A Contrastive Analysis Between English And Arabic Tenses













NIP. 19541117 198003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002 RAHMADSYAH RANGKUTI, M.A. Ph.D.

Submited To The Faculty Of Cultural Studies University Of Sumatera Utara Medan In Partial Fulfilment Of The Requirement For The Degree Of Sarjana Sastra From

Deparment Of English



Approved By Departement Of English, Faculty Of Cultural Studies University Of Sumatera Utara (USU) Medan As A Thesis For The Sarjana Sastra Examination

Head Secretary

Dr. MUHIZAR MUCTAR, M.S RAHMADSYAH RANGKUTI, M.A. Ph.D. NIP. 195411171 98003 1 002 NIP. 19750209 200812 1 002


Accepted By The Board Of Examiners In Partial Fulfilment Of Requirements For The Degree Of Sarjana Sastra From Department Of English, Faculty Of Cultural Studies University Of Sumatera Utara

The Examination Is Held In Department Of English Faculty Of Cultural Studies University Of Sumatera Utara On August 23 2014

The Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies University of Sumatera Utara

NIP.19511013 197603 1 001 Dr. SYAHRON LUBIS, M.A


1. Dr. MUHIZAR MUCTAR, M.S ………..


3. Dr. SYAHRON LUBIS, M.A ………...

4. Dr. Hj. MASDIANA LUBIS, M.Hum. ………















Bahasa Arab adalah bahasa semitik yang merupakan bahasa asing yang sama seperti bahasa Inggris. Kedua bahasa itu merupakan bahasa internasional atau bahasa yang terfokuskan pada saat ini. Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang menempati urutan pertama di dunai, sedangkan bahasa Arab adalah bahasa yang menempati urutan kedua bahasa internasional di dunia setelah bahasa Inggris.

Skripsi yang berjudul A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Arabic Tenses ini membahas tentang perbandingan antara tenses dalam bahasa inggris dan tenses dalam bahasa Arab. Adapun tenses dalam bahasa inggris ialah presen tense, past tense, future tense. Sedangkan dalam bahasa Arab dikenal dengan fi’il madhi dan fi’il mudhori’. Penulis menganalisis mengenai sistem penggunaan dan bentuk tenses dari kedua bahasa dengan tujuan untuk mencari persamaan dan perbedaan dalam pemakaian tenses dari kedua bahasa tersebut. Penulis menggunakan metode documentasi, metode dokumentasi adalah cara mengumpulkan data dengan cara mengelompokkan kalimat dalam mengumpulkan data. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisa kedua bahasa ini adalah metode kontrastif.

Di dalam analysis, penulis menguraikan dan mendeskripsikan tenses dari bahasa inggris dan tenses dari bahasa arab dan membandingkannya dalam bentuk dan fungsinya.

Setelah tenses dari kedua bahasa di analisa, penulis menemukan adanya persamaan (correspondence) dan perbedaan ( non correspondence ) dari bentuk dan fungsi tenses dari kedua bahasa yang dibandingkan. Jika dilihat dari bentunya tidak sama, namun jika dilihat dari fungsinya memiliki kesamaan.

Kata kunci : Bahasa arab, Arab, Kontrastif, Tenses bahasa arab , kontrastif bahasa inggris dan bahasa arab



Arabic language is a Semitic language this a foreign language that which same as English language. Both language are international language which is the first rank in the world. English is an international language which the first ranks in the world , while Arabic is the language which the second ranks in the world's international language after English.

Thesis entitled A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Arabic Tenses discussed about contrastive tenses in English and in Arabic. Tenses in English is present tense past tense, and future tense. While in Arabic language tenses know as fi’il madhi and fi’il mudhari’. The writer analyzed about using system and form of tenses of both language with the aim is to find the similarities and differences in the use of tenses of both languages. The writer uses documentation methods, documentation method is a technique of collecting data by categorizing and classifying the writer document that has relation with the problem discussed in collected the data. The Method used in analyzing both language are contrastive method.

In the analysis, the writer outlines and describes the tenses of English and Arabic and compare them its form and function. After the tenses of both languages are analyzed, the writer found a correspondence and non-correspondence of the form and function of both languages compared. When viewed from the form are not same, but if views of its functions have the sameness.

Key words : Arabic language, Arabic, Contrastive, Arabic tenses, Contarstive english and Arabic.



Alhamdulilah, I would like to thank Almighty Allah SWT for this infinite love and blessing so I can accomplish this thesis in order to fulfill the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra from Department of English.

In this occasion, I would like to thank the Dean of Faculty of Cultural Studies, Dr Syahron Lubis , M.A. and great thanks to the Head of English Department USU Dr. Muhizar Muctar , M.S. and the secretary of English Department Rahmadsyah Rangkuti, M.A. Ph.D. who gave me great opportunity and full support to accomplish this thesis.

Furthermore, I would like to thank to my beloved family, especially to my parents, my beloved father Rusli Batu Bara and my beloved mother Fatimahdani and my beloved sister and brother ( Resni Mala, Erli, Elvi, Salwani, Sari, Nabil, Khairul ) thanks for your kindness, your unconditional love, and your praying for me since I was child until this time, thanks because you are always beside me and support me whatever your conditional there will be.

I also would like to express my special thanks to my friend ( Sulaiaman , Aina , Usman , Boy, Cia, Wandi ) thanks for being my friend and always support everything. I will miss the time when we laugh together , we fight together to finish this thesis . and don’t forget special thank to my beloved Ahmad Riady who always support me and give me solutions, thanks for everything. Greatyful to all my beloved friends Ekstensi 2012 for a warm friendship that we shared for 2 years , I will miss you all. Hopefully , this thesis can inspire anyone of us especially for the junior of English Department to explore more on the topic I have analyzed.

Medan, August 23 2014 The writer


Reg. 120721005




ABSTRAK --- vi

ABSTRACT --- vii



CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Analysis --- 1

1.2 Problem of the Analysis --- 2

1.3 Objective of the Analysis --- 2

1.4 Scope of the Analysis --- 3

1.5 Significance of the Analysis --- 3

CHAPTER II.REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 A Brief Description of Contractive Analysis --- 4

2.2 A Brief History of English --- 5

2.3 A Brief History of Arabic --- 7

2.4 Description of Tenses in English --- 7

2.5 Description of Tenses in Arabic --- 11

CHAPTER III.METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design --- 15


3.2 Data and Source of Data --- 16

3.3 Data Collecting Procedure --- 17

3.4 Techniques of Data Analysis --- 17


4.1.1 Present Tense --- 18

4.1.2 Fi’il Mudhari’ / present tense in Arabic --- 24

4.1.3 Past Tense --- 26

4.1.4 fi’il Madhi / Past Tense --- 31 Future Tense --- 31

4.2 Comparison --- 37

4.3 Finding --- 43


5.2 Suggestions --- 44



Bahasa Arab adalah bahasa semitik yang merupakan bahasa asing yang sama seperti bahasa Inggris. Kedua bahasa itu merupakan bahasa internasional atau bahasa yang terfokuskan pada saat ini. Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang menempati urutan pertama di dunai, sedangkan bahasa Arab adalah bahasa yang menempati urutan kedua bahasa internasional di dunia setelah bahasa Inggris.

Skripsi yang berjudul A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Arabic Tenses ini membahas tentang perbandingan antara tenses dalam bahasa inggris dan tenses dalam bahasa Arab. Adapun tenses dalam bahasa inggris ialah presen tense, past tense, future tense. Sedangkan dalam bahasa Arab dikenal dengan fi’il madhi dan fi’il mudhori’. Penulis menganalisis mengenai sistem penggunaan dan bentuk tenses dari kedua bahasa dengan tujuan untuk mencari persamaan dan perbedaan dalam pemakaian tenses dari kedua bahasa tersebut. Penulis menggunakan metode documentasi, metode dokumentasi adalah cara mengumpulkan data dengan cara mengelompokkan kalimat dalam mengumpulkan data. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisa kedua bahasa ini adalah metode kontrastif.

Di dalam analysis, penulis menguraikan dan mendeskripsikan tenses dari bahasa inggris dan tenses dari bahasa arab dan membandingkannya dalam bentuk dan fungsinya.

Setelah tenses dari kedua bahasa di analisa, penulis menemukan adanya persamaan (correspondence) dan perbedaan ( non correspondence ) dari bentuk dan fungsi tenses dari kedua bahasa yang dibandingkan. Jika dilihat dari bentunya tidak sama, namun jika dilihat dari fungsinya memiliki kesamaan.

Kata kunci : Bahasa arab, Arab, Kontrastif, Tenses bahasa arab , kontrastif bahasa inggris dan bahasa arab



Arabic language is a Semitic language this a foreign language that which same as English language. Both language are international language which is the first rank in the world. English is an international language which the first ranks in the world , while Arabic is the language which the second ranks in the world's international language after English.

Thesis entitled A Contrastive Analysis Between English and Arabic Tenses discussed about contrastive tenses in English and in Arabic. Tenses in English is present tense past tense, and future tense. While in Arabic language tenses know as fi’il madhi and fi’il mudhari’. The writer analyzed about using system and form of tenses of both language with the aim is to find the similarities and differences in the use of tenses of both languages. The writer uses documentation methods, documentation method is a technique of collecting data by categorizing and classifying the writer document that has relation with the problem discussed in collected the data. The Method used in analyzing both language are contrastive method.

In the analysis, the writer outlines and describes the tenses of English and Arabic and compare them its form and function. After the tenses of both languages are analyzed, the writer found a correspondence and non-correspondence of the form and function of both languages compared. When viewed from the form are not same, but if views of its functions have the sameness.

Key words : Arabic language, Arabic, Contrastive, Arabic tenses, Contarstive english and Arabic.


CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Analysis

Contrastive analysis stems from the concept of linguistic contrastive, Which is a branch of applied linguistics originating. Pioneer figures of linguistic analysis contrastive is Robert Ladowith Across Linguistic Culture. Contrastive analysis compare the two languages or more languages for to look for similarities and differences of the language, both at the level of phonology , morphological ,specific grammatical performed on period or contemporary .

According to Lado (1975 ) , " contrastive analysis is a way to describe a learning difficulty or ease in learning a second language and foreign language " . Analysis is not only to compare the elements of language and linguistic systems in the first language and second language , but also to compare and describe the cultural background of both languages and the results can be utilized in the teaching of a second language or foreign languages

Thus , Contrastive analysis is a study that attempts to compare the structure or the first language elements with a second language to identify similarities or differences between the two languages. In an activity discovery of a new object or thing, of course followed with the purpose and benefits that will occur when the discovery of new things or things that are. Then there are three basic assumptions that aim discovery of contrastive analysis, as follows:

a. Provide insights about the similarities and differences between first language and second language will be learned.

b. Explain and predict the problems that arise in studying target language c. Develop material a second language lessons for teaching language .

In analyzing the language compare, it actually implies the basic matter about language description and formulation of the language theories. It means that the language compared should be described in the same theory .

provide insight into the concepts of linguistic theory and the work of contractive linguistics in dealing with language description. There are four major theories of linguistics namely :


1. Descriptive Linguistic ( traditional grammar) 2. Descriptive (structure) linguistic

3. Generative transformation Grammar 4. Functional Grammar

From the theory above, functional grammar is suitable to be used to analyze the two language compared, because it concerns with the description understanding linguistic processes and structure.

Functional grammar and functional discourse grammar are theories motivated by users. In doing so. Functional discourse grammar has been developed as a successor to functional grammar, attempting to be more psychologically and pragmatically adequate than functional grammar.

There are some reason why the writer is interested in discussing about this topic. first, to facilitate students to understand the language lessons, to facilitate the Arabic language learners understand the English language, to facilitate the teacher teach English in Arabic language learners.

1.2Problem of the Analysis

The problem of study is an important thing for the thesis in order that the researcher will not get lost in discussing the main topic of the thesis. Based on the background above, the problems of the study of this thesis are formed as bellow:

1. What are the correspondences found in English and Arabic tenses? 2. What are the non correspondence found in English and Arabic tenses? 1.3Objective of the analysis

The objective of this research is to improve the student’s knowledge about contrastive, discussed about contrastive, there are many types of it. As stated at the problems of the study above, below are the objective of the study to answer the problems of the analysis namely :


1. To compare the similarities between English and Arabic language in tenses 2. To compare the differences between English and Arabic language in tenses 1.4Scope of the Analysis

The writer has carried out a contrastive study between English and Arabic Tenses. There are some tenses in English and Arabic, the writer limit the study on the similarities and differences between this two language, The tenses that would be discussed on this paper namely; present tenses, past tenses, future tenses in English and fi’ilmadhi, fi’ilmudhori’ in Arabic language.

1.5Significance of the Analysis

From this study, this analysis hopefully give contribution in developing the linguistics study especially about contrastive. This study hopefully could give aworth significance such as :

1. To attract readers to learn the second language and provide insight into the similarities and differences between first and second language to be studied



REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 A Brief Description of Contrastive Analysis

Some people may regard contrastive linguistics and contrastive analysis are synonymous or interchangeable terms. But they are different. Contrastive analysis is focused on finding the similarities and differences of sub-system of language compared. The interest in contrastive analysis is the linguistic nature of both language compared without relating the similarities and differences to the speaker in the process of analysis. While error analysis focused on the effect of the first language of a speaker when he/she tries to learn second language especially toward his/her first language. So, the learner may compared his/her first language and the second language explicitly or implicitly in the process of learning. Interferences analysis focused on the interacting of both language compared when language on how much first language is interacted with the second language and how much the second language is interacted with the first language when she /he speaks the first language. From the description above, it can be clearly seem that three ways in contrastive linguistics are differences.

Contrastive analysis attempts to analyze the correspondences of languages compared especially the aspect of language concerned. In conducting contrastive analysis, there must be at least two languages that are going to be compared. the language compared is called language in contact. The first language is called source language, and the second language is called target language. In this analysis, the aspect of language to compare is the tenses between English language and Arabic language. And English language is the source language Arabic language is the target language.

There are some definition of contrastive analysis based on linguists below :

According to Hartman and Stock (1972:43) the words comparative and contrastive have similarity. They compare two or more language or a branch of linguistic. Which compares two or more languages. Two languages that are compared in this study are English and Arabic language.


Further more , Richards ( 1994 : 63 ) have stated that contrastive analysis is the comparison of the linguistic system of two languages, for example the sound system or the grammatical system.

It is understood that the contrastive study refers to the research that is aimed at finding out the similarities or differences of any idea. The main purpose of this study is to contras the tenses in English and Arabic language.

2.2 A Brief History of English

According to Barbara A. Fannell in her book .A History of English: A sociolinguistics Approach, English was originated from the old saxon language, which brought to Britain by Germanic settlers from various part of northwest Germanic. From the beginning of the Chirstian era around A.D 400, the speakers was become English were scattered along the northern coast of Europe. They spoke a dialect of Low German. More exactly they spoke several different dialects since they were several different tribes. The name given to the tribes who got to England are Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. For convenience, we can refer to them all as Anglo saxon.

The history of English can be divided into three periods : a. Old English (500-1100)

Old English is said (technically) to begin in 449 CE with the invasion of Kent by Henges tand Horsa. Although we place its starts at 500 CE, since it must have taken one or two generations- at least- for it to develop its distinctive character; we do not have the first manuscript attestations of English until about 700 CE. We know that the Anglo-Saxons spoke West Germanic. A sister dialect to old High German, Old Frisian, Old Low German, Low Saxon and Old Low Franconian. Several very important features characterize Old English:

(1) Old English was synthetic, or functional, rather than analytic or isolating.

(2) The noun, verb, adjective determiner and pronoun were highly inflected. Consequently word order was not as rigid as in present-day English .

(3) There were weak and strong declensions of noun and adjectives. (4) There were also weak and strong conjugations of verb.


(5) The vocabulary of Old English was overwhelming Germanic in character (approximately 85 percent of the vocabulary used in Old English is no longer in use in Modern English)

(6) Word formation largely took the form of compounding, prefixing and suffixing; there was relatively little borrowing from other languages.

(7) Gender was grammatical (dependent on formal linguistics criteria), not logical or natural (contingent on sex).

b. Middle English (1100-1500)

During the middle English period a number of very significant changes became more and more visible in the English language. The major changes from Old to Middle English are the loss of inflections and with it the development of more fixed word order. As the Old English period, language contact led to borrowing, but its scale was far greater during this period than it had been before there are some changes in the linguistics development, such as major changes in the sound system: the consonants, vowels, lengthening and shortening, diphthongs ; major morphological changes : verb and word order.

c. Modern English (Early modern English 1500-1800 and present day English 1800-percent )

By the Early Modern English Period the structure of the standard language was very close to its structure in Present Day English. There were still some significant changes to come, such as the Great Vowel Shift, but with regard to short vowels, consonants, morphology and syntax, changes were slight. What is noticeable to a present-day reader of Early Modern English is its comparative variability. In the period from 1500-1700, there was considerable free variation of forms in comparison with present day- English. This is hardly surprising in a language that was only just beginning to be accepted as a legitimate medium of communication in science, the arts and administration . By 1700, however, English had stabilized and texts written after that period are remarkably easy for modern reader to comprehend.

English language as we know it today was fairly well established by the eighteenth century. Since that time while some changes in the structure have indeed occurred, they are comparatively minor in nature. Unlike in the Early Modern English period, there are few changes in phonology and even fewer in morphology and syntax, with major changes


taking place (as ever)in the lexical stock of English. The changes that have taken place in this last-named component are minor

2.3 A Brief History of Arabic

Arabic (al - lughah al - ' Arabiyyah) is one of Central Semitic language , which is included in the Semitic language family and are related to Hebrew and Aramaic languages Arabic has more speakers than any other languages in the Semitic language family . He is spoken by over 280 million people as a first language , which is where most live in the Middle East and North Africa . This language is the official language of 25 countries , and is the language of worship in Islam because it is the language spoken by the Qur'an . Based on geographic distribution , conversational Arabic has many variations ( dialects ) , some dialects cannot even understand each other . Modern Arabic is classified as a macro language with 27 sub - languages in ISO 639-3 . Standard Arabic ( sometimes called Literary Arabic ) is widely taught in schools and universities , and used in the workplace , government ,and mass media.

Standard Arabic is derived from Classical Arabic , the only member of the Old North Arabic language family , which is still used , as seen in the inscriptions of pre- Islamic Arab heritage derived from the 4th century .Classical Arabic has also been a language literature and language more or less worship of Islam since the 6th century . Arabic alphabet is written from right to left .

Arabic has given a lot of vocabulary to other languages of the Islamic world , just as the role of Latin to most European languages . During the Middle Ages Arabic was also a major tool of culture , especially in science , mathematics and philosophy , which led many European languages also borrowed much vocabulary from Arabic.

2.4 Description of Tenses in English

Tense is a method that we use in English to refer to time - past, present and future. Many languages use tenses to talk about time. According to Comrie (1985) additional reference point which does not (necessarily) correspond with the moment of utterance (Comrie 1985:122f). In


established relative to the present moment, and a situation is located in time relative to that reference point" (Comrie 1985:125).

Tenses are verb forms (both within flections or auxiliary support verbs )to show the time and degree of completion of an activity. Tenses in other words that it is based on grammatical forms of the verb, and indicates whether ajob or activity that has been carried out, being implemented, will be implemented or have been implemented in a specific period. In English, there is a degree of time in expressing an activity, job or situation. In some literature mentioned that the level of the time there are basically three, namely: present, future here will be discussed division of tenses based on the time and nature of the incident, namely:

1. Present Tenses

-The Simple Present Tense is the tense of the most widely used, simple meaning that is simple, while the present is now. So to say that the Simple Present is the tenses (sentence patterns) that are used to tell the current time in a simple form. For examples :

I write a letter I buy new car

She go to campus by car

-Present Continuous tense in English tenses are used for ongoing action now, the incident at the time was talking and action that last sonly for a short period of time. Present Continuous tense is also called the Present Progressive Tense. For examples : I am writing a letter

She driving a car

They are reading their lesson - Present Perfect Tense

Forms of the Present Perfect tense in English tenses are used for a simple act of ongoing, but it has no effect until the present. Placing an emphasis on results. For examples :

She has learnt a lesson I have bought a new car It has rained


-Present Perfect Continuous tense

Present Perfect Continuous has revealed that the action started in the past and is still continuing. English tenses is also used to tell the events that began in the past and has just finished. For examples :

I have been studying since 2 o’clock

We have been watching television since 1 o’clock 2. Past Tenses

- Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to express the events that have occurred at a particular timein the past. For examples :

They went to cinema She wrote a letter last night - Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense expresses past action in progress. Some times the action can also be interrupted by something. English tenses form is called Past Progressive Tense. For examples

They were climbing on a hill You waiting for him yesterday It was raining yesterday

- Past Perfect Tense

We use the Past Perfect tense to indicate an action in the past with regard to other actions in the past before. For examples :

He had slept

I had finished my work last week -Past Perfect Continuous tense

Perfect Continuous Tense is used to express an action that began in the past and lasted until an other action in the past. For examples :

We had been waiting for him for one hour It had been raining for there days

The difference between the Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continuous is: Present Perfect Continuous express action continuing until now whereas Past Perfect


3. Future Tenses - Future Simple Tense

Among all forms of tenses Future, Future Simple is the most common, used in many situations such as when making promises, predictions or plans. Future Tense is also called the Present Future Tense. For examples :

She will send me a letter I will give you a gift

Simple Future Tense is divided into two forms, namely "Will / shall" and "going to" but have different uses.

"Going to" is used to express an action plan that had been made before talk .also used to express a prediction based on current signs (probably inevitable).

"Will" is used in pronouncing a plan of action that you just think / have not planned / spontaneous moment talk .also used to reveal the impending forecast by calculation or feeling (not necessarily certainty).

- Future Continuous Tense

Future Continuous tense is generally used to indicate that we will be in the midst of an event in a specific time in the future. Future also known as Continuous Present

Continuous Future. For examples : She will be enjoying her vocations It will be raining tomorrow

Future Continuous also have 2 forms of "will" and "going to" have the same meaning and be interchangeable when used. In contrast to the use of the simple future tense.

- Future perfect Tense

Future Perfect tenses we use the English language to express the events that will be completed in the future that has already begun in the past. Also called the Present Future Perfect Tense Future Perfect Tense or Future Perfect Simple. For examples :

She will have finished the work by Sunday We will have started a job

- Future Perfect Continuous Tense

We use the Future Perfect Continuous tenses English to recount events that will take place at a specific time in the future. Future Perfect Continuous Tense is also known as the Present Continuous or Future Perfect Future Perfect Progressive. For examples : I will have been living in Medan since 2000


He will have been playing cricket for two hour Conditional Past Future Tense

- Conditional / Future Past tense

Past Simple Future Tense is used to express the events that will occur in the past (not the present, the inverse of the simple future tense).

- Conditional / Future Past Continuous tense

We use Future Past Continuous or Past Progressive Future tense English to tell an action that will occur in the past was (for that was going on today called Future Continuous Tense).

- Conditional / Future Past Perfect tense

Past Tense Future Perfect used to express action that will have been completed in the past (please compare the difference with Future Perfect Tense).

- Conditional / Future Past Perfect Continuous tense

English past tense is used to express the events that would have been taking place in the past. Past future perfect continuous tense in common with the future perfect continuous tense.

4.1.3 Description of Tenses In Arabic

In Arabic, the verb is called al-fi’il. According to Al ghulayaini, Fi’il is a sentence that shows the meaning by it self. The main tenses in Arabic are the past tense ( fi’il madhi) and the present tense ( fi’il mudhari’ ), the future tense in classical Arabic is formed by adding either the prefix sa or the separate word saufa onto the beginning of the present tense verb, for examples : sa-yaktubu or saufa yaktubu means he will write.

In some contexts, the tenses represent aspectual distinctions rather than tense distinctions. The usage of Arabic tenses is as follows :

• The past tense often specifically has the meaning of a past perfective. It expresses the concept of ‘ he did ‘ as opposed ‘he was doing’ . the letter can be expressed using the combination of the past tense of the verb kana ‘to be ‘ with the present tense or active participle. For example : kana yaktu or kana katibun means he was writing .

• The two tenses can be used to express relative tense when following other verbs in a serial verb construction. In such a construction, the present tense


indicates time simultaneous with the main verb, while the past tense indicates time prior to the main verb.

Both fi’il madhi and fi’il mudhari’ constantly change it shape according to the type of fa’il dhamir or subject. For fi’il madhi the shape changes occurat the end of the word, while for fi’il mudhari’ it’s shape changes occurat the beginning of the word and at the end of the word. For examples :


pronouns Fi’il Madhy Fi’il Mudhari’









af’alu = I work


/ nahnu






naf’alu = we work









taf’alu = you (male ) work









taf’aliina = you (female) work









taf’alaan = you're both working







َـﻧْﻮُﻠَﻋ ْﻒَﺘ


taf’aluna = you’re (male) work









taf’alna = you’re (female) work










taf’alu = she work









yaf’alani = they both (male) work









taf’alani = they both (female) work









yaf’aluna = they (male) work









yaf’alna = they (female) work


Pronouns Arabic Pronouns



I anaa












Thou (m) anta


َأ َﺖْﻧ









Thou (f) anti













She hiya












We nahnu











You (m) antum











You (f) antunna












You two (m,f) antumaa












They two (m) humaa










They two (f) humaa












They (m) hum











METHOD OF RESEARCH 3.1 Research Design

In completing this thesis, Contrastive Method is applied as the research method because the analysis tends to contrast two language in terms of English and Arabic language. According to Naibaho (2006:1) contrastive analysis is the method of analysis whereby the differences and similarities of two or more language (or sub-systems language) are made explicit. The purpose of this research is to create a learning atmosphere that is interactive, participative and spark students' comprehension abilities. Therefore, researchers are trying to use the method of contrastive analysis, this study presents a model in which the subject matter by comparing the structure of the mother tongue in second language, are expected to be identified through the comparison of the differences and similarities between the structure of the native language to the second language which is expected to facilitate students in learning the English language. Contrastive analysis is often equated with the term linguistic contrastive. Contrastive linguistics is a branch of linguistics synchronic whose job comparing the two languages so that similarities and differences can be seen both languages. Determination of contrastive analysis in language teaching is based on the theoretical assumption that:

1. Language teaching materials is the most effective material that is based on the language description(Fries, 1945).

2. By contracting the first language with the language to be studied can predict and describe the patterns that will lead to flaws in the ease of learning the language (Lado, 1957).

3. Changes that must occur in a person's behavior that learning a foreign language can be likened to the difference between the structure of the language and culture of students with language and cultural structures tobe studied (Valdman's1960,inWardhaugh, 1970


Contrastive analysis became increasingly popular after appearing works of Lado (1959), entitled A Cross Culture linguistics who elaborated on ways to contrast the two languages. The book contains descriptions analysis between English to Spanish, to supplement other examples of Chinese, Thailand and so on.

3.2 Data and Source of Data

Before this study, the writer have found and determine the object to be studied. Because this is the first step in carrying out a research.

The object of discussion in this thesis is the sentence structure in English and Arabic in term of tenses and data were collected from books and records that have anything to do with the problems understand. The data used in this study distinguished on two namely:

1. Data of English language

1) Junaidi & Suryadi, S.Pd, Complete English

2) Kusnadi , Moh .2011.Complete English Grammar. Surabaya: Bintang usaha jaya

3) Werner . 2007. Mosaic 1 Grammar . singapore: Mc.Graw- Hill 4) Wren And Martin.1990. High School English Grammar and

Composition. 2. Data of Arabic language

1. Mhd, syekh. Alkawakibud Durriyah Syaraf Mutammimatul Ajjurmiyah. Beirut-Lebanon: Muassasah Al-kutubAts-tasqofiyah. Page 29-38

2. Syaikh Musthafa A lghulayaini, Pelajaran Bahasa Arab Lengkap terjemah Jami’ud Duruusil ArabiyyahJilid I (Semarang: CV. AsySyifa, 1991) page. 21

3. Ahmad, SyekhAsy. Syazal ‘ArffannasSharaf. Kairo-Mesir: DarutTaufiqiyah Lit-Turats. Page 16 and 20-22


3.3 Data Collecting Method

The method that is used in collecting the data is documentation method since the data source is written source. Nawawi ( 1991:133) states that documentation method is a technique of collecting data by categorizing and classifying the written document that has relation with the problem discussed whether from any grammar book and grammar Arabic book.

3.4Techniques of Data Analysis

In writing this thesis, the systematic techniques that are used in conducting the analysis are as follows :

a. Collecting the data b. Selecting the data c. Classifying the data d. Analyzing the data e. Concluding the analyzing




English verb have five basic forms, the base form are the “s” form, the “ing” form, the “past form, and the participle form, while in Arabic form, we need to extract the stem from the verb infinitive, used as al-an, saufa, and sa. Bellow are the examples of does language:

4.1.1 Present tense

It is used to express an action in present time, habitual or usual actions or daily event or universal fact. It is used to express an action in present time which is usually done on a regular basis.

Positive Sentences

• Subject + Main verb + Object

• Subject + 1st form of verb (or base verb) + Object I write a letter.

He gets up early in the morning. Negative Sentences

• Subject + auxiliary verb +NOT + Main verb +object

• Subject + Do not/Does not + 1st form of verb (or base form) + object for examples:

I do not write a letter.

He does not get up early in the morning. Interrogative Sentence

• Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb + Object

• Do/Does + Subject + 1st for of verb (or base verb) + Object For examples :

Do I write a letter?

Does he get up early in the morning?


A. Present Continuous Tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action at present time. It expresses an action which is in progress at the time of speaking.

Positive Sentence

• Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object • Subject + am/is/are + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object For examples :

I am playing cricket. He is driving a car.

They are reading their lesson. You are washing your clothes. She is riding on horse.

They are playing football. Negative Sentence

• Subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object • Subject + am/is/are + not + (1st form of verb + ing) + object

For examples :

I am not playing cricket. He is not driving a car.

They are not reading their lessons. You are not washing your clothes. She is not riding on a horse. They are not playing football. It is not raining.


Interrogative Sentences

• Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb-ing (Present participle) + object • Am/is/are + Subject + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object For examples :

Am I playing cricket? Is he driving a car?

Are they reading their lessons? Are you washing your clothes? Is she riding on a horse? Are they playing football? Is it raining?

B. Present Perfect Tense

It is used to expressed an action which happened or completed in past but usually the action which happened or completed at a short time before now (near past) not a very long time before now. Specific time such as two years ago, last week or that day is usually not used in the sentences of in this tense. It means that this tense expresses the action whose time when it happened, is not exactly specified but it sounds to refer to some action that happened or completed in near past. Auxiliary verb “has or have” is used in sentence. 3rd form of verb (past participle) is used as main verb in sentence. The structure of sentence :

Positive Sentence

• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + Subject • Subject + has/have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject For examples :

I have eaten meal. She has learnt a lesson. They have gone to school.


They have bought a new car. I have started a job.

It has rained.

The guest have arrived. John has left for home. You have told a lie. Negative Sentence

• Subject + Auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb (past participle) + Subject • Subject + has/have + NOT + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject For examples :

I have not eaten meal. She has not learnt a lesson. They have not bought a new car. I have not started a job.

It has not rained.

The guests have not arrived. John has not left for home. You have not told a lie. Interrogative Sentences

• Auxiliary verb + Subject + main verb (past participle) + Subject • Has/have + Subject + 3rd form of verb or past participle + subject For examples :

Have I eaten meal? Has she learnt a lesson? Have they bought a new car? Have I started a job?


Have the guests arrived? Has John left for home? Have you told a lie?

C . Present Perfect Continuous tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action that started in past and is continued until now. There will be a time reference,

Positive Sentence.

• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (Present participle) + Object + Time reference • Subject + has been/have been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference

For examples :

He has been watering the plants for two hours. I have been studying since 3 O’clock

I have been living in America since 2003. He has been playing cricket for two hours.

They have been watching television since 6 O’clock. She has been working in this office since 2007. Negative Sentence.

• Subject +”Not” between the Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + Object + Time reference

• Subject + has not been/have not been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference

To make negative sentence, the word “not” is written between the auxiliary verbs, so it becomes like “has not been or have not been”. The rule for using auxiliary verb “has been or have been” in negative sentences is as same as mentioned above. Foe examples : He has not been watering the plants for two hours.

I have not been studying since 3 O’clock. I have not been living in America since 2003. He has not been playing cricket for two hours.


They have not been watching television since 6 O’clock. She has not been working in this office since 2007. Interrogative Sentence.

• Auxiliary verb + Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object + time reference

• Has/have + Subject + been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time reference

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb. If the subject is “He, She, It, singular or proper name” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “has” and auxiliary verb “been” is used after subject .

If subject is “You, They or plural” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “have” and “been” is used after subject. For example :

Has he been watering the plants for two hours? Have I been studying since 3 O’clock?

Have I been living in America since 2003? Has he been playing cricket for two hours.

Have they been watching television since 6 O’clock? Has she been working in this office since 2007?


4.1.2 Fi’il Mudhori’

In Arabic, fi’l al-mudaari’ (the present/future-tense verb) can represent either the present or the future tenses verb.

For example: َﻱﺎَﺸﻟﺍ ُبُﺮﺷَﺃ

Does this mean “I am drinking tea” or “I will drink tea” If you can see the person, no problem you can tell if they’re drinking tea or not right now. As it turns out, you can explicitly specify that the verb is present- or future-tense. Let’s go by example. َﻱﺎَﺸﻟﺍ ُبُﺮﺷَﺃ

If we want to make it present-tense, we say: َﻱﺎَﺸﻟﺍ ُبُﺮﺷَﺃ َﻥﻻﺍ

The addition of al-aana ( َﻥﻻﺍ) means “now”; so you can translate this sentence as: “I am drinking tea right now.” Which makes it present-tense, Notice you could not say “I will drink tea right now” it doesn’t make sense, So al-aana removes the ambiguity and makes it present-tense.

What about future tense, There are two ways you can achieve this: 1. By the addition of the letter sa:

َﻱﺎَﺸﻟﺍ ُبُﺮﺷَﺃ َﺱ

The addition of seen makes it future tense; so you can translate as “I will drink tea.”

2. By the addition of the word sawfa: ُﺮﺷَﺃ َﻱﺎَﺸﻟﺍ ُب َﻑﻮَﺳ


The addition of sawfa makes it future tense; so you can translate as “I will drink tea.”

Both are equivalent, seen and sawfa, there’s no difference in the meaning. Also, unlike al-aana, you do not explicitly translate the seen or sawfa into a word. Mudaari’ verbs can be present-tense or future tense; you can explicitly specify it as present-tense (by adding al-aana) or future-tense (by adding sen or sawfa).

Bellow are the comparison

English Present tense Arabic present tense

I write a letter aktubu arrisalata

I do not write a letter la aktubu arrisalata

Do I write a letter? Hal aktubu arrisalata?

I am writing letter al an aktubu arrisalata

If the subject is “ he, she, it, singular or proper noun does not is used after subject in sentence. If the subject is “ I , we, they you “ do not is used after subject. While in Arabic language la used for all subject, then la put in the first sentence before subject. When in interrogative sentence we used hal. When we talk about present continuous tense if the subject is “I “ the auxiliary verb “am” is used after subject in sentence, but if the subject is “ he, she it, singular or proper noun the auxiliary verb “is” used after subject, while if the subject is “you, they we ” we used “are” While in Arabic language we just add al-an . for examples:

English Arabic

I am going to school al an azhabu ila madrosati


4.1.3 Past Tense

It is used to express an action that happened or completed in past, usually a very little time before speaking, or action which is just completed. Time of action is not specified in terms of long time ago or short ago but it make a sense that the action has done a little time ago.

Positive Sentence

• Subject + main verb (past simple) + object • Subject + 2nd form of verb (past simple) + object for examples :

I killed a snake He ate a mango They went to cinema. She wrote a letter to him Negative sentences

• Subject + (auxiliary verb + not) main verb (base form) + object • Subject + did not + 1st form of verb or base form + object

In negative sentence “did not” is written and the 1st form of verb (base verb) is used instead of using 2nd form (or past simple verb). For examples :

I did not kill a snake He did not eat a mango They did not go to cinema. She did not write a letter to him. I did not make a table.

You did not answer correctly Interrogative sentences

• Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (base verb) + object • Did + subject + 1st form of verb (or base verb) + object


instead of using 2nd form (or past simple verb). For example : Did I kill a snake?

Did he eat a mango? Did they go to cinema? Did she write a letter to him? Did I make a table?

Did you answer correctly? A. Past Continuous Tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action in past, an ongoing action which occurred in past and completed at some point in past. It expresses an ongoing nature of an action in past. :

Positive sentences

• Subject + auxiliary verb + Main Verb (present participle) + object • Subject + was/were + (1st form of verb or base verb +ing) +object

If the subject is “he, she, It, I, singular or proper noun” then auxiliary verb “was” is used. If subject is “you, we, they or plural” then auxiliary verb “were” is used. For examples : She was crying yesterday.

They were climbing on a hill. He was taking exam last month You waiting for him yesterday She was working in a factory. It was raining yesterday Negative sentences

• Subject + auxiliary verb + NOT + Main verb (present participle) + object • Subject + was/were + NOT + (1st form of verb or base verb +ing) +object

Rules for using auxiliary verb after subject are same as mentioned above. For examples: She was not crying yesterday.

They were not climbing on a hill He was not taking exam last month


You were not waiting for him yesterday She was not working in a factory. It was not raining yesterday. Interrogative sentences

• Auxiliary verb + Subject + Main verb (present participle) + object • Was/were + Subject + (1st form of verb or base verb +ing) +object

The interrogative sentence starts with the auxiliary verb. If the subject is “he, she, It, I, singular or proper noun” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “was”. If subject is “you, we, they or plural” then the sentence starts with auxiliary verb “were”. For

examples :

Was she crying yesterday? Were they climbing on a hill? Was he taking exam last month? Were you waiting for him yesterday? Was she working in a factory? Was it raining yesterday? B. Past perfect tense

It is used to express an action which has occurred in past (usually, a long time ago) and action which has occurred in past before another action in past.

Positive sentence

• Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + object • Subject + had + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object for examples :

He had taken the exam last year A thief had stolen my watch He had slept.

I had finished my work last year. It had rained heavily last month.


Negative sentence

• Subject + auxiliary verb + NOT + main verb (past participle) + object •Subject + had + not + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object “Not” is written after auxiliary verb in negative sentence. For examples : He had not taken the exam last year

A thief had not stolen my watch. Interrogative sentence

• Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (past participle) + object • Had + subject + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “had” for examples : Had he taken the exam last year

Had a thief stolen my watch? Had he slept?

Had I finished my work last year? Had it rained heavily last month?

Had the film started before we reached cinema C. Past Perfect continuous tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action that started in past and continued until sometime in past.

Positive Sentence.

• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (Present participle) + Object + Time reference • Subject + had been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference for examples :

I had been waiting for him for one hour. She had been playing chess since 7 O’clock. He had been playing cricket for two hours.

They had been watching television since 6 O’clock. She had been working in this office since 2007. It had been raining for three days.


Negative Sentence.

• Subject +”Not” between the Auxiliary verbs + main verb (present participle) + Object + Time reference

• Subject + had not been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference

To make negative sentence, the word “not” is added inside auxiliary verb, so it becomes “had not been”. For examples :

I had not been waiting for him for one hour She had not been playing chess since 7 o, clock He had not been playing cricket for two hours They had not been watching television since 2007 She had not been working in this office since 2009 It had not been raining for three days

Interrogative Sentence.

• Auxiliary verb+ Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object + time reference

• Had + Subject + been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time reference

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “had” and auxiliary verb “been” is used after subject in sentence. For examples :

Had I been waiting for him for one hour? Had she been playing chess 7 O’clock ? Had he been playing cricket for two hours.

Had they been watching television since 6 O’clock? Had she been working in this office since 2007? Had it been raining for three days


4.1.4 Fi’il Madhi

Fi’il Madhi is a verb to the past, which have been meaning to do something, for example: jalasa, qoma, fa'ala

Bellow are the comparison

English past tense Arabic past tense

I went to school zahabtu ila madrosati

I did not go to school ma zahabtu ila madrosati

Did I go to school? Hal zahabtu ila madrosati?

I was writing a letter

In the past tense the verb that we used participle verb, 4.1.5. Future Tense

It is used to express an action which has not occurred yet and will occur after saying or in future:

Positive sentence

• Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object •Subject + will + (1st form of verb or base form +ing) + object For examples :

I will buy a computer tomorrow.

They will come here. He will start a business. She will send me a letter.

I will give you a pen tomorrow

Students will take exams at the end of semester. They will buy a new car.

The Pattern of exam will change next year. Negative sentence


• Subject + will +not + (1st form of verb or base form +ing) + object

To make negative sentence “not” is written after auxiliary verb in sentence. For examples :

I will not buy a computer tomorrow.

They will not come here . He will not start a business. She will not send me a letter.

I will not give you a pen tomorrow

Students will not take exams at the end of semester. They will not buy a new car.

The pattern of exam will not change next year Interrogative sentence

• Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb (present participle) + object • Will + subject + (1st form of verb or base form +ing) + object Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “will”. For examples : Will I buy a computer tomorrow?

Will they come here? Will he start a business? Will she send me a letter?

Will I give you a pen tomorrow?

Will students take exams at the end of semester? Will they buy a new car?

Will the Pattern of exam change next year? A .Future Continuous Tense

It is used to express a continued or an ongoing action in future. Positive sentence

• Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object


For examples :

We will be shifting to a new home next year. He will be flying a kite.

It will be raining tomorrow.

She will be enjoying her vacations.

He will be expecting honesty from his employees. She will be delivering a speech to people.

Negative sentence

• Subject + not between auxiliary verbs+ not + main verb (present participle) object

• Subject + will not be + 1st form of verb or base form+ing (present participle) + object

To make negative sentence “not” is written between auxiliary verbs “will and be” in sentence. For examples :

We will not be shifting to a new home next year. He will not be flying a kite.

It will not be raining tomorrow.

She will not be enjoying her vacations.

He will not be expecting honesty from his employees. She will not be delivering a speech to people.

Interrogative sentence

• Auxiliary verb + subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object • Will + subject + be+ 1st form of verb or base form+ing (present participle) + object Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “will” and auxiliary verb “be” comes after subject in interrogative sentence. For examples :

Will we be shifting to a new home next year? Will he be flying a kite?

Will it be raining tomorrow? Will she be enjoying her vacations?


Will he be expecting honesty from his employees? Will she be delivering a speech to people?

B . Future Perfect Tense

It is used to express an action which will occur in future and is thought to be completed in future. It expresses a sense of completion of an action which will occur in future.

Positive sentence

• Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + object • Subject + will have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object For examples :

She will have finished the work by Wednesday. I will have left for home by the time he gets up. You will have started a job.

You will have made a new chair. She will have decorated her home. I will have bought a computer.

They will have shifted to a new home. Students will have passed the examination Negative sentence

• Subject + Not between auxiliary verbs + main verb (past participle) + object • Subject + will not have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object

For examples :

She will have finished the work by Wednesday. I will have left for home by the time he gets up.

You will not have started a job. He will not have finished his work. You will not have made a new chair.

She will not have decorated her home. I will not have bought a computer.


They will not have shifted to a new home. Students will not have passed the examination Interrogative sentence

• Auxiliary verb + Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (past participle) + object • Will + Subject +have + 3rd form of verb or past participle + object

For examples :

Will she have finished the work by Wednesday? Will I have left for home by the time he gets up?

Will you have started a job? Will he have finished his work? Will you have made a new chair?

Will she have decorated her home? Will I have bought a computer? Will they have shifted to a new home? Will students have passed the examination? D. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

It is used to express a continued or ongoing action that will start in future and is thought to be continued till sometime in future.

Positive Sentence.

• Subject + Auxiliary verb + main verb (Present participle) + Object + Time reference •Subject + will have been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + time reference

For examples :.

I will have been living in America since 2003. He will have been playing cricket for two hours.

They will have been watching television since 6 O’clock. She will been working in this office since 2007.


Negative Sentence.

• Subject +”Not” inside Auxiliary verbs + main verb (present participle) + Object + Time reference

• Subject + will not have been + (1st form of verb or base verb + ing) + object + Time reference

To make negative sentence, the word “not” is added inside auxiliary verb, so it becomes “will not have been”. For examples :

I will not have been living in America since 2003. He will not have been playing cricket for two hours.

They will not have been watching television since 6 O’clock? She will have been working in this office since 2007.

It will not have been raining for three days. Interrogative Sentence.

• Auxiliary verb + Subject + auxiliary verb + main verb (present participle) + object + time reference

• Will + Subject + have been + (1st form of verb or base verb+ing) + object + time reference

Interrogative sentence starts with auxiliary verb “will” and auxiliary verb “have been” is used after subject in sentence. For examples :

Will I have been waiting for him for one hour? Will she have been playing football since 2015? Will he have been playing cricket for two hours.

Will they have been watching television since 6 O’clock? Will she have been working in this office since 2007? Will it have been raining for three days

Fi’il Mudhari' known to be the future when entered by sa and saufa. For examples:

Sayaktubu arrisalata → sa – yaktubu – arrisalata Sayazhabu ila jami ah → sa- yazhabu –


Ila- jami ah

Saupa a’kulu → saupa -a’kulu Saupa arji’ → saupa- arji’

English future tense Arabic future tense

I will write a letter saufa aktubu arrisalata

I will not write a letter saufa la aktubu arrisalata Will I write a letter?

In Arabic language when we want make sentence be a future tense adding sa letter or saufa letter.

4.2 Comparison

The left side explained the form and function of tenses in English language. While the right side explained the tenses in Arabic language . so it is easy to see the comparison between two language.

English Arabic

• Function of Tenses in English

a. Past Tense

simple past tense is used to express an action which has occurred in past (usually, a long time ago) and action which has occurred in past before another action in past.

The formula of Past Tense : - positive

Subject + main verb +object Subject + form of verb+ object For examples :

• Function of tenses in Arabic

a. Fi’il Mdhi

fi’il madhi is used to express an action which has occurred in the past .the activities that have been carried out.

The formula of Fi’il Mdhi : Fi’il+ fa’il+ Mustaqbal For example :

Zahaba ali ila almasjidi = ↓ ↓ ↓

Fi’il Madhi (verb) + Fa’il (subject) + Mustaqbal (complement)


He ate a mango

I went to kuta beach yesterday. - negative

subject + auxiliary verb + not + main verb + object.

Subject + did not + verb + object. For examples :

He did not eat a mango

I did not go to Kuta beach yesterday - Interrogative

Auxiliary verb+ subject+ main verb + object.

Did + subject + verb +object For examples :

Did he aet a mango ?

Did I go to Kuta beach yesterday? Past tense divided in to :

Past tense

Past continuous tense Past perfect tense

Past perfect continuous tense

b. Present Tense

Present tense is used to express an action in present time, habitual or usual action or daily event or universal fact. It is usual used to express an action in present time which is usually done on a regular basis.

Akala ali tupahatu Qoroa ali alkitaba

- negative

la nafiyah + Fi’ilMadhi + Fa’il + Mustaqbal For examples :

Lam Akala ali al burtuqolu = ali has not eat orange Ma zahbtu ila kutaamsi = I did not go to kuta yesterday

- interrogative

harufun istifham + Fa’il +fi’il + Mustaqbal For examples :

Hal akala ali al burtuqol? Hal yazhabu ilakuta? Fi’il Madhi divided in to :

Who receive such Tashrif: nasoro

b. Fi’il Mudhori’

Word that indicates an event that is taking place, or at the future. In short fi’il Mudhori' verb is done in the present or future. And to distinguish these two time adjusted with the intention of people who say, or seen in the context of his speech. But if there are no signs that determine the basis for fi’il mudhari time is time now


The formula of present tense : - Positive

S + Main Verb + Object S + Base Verb + Object For examples :

I write a letter Sun rises in east He drink water

- Negative

S + Auxiliary verb + not + Main verb + object

S + do not/does not + base form + object

For example :

I do not write a letter Sun does not get rise in east He does not drink water

- Interrogative

Auxiliary verb + s + Main verb + Object.

Do/does + s + base verb + object. For example :

Do I write a letter ? Does sun rise in east? Does he drink water ? Present tense divided in to : Present tense

Present continuous tense Present perfect tense

Present perfect continuous tense

The formula of fi’il mudhori’ : - Positive

Fai’il (S) + fi’il Mudhari’ (present tense) + Mustaqbal (complement)

For examples : Ana aktubu ad-darsa.

Ana ahmilu al-kitaba ila madrsti. Ana azhabu ila madrasati.

- Negative

Fa’il + La nafiyah (not) + Fi’ilMudhari’ (presenttense) + mustaqbal (complement).

For examples :

Muhammad la yaktubu ad-darsa.

Khadijah la tahmili al- kitaba ila madrasati. Khadijah la tazhabu ila madrasati.

- Interrogative

Harfun istifham + fi’il Mudhari’ + fai’il + muastqbal.

For examples :

Hal yaktubu Muhammad ad-darsa ? Ma tahmili ila pasli ?


c. Future tense

It is used to express an action which has not occurred yet and will occur after saying or in future.

The formula of future tense : - positive

S + auxiliary verb + main verb + object.

S + will/shall + form of verb or base form + ing + object.

For examples :

I will give you a pen tomorrow I will buy a computer to morrow She will send me a letter

- Negative

S + auxiliary verb + not + main verb + object.

S+ will/shall + not + form of verb or base form + ing + object.

For examples :

I will not buy a computer tomorrow They will not come here.

I will not give you a pen tomorrow - Interrogative

Auxiliary verb + subject + main verb + object.

Will + subject + form of verb or base form +ing + object.

For examples :

Will I buy a computer tomorrow ? Will they come here ?

Will she send me a letter ? Future tense divided in to :

c. Fi’il Mudhari’

Fi’il Mudhari' known to be the future when entered by sa and saufa.

For examples:

Sayaktubu arrisalata → sa – yaktubu – arrisalata Sayazhabu ila jami ah → sa- yazhabu –

Ila- jami ah

Saupa a’kulu → saupa -a’kulu Saupa arji’ → saupa- arji’


Future tense

Future continuous tense Future perfect tense

Future perfect continuous tense Past future tense

Past future continuous tense Past future perfect tense

Past future perfect continuous tense • Form of tenses in English The forms of a expressed in different ways. There are three forms of common, the progressive, and the emphatic.

1. Positive form 2. Negative form 3. Interrogative form Verb plus - ed is called and talked) and a verb without- ed (ie went and saw).

Verb plus- ed called regular verbs, whereas verbs without t- ed called irregular verb.

• Form of Fi’il in Arabic

Fi’il has14 forms in accordance with the number of subject / dhamir. Dhamir it serves as actor / fa'il. Taking the example of the word كتب (kataba), then there are 14 forms as follows:

N o Dhami r Fi’il Madh i

meaning informatio n

1 َﻮـُﻫ َﺐَﺘَﻛ He(male) has written Original formwitho ut anychange s

2 ﺎـَﻤُﻫ ﺎـَﺒَﺘَﻛ Both(male ) has written


ﺍ for the last letter

3 ْﻢـُﻫ ْﻮـُﺒَﺘَﻛ They (male) has written

+ ْﻮُـــ for the last letter

4 َﻲـِﻫ ْﺖـَﺒَﺘَﻛ She (female)

+ ْﺖـ for the last


have written


5 ﺎـَﻤُﻫ ﺎَﺘـَﺒَﺘَﻛ Both (female ) has written

+ ﺍ َ◌َـﺘـ for the last letter

6 ﱠﻦـُﻫ َﻦـْﺒَﺘَﻛ They (pr) has written

+ َﻦــْـ for the last letter 7 َﺖـْﻧَﺍ َﺖـْﺒَﺘَﻛ You

(male) has written

+ َﺖــْـ for the last letter 8 ﺎـَﻤُﺘْﻧَﺍ ﺎَـﻤُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You two

(male) has written

+ ﺎـَﻤُﺘــْـ for the last letter 9 ﻢـُﺘْﻧَﺍ ْﻢـُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You

(male) has written

+ ْﻢُﺘــْـ for the last letter 10 ِﺖـْﻧَﺍ ِﺖـْﺒَﺘَﻛ You

(female) has written

+ ِﺖـْـ for the last letter

11 ﺎـَﻤُﺘْﻧَﺍ ﺎَﻤُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You two (female) has written

+ ﺎـَﻤُﺘْـ for the last letter

12 ﱠﻦـُﺘْﻧﺍ ﱠﻦـُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You (female ) has written

+ ﱠﻦـُﺘـْـ for the last letter

13 ﺎـَﻧَﺍ ُﺖـْﺒَﺘَﻛ I have written

+ ُﺖــْـ for the last


letter 14 ُﻦ ْﺤَﻧ ﺎَﻨـْﺒَﺘَﻛ We have


+ﺎـَﻨـْــfor the last letter

In the English language there is an auxiliary verb, while in the Arabic language does not exist. In English, the verb is usually referred to as auxiliary. In English language there is regular verb and irregular verb.

A. Findings

After describing tenses in English and in Arabic the writer found the correspondences and non correspondence as mentioned below :

1. Past tense correspondence with fi’il madhi according to the function

2. Present tense are correspondence with fi’il mudhori’ according to the function 3. Future tense are correspondence with fi’il mudhori’ according to the function 4. According to the form, simple present tenses and simple future tense are non

correspondence with fi’il mdhori’

5. According to the form, simple past tense is non correspondence with fi’il madhi




After analyzing tenses in English and Arabic language, the writer would like to draw some conclusion concerning with the analysis of the function of tenses in English and Arabic language are draw as follows :

1. The correspondence found in English language tenses and Arabic language tenses are in the function, as present tense with fi’Iil mudhari’, future tense with fi’il mudhari’, then past tense with fi’il madhi

2. The non correspondence found in English language tenses and Arabic language tenses are in the form, there are three form of tenses as negative, positive, interrogative, while Arabic language has 14 forms according to the number of study.


Having known the tenses in English language and Arabic language the writer would like to give suggestion both to student and teacher in order to make student easier to understand about English tenses and Arabic tenses. And to make Arabic learner easier understand about English tenses. In the course of teaching, especially in foreign language it aims to identify the mistake that will be made by a foreign learner. With the contrastive analysis can be dismissed or minimize fewer mistake will be made by the foreign language learner.



Ahmad, asy syekh.Syadzul ‘Arf fi Fannis Sharaf.Kairo-Mesir: DarutTaufiqiyyah Lit Turats.

Alexande. Michael .1983 .OLD literature .Hongkong: mac millan Education LTD.

Anwar . Moch. 2010. Ilmu Nahwu Terjemahan Matan Al-ajurmiyyahDan Iimrithy. Bandung : Sinar Baru Alensindo.

Ayatrohaedi.2002. Penelitian Dialegtologi. Jakarta: pusa tbahasa.

Azar , B.S. 1985. Fundamentals of English Grammer. New Jersey: Prentice Hall Kuncoro, mudrajad. 2009. Mahir Menulis. Jakarta: penerbit erlangga.

Kusnadi ,Moh .2011.Complete English Grammar. Surabaya: Bintang usahaJaya

Mhd, syekh. 1431H- 2010.Alkawakibud Durroyah Sharaf Mutammimatul Ajurmiyah. Beirut-Lebanon: Muassasah Al-kutubAts-tsaqofiyah.

Mustofa Al-gulayayni. 2000. Jamiul Al-Durus Al- Arabiyah. Beirut : Dar Al Kutub Al- ilmiyah

Pateda, Mansoer.1990. Linguistik : Sebuah Pengantar. Bandung : Angkasa

Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Tarigan, Henri Guntur. 2009. Pengajaran AnalisisKontrastifBahasa . Bandung: Angkasa. Werrner . 2007. Mosaic 1 Grammer . Singapore: Mc. Graw – Hill.



Future tense

Future continuous tense Future perfect tense

Future perfect continuous tense Past future tense

Past future continuous tense Past future perfect tense

Past future perfect continuous tense • Form of tenses in English The forms of a expressed in different ways. There are three forms of common, the progressive, and the emphatic.

1. Positive form 2. Negative form 3. Interrogative form Verb plus - ed is called and talked) and a verb without- ed (ie went and saw).

Verb plus- ed called regular verbs, whereas verbs without t- ed called irregular verb.

• Form of Fi’il in Arabic

Fi’il has14 forms in accordance with the number of subject / dhamir. Dhamir it serves as actor / fa'il. Taking the example of the word كتب (kataba), then there are 14 forms as follows:

N o Dhami r Fi’il Madh i

meaning informatio n

1 َﻮـُﻫ َﺐَﺘَﻛ He(male) has written Original formwitho ut anychange s

2 ﺎـَﻤُﻫ ﺎـَﺒَﺘَﻛ Both(male ) has written


ﺍ for the last letter

3 ْﻢـُﻫ ْﻮـُﺒَﺘَﻛ They (male) has written

+ ْﻮُـــ for the last letter

4 َﻲـِﻫ ْﺖـَﺒَﺘَﻛ She (female)

+ ْﺖـ for the last


have written


5 ﺎـَﻤُﻫ ﺎَﺘـَﺒَﺘَﻛ Both (female ) has written

+ ﺍ َ◌َـﺘـ for the last letter

6 ﱠﻦـُﻫ َﻦـْﺒَﺘَﻛ They (pr) has written

+ َﻦــْـ for the last letter 7 َﺖـْﻧَﺍ َﺖـْﺒَﺘَﻛ You

(male) has written

+ َﺖــْـ for the last letter 8 ﺎـَﻤُﺘْﻧَﺍ ﺎَـﻤُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You two

(male) has written

+ ﺎـَﻤُﺘــْـ for the last letter 9 ﻢـُﺘْﻧَﺍ ْﻢـُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You

(male) has written

+ ْﻢُﺘــْـ for the last letter 10 ِﺖـْﻧَﺍ ِﺖـْﺒَﺘَﻛ You

(female) has written

+ ِﺖـْـ for the last letter

11 ﺎـَﻤُﺘْﻧَﺍ ﺎَﻤُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You two (female) has written

+ ﺎـَﻤُﺘْـ for the last letter

12 ﱠﻦـُﺘْﻧﺍ ﱠﻦـُﺘْﺒَﺘَﻛ You (female ) has written

+ ﱠﻦـُﺘـْـ for the last letter


letter 14 ُﻦ ْﺤَﻧ ﺎَﻨـْﺒَﺘَﻛ We have


+ﺎـَﻨـْــfor the last letter

In the English language there is an auxiliary verb, while in the Arabic language does not exist. In English, the verb is usually referred to as auxiliary. In English language there is regular verb and irregular verb.

A. Findings

After describing tenses in English and in Arabic the writer found the correspondences and non correspondence as mentioned below :

1. Past tense correspondence with fi’il madhi according to the function

2. Present tense are correspondence with fi’il mudhori’ according to the function 3. Future tense are correspondence with fi’il mudhori’ according to the function 4. According to the form, simple present tenses and simple future tense are non

correspondence with fi’il mdhori’

5. According to the form, simple past tense is non correspondence with fi’il madhi




5.1 Conclusion

After analyzing tenses in English and Arabic language, the writer would like to draw some conclusion concerning with the analysis of the function of tenses in English and Arabic language are draw as follows :

1. The correspondence found in English language tenses and Arabic language tenses are in the function, as present tense with fi’Iil mudhari’, future tense with fi’il mudhari’, then past tense with fi’il madhi

2. The non correspondence found in English language tenses and Arabic language tenses are in the form, there are three form of tenses as negative, positive, interrogative, while Arabic language has 14 forms according to the number of study.


Having known the tenses in English language and Arabic language the writer would like to give suggestion both to student and teacher in order to make student easier to understand about English tenses and Arabic tenses. And to make Arabic learner easier understand about English tenses. In the course of teaching, especially in foreign language it aims to identify the mistake that will be made by a foreign learner. With the contrastive



Ahmad, asy syekh.Syadzul ‘Arf fi Fannis Sharaf.Kairo-Mesir: DarutTaufiqiyyah Lit Turats.

Alexande. Michael .1983 .OLD literature .Hongkong: mac millan Education LTD.

Anwar . Moch. 2010. Ilmu Nahwu Terjemahan Matan Al-ajurmiyyahDan Iimrithy. Bandung : Sinar Baru Alensindo.

Ayatrohaedi.2002. Penelitian Dialegtologi. Jakarta: pusa tbahasa.

Azar , B.S. 1985. Fundamentals of English Grammer. New Jersey: Prentice Hall

Kuncoro, mudrajad. 2009. Mahir Menulis. Jakarta: penerbit erlangga.

Kusnadi ,Moh .2011.Complete English Grammar. Surabaya: Bintang usahaJaya

Mhd, syekh. 1431H- 2010.Alkawakibud Durroyah Sharaf Mutammimatul Ajurmiyah. Beirut-Lebanon: Muassasah Al-kutubAts-tsaqofiyah.

Mustofa Al-gulayayni. 2000. Jamiul Al-Durus Al- Arabiyah. Beirut : Dar Al Kutub Al- ilmiyah

Pateda, Mansoer.1990. Linguistik : Sebuah Pengantar. Bandung : Angkasa

Suryabrata, Sumadi. 2002. Metodologi Penelitian. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Tarigan, Henri Guntur. 2009. Pengajaran AnalisisKontrastifBahasa . Bandung: Angkasa. Werrner . 2007. Mosaic 1 Grammer . Singapore: Mc. Graw – Hill.
