Theoretical Framework REVIEW OF LITERATURE

also an analysis of the result of the questionnaires from the respondents. The researcher only used Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Then, second,in order to answer the second problem in understanding the semantic properties between British and American different English words, the researcher using componential analysis to find the features of the words and every definition in every word would be noted to show the similarities or differences among its partner. This approach was used since all the data needed a clarification for the meaning of the words itself, and the researcher first tried to find all the differences between American and British English words and categorized them into each part then explained it. After analyzing those words that had been categorized, the researcher would formulate the features of the words by using the componential analysis to show what was present and absent between those differences words. Below is the example of using the componential analysis that the researcher going to use for the analysis of the problem formulation two. Example: Cooker[+ gas] [+ oven] [+ electricity] [+ hob] [+ gas ring] Stove [+ gas] [+ oven] [+ electricity] [+ hob] [+ gas ring]


When American and British people meet, the first obvious difference is their accent and the pronunciation of words. However, the major differences probably lied in the choice of vocabulary differences, this shows how to treat the two varieties as two different languages. This research is divided into two problems. The first part presents the noun vocabulary differences between British and American English words that have similar meanings, and also reports the results of a survey among speakers of the two varieties to verify how well American and British speakers understand each other. The second part presents the semantic properties by using the semantic features of componential analysis. A. The similar meanings of different noun vocabularies between certain British and American English from Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 1. The similarities meaning of different noun vocabularies between certain British and American English A thorough scanning of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, found a total of 52 words showing the differences of nouns between AmE and BrE vocabularies which referred to the same things. All the data of different noun vocabularies had been categorized into each field, which consisted of 10 different words in clothes, 6 different words in building, 10 different wordsin food, 6 different words in vehicle, 6 different words in home appliances, 4 different 17