Theory of Plot Review of Related Theories

the effects in the future of that decision-making they have done. Besides, decisions are also often influenced by each individual identity and the social expectations connected to that identity Jonassen, 2012: 344. Descriptive decision making is the concern of this thesis. However, a question must appear “If people are not rational, how do they make decisions?”. This descriptive model is the answer because its approaches focuses on the roles of identity and unconscious emotions in decision making Jonassen, 2012: 348.

a. Identity-Based Decision Making

There are many influences on personal and professional decisions. “People often make decisions based on rules that follow identities. Then, when making decisions, people are influenced significantly by questions about their personal identities” Jonassen, 2012: 348. When people, both individuals and organizations, fulfil identities, they follow the ways that are appropriate for the situation they find themselves in. Rules and identities can lead to the basis for decisions in families, market, informal groups, and politics. Below are some questions people may ask themselves in this identity-based decision making: What kind of situation is this recognition? What kind of person am I identity? What does a person such as I do rule following? By asking those questions, the process of decision making becomes easier because people match their identities and the situation they are in. Identities are socially formed, and individuals tend to use rules of behavior from those surrounding them to predict their behavior and decision-making tendencies Jonassen, 2012: 349. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

b. Effects of Unconscious

According to Brooks’s theory 2001 written in Jonassen’s article, “the primary drive for all of these naturalistic approaches to decision making is the unconscious. Decisions are value-based, where values drive from our emotions and guide our choices” Brooks, 2001: xi. He states that reason and emotion are not separated and against each other, but they are related and inseparable. They are related because “emotion assigns value to things, and reason makes decisions based on those values”. The mind, or the unconscious, of a person affects the conscious value judgements that are involved in decision making Jonassen, 2012: 349.

5. The Relation between Psychology and Literature

This thesis acknowledges that there is a close relation between literature and p sychology because psychology is a way to develop someone’s characterization in the literary work. In other ways, through literature, readers are able to learn about human’s conditions and their psychological values through psychology Wellek and Warren, 1962: 91-93. Literary works are as the representation of human being’s real life. By relating them to psychology, the characters’ traits are able to be seen clearly, and the readers can also learn about the conditions and psychological values of human in the real life. Psychology and literature have a bilateral relation where human’s soul creates literature, and literature is able to capture the life’s truth to provide the PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI