English for Specific Purposes ESP Nursing Academy

Revise Subject Content Pre assesment Learning Objectives Learners’ characteriscs Goal, topic and general purposes Teaching Learning Activities, Resources Support Service Evaluation Step 8 : Evaluate learners’ learning in terms of their accomplishment of objective, with a view to revising and reevaluating any phrases of the plan that need improvement. The relationship among the eight steps is shown below. Figure 2.1 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model Kemp, 1977: 9

2. English for Specific Purposes ESP

ESP is an approach or trend to language learning, which is based on the learners’ need. It means that all the decisions in deciding the materials will be PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI based on the students’ needs. Hutchinson and Waters 1987: 16 divided ESP into two main types according to the reasons why the learners require English for. They are English for Academic Purposes EAP and English for work or training EOPEVPVESL: English for Occupational PurposesEnglish for Vocational PurposesVocational English as a Second Language. ESP combines language education with instruction in job-specific skills. For these individuals, studying a second language is a tool for advancement; it is not for enjoyment. It is clearly stated that teaching English in Nursing Academy belongs to it. The students prepared to be workers with specific occupational skills, and have the ability to interact in specialized forms of English. The clearer description of the branch of English language teaching is shown in figure 2.1 below English Language Teaching English as LT 1 EMT English as Foreign Language English as L2 ESL General English GE English Academic Purpose EAP English for Specific Purposes ESP English for Nursing Academy English for Occupational Purpose EOP Figure 2.1 The branch of English Language Teaching Hutchinson and Waters 1987, 16 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI

3. Nursing Academy

Academy of nursing is a professional academic education that equips the students with knowledge of nursing based on the curriculum application through many kinds of learning experiences, especially clinic learning and practical learning experience. Bethesda Nursing Academy is an educational institution held by Bethesda Foundation. This school was established in 1993. English is a compulsory subject and usually offered in the third semester. One class can consist of 30-35 students. The students are adults and post beginners. They are 18-21 years old and have been studying English for at least six years. They have the same academic background that is from biology or physics sciences. The students’ motivation to learn English is low. They think that English is a complementary subject, but they have to take it because it is a compulsory subject. Therefore, only few students who were motivated from the very beginning of the course to make a significant improvement in their English ability.

4. Presentation, Practice and Production PPP