The Biblical Story of Creation in strengthening understanding of

although they are created with a good conscience they are defiled in their life with the power of sin. In this way, Digory is distorted by the desire to taste the magical apple and bring it to cure his mother. Digory is said to be trapped in such a way by the charm of the apple that he wants to ignore the order and command of Aslan. As the Apostle Paul says, he is put into captivity by the desire that he has. Mr.Ketterly is also under the captivity of his ambition for power and fame that he ignores moral standards and his conscience. This is why although Digory is said to be the symbolization of the virtuous part of human beings he can still make a mistake. By looking at that elaboration, it can be seen how the biblical concept of human nature is expressed by Lewis in his creation of the symbolization of humanity in his work. The concept is shown in the way he used human nature as the image of God in making them virtuous and human nature after falling into sin by placing within them a vicious quality.

5. The Biblical Story of Creation in strengthening understanding of

Aslan’s position as the expression of God in Christianity. From the first point, it can be seen how Lewis exploits the Biblical Concept of God in the form of Aslan. The Magician’s Nephew, however, does not merely become a medium in which Lewis manifests God’s preeminence as the creator, Lewis also includes Biblical Story of Creation in this novel to strengthen understandi ng of Aslan’s position as expression of God in Christianity like how God who is creator in the Bible is described. As it has been seen in the elaboration of the Biblical Concept of God as the creator, it can be seen that the Bible unquestionably states that both the heaven and the earth we are living in are truly created by God. The Bible also depicts a complete story of creation in sequence. This story is recorded in the Book of Genesis Chapter 1 and 2. In the Book of Genesis 1:2, it is stated that th at the earth was at first “a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters .” It is written that God started to use his words so that creation started happening Genesis1:3. As He said his words, lights start to arise Genesis 1:3. This was what God made in the first day. In the second day God created the firmament by dividing water under the firmaments as the dry land and the other as sea. Genesis 1:6- 10. The creation moved to the third day when “the earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it. And God saw that it was good Genesis 1:12. ” On the fourth day, God created the Sun to rule the day, and the Moon and Stars to govern the night Genesis 1:14-18. On the fifth day, God continued to create “swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky ” Genesis1:20. On the final day, God created human beings according to his own image and likeness as it is written in Genesis 1: 27 “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them”. There also comes a story when God finds the man he created not to be able to live alone, therefore He created a woman named Eve as the helper of Adam. They became the first human beings God created Genesis 2:20- 23. From the novel, it has been said that Aslan is the symbolization of virtuous supreme power due to his exposition as the manifestation of magic. This magical power is shown from his ability in creating the Land of Narnia. To elaborate his role as the creator, Lewis also explicitly writes the astonishing story of the creation of Narnia in a complete sequence. As we have seen before, the land of Narnia is at first depicted as an empty land of nothingness which makes it so dark that Digory, Polly, Uncle Andrew, Cabby, The White Witch, and Strawberry cannot see one another at all p.104. However, the darkness starts to fade away when Aslan the Lion begins to sing since the stars starts to be seen in the blackness. It is written that: One moment there had been nothing but darkness; next moment a thousand, thousand points of light leaped out – single stars, constellations, and planets which are brighter and bigger than any in our world p.108. Moreover, not only the light, yet the voice also changes the sky from dark to white then to pink and from pink to gold, and then even makes the first sun rise p.109. Through the sun they start to be able to see where they are that is “a valley through which a broad, swift river wound its way, flowing eastward toward the sun. Southward there were mountains, northward there were lower hills p.109”. After Aslan creates the dry land and the river, Digory notices that Aslan continues to create trees p.113. Finally, Aslan also creates animals from humps moving and swelling till they burst, and the crumbled earth poured out of the animal p.122-123. With the purpose of guarding Narnia from the threat of the dangerous White Witch, Aslan appointed Chabby as the first Kind of Narnia p.151. At that moment, Aslan sees that Chabby will not be able to live and rule Narnia without the presence of his wife p.149. As a consequence, A slan summons Chabby’s wife into Narnia due to her importance in supporting Chabby as the king of Narnia. As we are looking at those two stories, it can be seen that there is such similarity. Both Narnia and Earth are first described to be in formless and darkness form. However, due to the magical device; the voice, the formless and dark voids are changed to bright lands. This concept of the creation of light can be seen in both stories. Both the stories, then, continue with the creation of Land, and Water. In this case, it can be seen how creation works. After the surface is created, both God and Aslan start to grow trees. Then, they create the Sun, Moon, and Stars as the marks of the day. Narnia and Earth are now governed by light so that darkness starts fading away. For the inhabitants, animals and other living creatures are created to fill the land. Finally, man and woman exist in the world. By looking at those similarities, it can be seen that Lewis tries to elaborate Aslan’s power in creating something by making the Biblical Story of creation as the basic foundation. To see that Nar nia’s creation is written in a correlated sequence with the Biblical account of Earth ’s creation, it can be said that this is not coincidental. It is likely that Lewis wants to include his ideas on the process of creation he knew as a Christian.

6. The Biblical Concept on the Origin of Sin in strengthening understanding of