Beliefs about Foreign Language Aptitude

65 global language and a primary form of communication within many different fields of work. In spite of their having difficulties in the aspects of grammar, vocabulary as well as pronunciation, ICE learners surprisingly experienced teaching methods that they considered as a way out of the difficulties they faced. As the following excerpts show, learners perform good attitude towards teaching methods applied in ICE classes. “Your giving us glossary is helpful, miss. The explanations about English grammar are clear, as well as your teaching us how to pronounce words correctly. Int.Q42” “I found the activities like games, races, gro up works, role plays, and presentation such great helps, miss. Int.Q43”. It can be concluded that ICE learners believe that although they have difficulties in learning English, they put hopes on ICE program to help them overcome their problems with English vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. The application of various class activities triggers learner’s confidence and at the end it will certainly make them communicate in English better. As Kannan 2009 said that an English teacher has to encourage the students to talk in English only. This act makes them confident.

c. Beliefs about the Nature of Learning English

In the beliefs about the nature of learning English, the aspects of the role of grammar, the role of vocabulary, the role of pronunciation, cultural knowledge of the target language, and the difference between learning speaking and writing are presented. The beliefs about the cultural knowledge of the target language and 66 the difference between learning speaking and writing are not as high as the beliefs about the role of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Approximately 28 learners believe about it and it is supported by the excerpt saying that “For us learning English is a matter of mastering vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. That’s all. Int.Q22-24”. Refer to the category of the beliefs of the difficulties of learning English in ICE program, learners stated that English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation are challenging. It is concluded that ICE learners believe that it is crucial to know how to make sentences in a correct structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation as they worried about misunderstandings they could face. It is in line with Backley 2013 stating that to be successful in using English as a communication tool, naturally, learners should be equipped with both an extensive knowledge of the written language grammar and vocabulary and the ability or confidence to use spoken English pronunciation.

d. Beliefs about Learning and Communication Strategies in ICE

program Essentially 29 ICE learners believe that cognitive learning becomes a good strategy which is gained through practice communicating and memorizing a lot. The following interview excerpt supports the finding, “We would love to practice speaking more. Just teach us how to speak, we would memorize it, and we perform our speaking in front of the class. Speaking more would give us more experience and we would remember more. Int.Q48-49”. 67 The learners believe that practice speaking gives them good opportunity to improve their English as they could remember more by doing speaking activities. Richards 2006 also stated that natural language use occurs when a speaker engages in meaningful interaction and maintains comprehensible communication despite limitations in his communicative competence. Fluency is developed by creating classroom activities in which students must negotiate meaning as well as use communication strategies. It is concluded that learners believe that applying cognitive learning strategy would certainly improve their learning English. In term of communicating strategies, approximately 66 ICE learners believe that they are allowed to describe the unfamiliar words using, for example, gesture. This strategy is known as paralinguistic strategy, meaning that this strategy could be applied when learners are faced with unknown lexical items. The interview supporting the finding said, “We sometimes describe what we would like to say as we try to use gestures. Int.Q44”. Theoretically, Saintz 2007 agreed that the use of body language and gestures inside the classroom is the union between comprehension and communication, which involves movements, feelings, which are physical abilities. Gestures and body language allow people to communicate different feelings and thoughts; gestures are usually combined with body language to communicate a message, to help understanding. Furthermore, 57 learners believe that learners should prepare themselves with word foreignizing which are dictions and pronunciation, so that they are ready to communicate. Learners also believe that they are allowed to describe words they found difficult to convey, known as circumlocution strategy. These PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI