Background of the Study

C. Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are, first, to find out all the similar meanings of differentnouns between British and American English vocabularies, then categorizing them into each part, second, to analyze the results of the questionnaires from the respondents and third to classify the semantic properties of some British and American noun vocabularies by using the theory of componential analysis.

D. Definition of Terms

In order to avoid misunderstanding, some definitions of terms are needed. Vocabulary as explained by Good 1973:143 as the words having meaning when heard and seen even though not produce by individual himself to communicate with others and the words are considered essential for minimal use a language. According to Hornby 1989:1447 that vocabulary is 1. All the words that people know or uses. 2. All the words in a particular language. 3. The words that people use when they are talking. 4. A list of words with its meaning especially in book for learning foreign language. Based on the definition from some experts above the researcher concludes that vocabulary is the total number of words in a language or a list of words with their meanings which contained in dictionary with the explanation of their meaning. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Semanticsis the study of meaning in language Harford, 1983:1. As explained by Palmer 1976:1 semantic is the technical term used to refer to the study of meaning, and since meaning is a part of language, semantics is a part of linguistics. So, semantic is the study of meaning in language which concerned with the meaning of words, it is a fact that meaning is a part of language. Componential Analysis is an analysis of the semantic components of a word that views the meaning of a word as consisting of a bundle of semantic components or a bundle of semantic elements Adisutrisno, 2008:20. Componential analysis is another attempt used to describe the meaning of a word. Example: Word The bundle of semanticomponents Woman [+female] [+human] [+adult] [- young] [-male] PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 6


This chapter deals with 3 major parts. The first part is reviewingthe similar topics which are done by other researchers, Fatmawati’s thesis and Lindell’sjournal. The second part discusses aboutsome related theories which would be applied in this thesis. The third part will discuss about the review of related backgrounds, the words formation process, and a brief history of differences English vocabulary. The last part is theoretical framework upon which the present study is based. The study is useful for finding the similar and different point of views between the last studies and this present thesis. A. Review of Related Studies 1. Fatmawati’s thesis “A Comparison Analysis of American and British Idioms” Fatmawati’s undergraduate thesis discusses the comparison analysis of American and British idioms, by using a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis from dictionary and short story. The dictionary that she uses to analyze is English and American Idioms which is written by Richard A. Spears and the short story is You were perfectly fine by John Millington Ward. Through this method, she tries to find the differences meaning between American idioms and British idioms. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI She analyses the thesis by divided into two parts. First is the definition of idiom and the second is types of idioms. The first one is divided into three criteria both semantic and syntactic, which are: semantic opacity, or what has come to beknown as “no compositionality”, criterion relates to the apparent morphological and transformational deficiencies of idioms, and criterion is the lack of substitutability in idioms; their “lexical integrity”. Meanwhile, the second one is divided into three subclasses: pure idioms, semi-idioms, and literal idioms. 2. Lindell’s journal “An investigation of awareness of the differences in British and American vocabulary and spelling” This journal An investigation of awareness of the differences in British and American vocabulary and spelling, by finding his data he decided in investigating the Swedish students, whether Swedish students are aware and consistent in their English use. In the field of language acquisition, he decided to adopt a sociolinguistic approach to the research. The investigation will examine the level of awareness, and the abilities Swedish students possess, in order to distinguish between AmE and BrE. The focus of this present thesis is different from Fatmawati’s and Lindell’s journal. This research focuses only on the noun vocabulary differences that have similar meanings between BrE and AmE. Then,these two thesis from two researchers aim to compare the differences between American and British Idioms and the other is an investigation of awareness of the differences in British and American vocabulary and spelling. In this present thesis is to discuss the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI