2.1 Literary Review

This subchapter was aimed at discussing the literary review from the undergraduate thesis and journal. There are several previous studies that related to the topic in this study done by some student of English Department, Faculty of Art and Culture, Udayana University. Therefore this study is conducted in order to give some contributions to finish the analysis. Andari thesis 2011 entitled “Speech Act In The Movie Green Hornet” discusses about speech act components; they are Locutionary act, Illocutionary act, and Perlocutionary act. The theory that is used in her study to analyze the problems is purposed by Austin cited in Allan, 1986:175. The relation is in part of analyzing the function using Ethnography of communication in pragmatic by Hymes. Her study of speech act had contributed this study in giving as clear description of speech act and the examples taken from the movie as well. She does explain about the context of situation that influences the function of illocutionary act. However, her study is different from this study since she focused on all components of speech act and the explanation of types of illocutionary act only in general without exploring and analyzing it. Setiarini thesis 2011 entitled “The Equalities Words of Illocutionary Predicates and Psychological Predicates in The “Nothing Hill” Movie” focused on the equalities of illocutionary predicates and psychological predicates as the sub- division of the study of Speech Act. Speech act verb actually denote psychological effects which can be attained either by linguistic or by non-linguistic means. In analyzing the data, theory of Geoffrey Leech 1983 was applied in this study. The advantage of her study is that it gives description of some types of illocutionary acts that will support the data of this study. Therefore, by combining the theory of illocutionary act, the theory is richer. The strength of her study is in the discussion. She discussed details about the word illocutionary predicate and psychological predicates; she also chooses a good movie that contains many illocutionary acts in its dialogue. A study entitled “Illocutionary Act in “My Fair Lady” by Alan Jay Lerner ” by Purwaningsih 2006 focused on analyzing types of illocutionary acts, namely assertive, directive, commissive, expressive and declarative. However, after analyzing the data, from five types of illocutionary acts, only four types that founded in her study; those are assertive, directive, commissive and expressive, in this case all the types of illocutionary acts. The differences of this study is the object of study, she used drama as an object. Although this study has a weakness, it gives the explanation about illocutionary acts clearly by giving more example in order the readers can easy to understand the analysis and can get important point. Besides the previous study, which are relevant to be reviewed, there are articles from the Pragmatic International Journal reviewed in this study. Ad- Darraji international article’s 2012 entitled “Offering as a Comissive and Directive Speech Act: Consequence for Cross- Cultural Communication” focuses on the speech Act theory on offer as one of the speech acts which can be subsumed under two categories namely commissive and directives. This article also discusses the art of offer from different perspectives. It also focuses on the speech act of offering from philosophical, social, and cultural views. The relation of this study is in part of analyzing types of illocutionary, but this article is more specific since discusses only two types of illocutionary act, namely comissive and directive. The strength in this article is there are two participant who help in making this article. On the other wor, this article was done by group of people, so make easier in order to do it because they can coordinate with each other to make a good research. The other article in the Pragmatic International Journal entitled “Speech Act of Promising among Jordania” by Ariff and Mugableh 2013. This journal focuses on the study is on the pragmatic analysis of speech act of ‘promising’ in Jordanian Arabic and concentrates on the analysis of the most prominent strategies of promising gender, for example male promise and female promise. Besides, the analysis has shown that there is a gender difference in the use of linguistic forms in the speech act of promising among Jordanian. This article is more specific that previous article. He analyzed only a types of illocutionary acts from five types of illocutionary acts, namely it focuses on one of the function in Commissives class. Besides, more expert in literature review is used in this international journal, so this article is supported by more theories in order to enrich the theory and also the analysis.

2.2 Concepts