and 19 26 EFL teachers in the Department of Foreign Languages at Celal Bayar University of Manisa, Turkey. The primary aim of the study was to explore what beliefs the students in prep classes held about learning EFL. Using BALLI components, the study confirmed that learners arrived at the task of language learning with some certain beliefs, which might be effective in their pursuit of the task and in their achievement.


This section further combines the reviewed theories, participants’ characteristics, and related research reports to support the study on figuring out the proportions of learners’ beliefs on pre-ESP English for Specific Purposes course called ICE Introduction to College English. Questionnaires and interview were set to be conducted as attempt to find what the proportions the learners beliefs are toward ICE Program in Duta Wacana University Yogyakarta. English is applied in majority university situations. Therefore it can be serious issue to understand, analyse, and test English language learners beliefs about learning English in order to intensify learners’ expertise. So that, this study was developed to investigate how are the proportions of pre-ESP course learners about learning English in the program they are attending. Studying the beliefs of the learners on learning English language in ICE program, this chapter focused the study on the five ideas. Horwitz’s categorization model called BALLI underlied the five areas in studying about learners’ beliefs on language learning. The five ideas are beliefs about aptitude in foreign language learning, beliefs PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 27 about the difficulty of learning English in ICE program, beliefs about the nature of learning English, beliefs about learning and communication strategies in ICE program, and beliefs about motivations in learning English in ICE program. Additionally, through this investigation, the researcher hopes that the reasons of some learners’ keep on being unsuccessful in finishing the course would be figured out. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 Figure 2.4 Conceptual Framework Learners’ Beliefs about pre-ESP Course ICE Learners’ Beliefs about ICE Program in Duta Wacana Christian University Language Learning Beliefs Motiva tion and Expectati on in Language Learning Aptitude in Language Learning Difficulty in Language Learning Nature in Language Learning Learning and Communi cation Strategies Learning and Communi cation Strategies in Learning English in ICE Program Nature in Learning English in ICE Program Difficulty in Learning English in ICE Program Aptitude in Learning English in ICE Program Motiva tion and Expectati on in Learning English in ICE Program