Objectives of the Study Definition of Terms

and colonial context can be related to the study of literature and cultural studies. In this journal, Jung’s theory is compared to some literary and cultural masterpieces, which are Soyinka’s The Lion and the Jewel and Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching . To start the comparison, Jung asks a question, “How can we become conscious of national peculiarities if we have never had the opportunity to regard our own nation from outside? Regarding it from outside means regarding it from the standpoint of another nation” Kuwahara, 2004: 1. Hurston, as a student of Anthropology, challenges Jung’s interpretation on the distinction of the terms ‘civilized’ and ‘primitive’; and Soyinka, whose interest is in myth, li terature, and African world, “points out that to African mind, myth-making, and magical thinking are not a form of escape, as has been often assumed by the West, it is a way of capturing the very essence of experience” Kuwahara, 2004: 1. As it is portrayed in his play, The Lion and the Jewel, Soyinka looks into the power of Yoruba myth to reproduce the cultural conflict through the magic of song, dance, and pantomime. To answer those challenges, Jung states the distinction of the archetype nature in the ‘primitive’ mind from that of the ‘civilized’ mind. He elaborates that “what we call mythic inner reality is both the psychic sub-structure and temporal subsidence, the cumulative history and empirical observations of the community. The inner world is not static, being constantly enriched by the moral and historic experience of man” Kuwahara, 2004: 2”. Because the unconscious mind is discussed in this article, it becomes one of the reviews of related studies. The article concerns on the relation of Jung’s collective unconscious and the literary works focusing in the postcolonial context, while this thesis focuses on the main character’s unconsciousness portrayed in the psychoanalysis context. It is stated in the article that the inner mind consists of psych ic power and cumulative history where it can influence someone’s being primitive or civilized. This thesis is also about the inner mind, but the difference from the article is that the inner mind of the main character analyzed in this thesis influences her decision making process. Prastika Wigatining Pangestuti, a student of English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University in her undergraduate thesis entitled “The Effects of Charley’s Dream Toward His Decision Making in Life in Mitch Albom’s For One More Day ” shares about the decision making process by the main character influenced by his own dream Pangestuti, 2013: 4. Charley Benneto as the main character of For One More Day novel “changes his mind not to commit suicide because of his dreams about his dead mother ”. Therefore, in her study, Pangestuti points out that dreams can influence the decision making of the main character by revealing the relationship between Charley with his mother, father, and his dreams; the content of his dream; and the effect of his dream to his decision in life Pangestuti, 2013: 5. Charli Welly Robert S. Meliala, another student of English Letters Department of Sanata Dharma University, in his undergraduate thesis entitled “Adolescent Risk Taking as Seen in James Joyce Eveline” discusses about the risk taking by the main character, Eveline, who is an unadjusted adolescent. In this study, the writer shows an instability in risk taking in the decision making process PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI of the main character by revealing the factors that influence Eveline’s behavior and how those factors influence her behavior in risk taking Meliala, 2011: 5. By comparing both of those theses, this thesis also focuses on the decision making of the main character. The differences in this thesis between those two other studies are first, the decision making is not influenced by dreams, but by the characteristics of the main character. If in Pangestuti’s study it is seen that there is a change on the decision making caused by the dreams of Charley’s own mother, in this thesis, there is no change in the decision making, but its focus is more on the process of the main character’s decision making. Second, the decision making of Mia Hall is not made in an instability way as it is seen in Meliala’s study. He analyzes the main character who does the decision making in her young age and is considered to be unadjusted adolescent, and there is also a risk taking in the decision making process. This thesis analyzes the main character’s decision making process seen from her struggle which is influenced by her characteristics during her comatose state.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization

Theory on character and characterization is the starting point of the analysis of this undergraduate thesis. It is used to analyze the characterization of the main character, Mia Hall. In A Glossary of Literary Terms, Abrams states that Characters are the person presented on a dramatic or narrative work, who are interpreted by the readers as being endowed with moral, dispositional, and emotional qualities that are expressed in what they say – the dialogue – and what they do – in the action. The grounds in the character’s